Chapter 27

1155 Words

"It's really not that big of a deal. You know how we have the mind-link?" She asked. I nodded. "Well, I can just access it better. Other wolves can't keep me out and I can hear anything they discuss through their links." She explained.  "Okay. So it only works on other wolves?" I asked. She nodded.  "I think so. I guess I never tried it on a human though." She looked at me and I knew she was trying to see if she could read my thoughts. "Nope. Nothing. I can hear Sid telling Jon to jump your bones from a mile away but not a peep from you." She said.  " Carrie…." Jon said in a warning tone. Carrie stuck out her tongue at him and I laughed.  "So, you can kinda mind read other werewolves? Is that all?" I couldn't believe I was having this conversation. If someone had told me a few weeks ag

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