Chapter 17

848 Words

 I drove home in a daze, I was so happy. I had about a thousand questions. My mind was blown. Werewolves were real. What else was? Witches? Unicorns? And Jon was a werewolf. It made sense now why he was keeping his distance.   I was already formulating a plan in my head. Carrie's wedding was only a few days away. I could tell Jon how I felt at the rehearsal dinner. Tell him I knew and I didn't care. I wasn't afraid. My heart raced at just the thought.   I finally got home. It was the middle of the night so I was quiet going into the house. I tiptoed up to my room. I sat in my room, not sure what to do. I was too excited to go to sleep. Instead I started googling werewolf folklore. I was shocked to see how far back the folklore went. Mentions of werewolves went back thousands of years. I

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