
Finally Found The One

friends to lovers


Love comes at the right time and at the right place. Love conquers all. Love creates different emotions. But what if, love comes, and then you grab it but it isn't for you? What if it is meant for someone else? Another one-sided love appears and cupid breaks another person's heart again. Well, if it's not for you then you are not meant to be. Right? Right!

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Badly Need A Vacation
w******p Conversation with Jasmin Kass: Hi Jas! Kass: Good morning! Kass: How are you? Jas: Mornin' Kass. I am still sleepy... What's up? Kass: Just wanna ask you somethin'... Kass: If you know a place where I can stay just for a few days. Kass: I'm quite bored, I just wanna breathe some fresh air. Kass: Any ideas? Jas: Seriously Kass? Jas: ...at this hour? Jas: Asking me about it? Kass: Sorry Jas... Did I disturb you? Jas: Well... Yah?! Lemme' think yah? Jas: Will let you know later, k? Lemme' sleep a bit.  Kass: Ow! Okay then. Sleep well. "Oh, Jeez! Seriously this girl wanted me to look for a place for her at this hour?" Annoyed Jasmine whispered.  (Jasmine was a bit in a bad mood because of her cell phone. It keeps on flickering as Kassandra continuously sends her messages in w******p Application. She's really is the type of person that easily awakes with just a little noise or lights flashing. And she hates it.) Kassandra woke up so early just to disturb Jasmine about her vacation plan. (Yes, She's very excited to know, which part of the earth Jasmine will introduce her again). It was only about 4:00 O'clock in the morning and Jasmine has slept for a few hours only from her last night's party with friends. (Well, it's not a drinking session but book party... Yeah, you read it right, it's partying with books. You know the feeling when you smell the books. Its aroma? Ooh, it’s perfect for Jasmine. If only she could stay or live in a library, she will.) She’s Kassandra's nerdy friend. She often goes out with friends to visit different libraries and book fairs to read books. Yes, just to read books. Weird right? Some people love to go to a bar or have a vacation somewhere to unwind but her? She only wants books and nothing else. No wonder why she has no boyfriend. Jasmine and Kassandra have been friends since college. She's also a nature lover like her. But she loves books more than anything else. In terms of the nature thingy, she's the best to ask. And that was the main reason why she was contacted by her. Kassandra has been bored for a few days now and boredom is killing her. She wants to go to a quiet place where there is fresh air to breathe. Do some strolling and jogging too. Meanwhile, despite Jasmine tried to sleep again, she couldn't sleep anymore. Because of Kassandra. She cannot have some sweet time with her bed. What else can she do? She's already awake because she easily gets' awake from sleeping when she gets disturbed by a little noise or when her cell phone keeps on flashing. What more if she forgets to put it in a silent mode then. So now she is fully awake because of the continuous sound coming from her cell phone that she forgot to put in a silent mode. She couldn't help but be awake even if she only has a little late sleep last night. "Better yet be awake now before my headaches. I still have pages to read." She told herself. Jasmine and her friend's bonding moments are to discuss the books that they have read. She came home very late because she wants to finish the novel she was reading to discuss it with her friends. It has been their bonding time and has been used to it. It has been a while since she has not seen Kassandra. Both of them has been busy with their own life. She was surprised that Kassandra contacted her. But anyway it's good that Kassandra asked her about a place to stay. She always wanted someone to stay at their resthouse to keep it alive. She remembered that her parents left for vacation to the US. The resthouse rooms are vacant. There is no other person in their resthouse except her friend Kristian, the Caretaker, and the Gardener. Jas: Kass, you can stay at my parent's place. They left for US vacation and will be gone for a month. I'll send you the address. Kass: Thank you Jas! You're the best. Love you! She immediately recommended her family's resthouse to Kassandra. She forgot to tell Kristian about it. Kristian is Jasmine's friend. She met Kristian at the book fair before. She didn't know that Kristian was a novel writer. She thought that he was just one of the book hoarders that is always there when there is a book sale. She was overwhelmed by his kindness. She caught herself falling in love with him because he was really a gentleman, a handsome gentleman with a nice body built. The body that every woman will wish to touch. She wouldn't know that she will be bumped into a handsome, masculine guy like him. At that time she went to a book fair. Because she was so addicted to books, she bought a lot of books. It was to the point that she had barely seen her way. She did not notice that someone was in front of her. She bumped into that person. Some of her books fell and got scattered on the floor. Both of their eyeglasses also fell not knowing it fell in the same place and her eyeglasses were under this guy's glasses. Because she's still holding the remaining books that have not fallen, she cannot easily move to look for her eyeglasses. She cannot find it which had been dropped on the floor. She tried to find it but when she found it, she caught herself holding someone else's hand. She felt the warm, soft but big hands. To her surprise, it was the hand of the guy she bumped into. When she saw the eyeglasses she smiles. It was so funny that the eyeglasses were intact together. Kristian helps her to pick up the glasses and he even put on the eyeglasses to her that gives her chill. She tried to have a look at the person who's the owner of the hand that she accidentally held just now. And to her surprise, it was a handsome guy with a great body built. She apologized to the handsome guy. They helped each other to pick up all the books that had fallen. She tried to make a conversation with the guy. Kristian is a kind guy and loves to talk. They had a nice conversation with each other. They both talked about what each other were doing at the book fair. "I was just checking some books if it was available here." He said. He was very happy because the books that he was looking for were not available. He actually was looking for his own published books. He was checking whether all his books were sold. He wants to know if it was sold for a cheaper price or because it was the old series so they had it on sale. He felt so happy and overwhelmed as the books were all sold. As per Jasmine, she was very happy because she has bought a lot of books at a low cost. Kristian did not mention anything about him being a novel writer.  Jasmine knows only one thing; he was one of the bookworms like her. She also had invited Kristian many times to join her at some book fairs and library sessions which she and her friends visited. They became close to each other until she had fallen in love with Kristian. But Kristian is the other way around. He was just being friendly and gentlemanly. There's nothing more, nothing less.

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