Chapter 28

1000 Words

Once I was sure Carrie was fully asleep, I slipped off the bed and tip-toed out of the room. I grabbed my sweater which I had intentionally left out in the living room and then went out the back door.   The temperature had dropped even more since we had left Jon's house. I shivered as my body tried to adjust to the cold air. I looked out into Carrie's backyard looking for any sign of Jon. It seemed so dark out despite the bright moon in the sky and I struggled to get my eyes to focus.  Finally I started to make out basic shapes. I could see the tree line in the yard and the little pond. I went out on the patio and sat down in a chair, hoping I wouldn't need to wait long for Jon. I was about to go inside and find a blanket when I heard a sound in the woods. I thought it might be Jon. I wa

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