Chapter 26

1291 Words

My jaw hit the ground. Did he just say that!? Why was I so aroused? I was practically throbbing and the man had only whispered a corny, perverted thing in my ear. But here I was, sitting at a table with my best friend and her family (as well as her fiancés family), incredibly aroused. I stared at Jon as he pulled away and watched a smug smile spread across his face. Could he tell I was turned on? He winked at me before reaching across me and taking a big bite of my pecan pie.  "Mmmmm….your pie is delicious." He said, making a show out of enjoying it and humming little "Mmmm" sounds. I blushed even deeper. The man was playing with me. The grumpy, scowly man was actually teasing me right now. Well, turn about was fair play. After all, we had that mate thing and Carrie had said Jon felt that

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