Killing His Baby

2034 Words
Fear consumed me as I avoided his sharp gaze. I can feel him starting deep into my soul. I covered my nakedness using my torn clothes. But then I realized... there's nothing left for me to cover. He's already seen everything. He already marked every inch of my skin. "Go home. Don't make me carry you back myself..." he ordered using his deep monotonous voice. I didn't answer and kept my head down. I don't know if I would still have a face to face him and everyone else. He took away my dignity. I'm nothing now, but a dirty piece of s**t. "...and wear this. Don't go around walking like a crazy naked woman." He threw his shirt at me. It went straight to my face and me flinched. I lifted my head when I heard his steps moving away from me. My lips parted when I saw him waking away. He's really just leaving me here like a piece of garbage after using my body. I immediately wiped my eyes when my vision started to become blurry again. I've been crying buckets already. I need to stop and actually do something. I stared at my tied hands. They have turned red because of his tight knot. That arrogant Lucario didn't even bother to untie me. I bite it to free myself. I was about to stand up when I felt a strike of pain in my middle part. "Ahh!" I groaned when I fell back on the ground. I bit my lip to ease the sting, but it didn't do anything. I grabbed support from the tree near me and forced myself to stand up despite the agonizing pain lining behind me. I picked up my clothes to see what I can still wear. I hopelessly sighed when I saw all of them torn with a bunch of holes and claw marks. I frustratingly cupped my face and cried. I can feel the cold breeze blowing into my bare skin. The hair all over my body stood up from the chills. I can't help it. What did I do so wrong to deserve this? Yes, it's true that I wished for a man to spare me some attention. But I never imagined it this way. He's so cruel. He doesn't see me as a woman. He only sees me as a girl he can get impregnated. Lucario is far different from the guy I wished to be with. I wore his shirt despite my despisement for him. It was so big and loose that it reached above my knee. He's a big man and I'm in the smaller side. I had no other choice, but to wear it. He torn my clothes and besides it's better. At least, it would cover my legs. He didn't even let me keep my pants. He torn it easily even though it's denim. I tried to walk despite the stinging strike of pain I'm feeling behind me. He pounded me so hard. I wonder what makes him so aggressive. I've never done it with anyone before, but I know for sure that he could, at least, be more gentle. Altea tells me about s*x and all that stuff that's why I know a little. I'm still paranoid that he's just somewhere creeping behind me as I walked out of the forest, but I comforted myself by humming in the wind. I hugged myself to ease the cold I'm feeling. I unfortunately lost one of my shoe while I was runnin' away. I didn't even realized it. So many things are running inside my head. All my emotions are swinging inside my brain all together. It's all mixed. Confusion, mostly. The things that happened. The things I found out. The things he said. He saved me from my perverted teacher, but he's also the cause of the pain in my chest right now. He's not any different. He's also forcing me to have s*x with him. And what's worse is he wants me to give him a baby. I don't even know him. He just came to me one night and decided to bang when I was asleep and I even thought it was just stupid wet dream. ...Why me? What's so special about me? He already said it himself. I'm just a plain and average girl... human. So, why would he choose me to have his baby? Just why... I was walking bare foot on the road when I stumbled upon a drugstore. It's the only establishment lighting the whole dark street. A dangerous idea came into my mind. I looked around trying to find Lucario. Aside from the empty road and streetlights, there was nothing, but darkness. I shifted my eyes back and fourth to all shades where he could be hiding. Unlike last time, I don't sense him right now. Maybe he really left for good. After all, he's got what he wanted. I sighed and shifted my eyes at the drugstore again. "A baby?" I whispered and scoffed. "There's no freaking way I'm going to let a child of a monster grow inside my tummy..." I hugged myself and started to move my legs. I walked towards the small drugstore. The clanking sounds of the chimes on the door filled the empty place. I nervously looked around trying to see if there are other customers aside from me. I sighed in relief when I saw that I'm the only customer in here. There was nobody in here, but the cashier. She's even wearing big headphones and didn't notice my arrival. I hugged myself and hid behind the tall shelves. I went straight to the feminine aisle to get what I need. I saw sanitary napkins, tampons, and more. I bit my lip and continue searching for what I'm looking for. I scanned the whole shelf and my eyes stopped at a label saying 'contraceptives'. I immediately run my fingers through the products. My eyes landed on a small bottle. I carefully picked it out and read the label. 'Birth control pills' I quickly grabbed a bottle of water and some bread, then hurriedly went to the cashier to have my stuffs punched. The lady lazily looked at me when she saw the pills. She stared at me from head to toe. I can sensed that she's judging by the way I look. "Fifteen dollars..." she said in a bored voice. I grabbed my wallet to pay her. She put them in a small bag. "T—Thank you..." She didn't answered and continue polishing her nails. I exited the drugstore with a racing heart. I wasn't used to doing things like that. Buying this kind of pills. I hid in a small alley with a bunch of vandalized walls. I sat in a corner and took out the bread I bought. It was just a plain white bread. I was very hungry and wanted to have something inside my stomach before I consumed the drugs. So many things were running in my head while eating. My head teacher's death. That masked man. The werewolf story that he's blabbing about. ...and the baby. I took the pills out of the bag. I stared at it for a few seconds before opening it and getting one. I heaved a one deep sigh. "Nobody is conceiving anyone's baby." That's the last thing I said before I threw it inside my mouth and flushed it with water when something wrapped tightly around my neck and pinned me on the wall. My throat clogged and I choked the water together with the pill. I gasped for air and tried to pull his hand out of my neck. I opened my eyes and saw a pair of deep brown eyes glaring at me. "L—Lehh *cough* mee *cough* goo!" I hardly spoke because of his tight grip in my neck. He wrinkled his nose and pulled his hand away. Lucario only let go of me when I successfully spat the pill. He angrily snatched the bottle of birth control pills in my hand and crushed it on the ground. He furiously turned his gaze at me. I hold my neck while coughing. I thought he was gone. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" he yelled on my face. It was so loud it rang my ears. I closed my eyes when I saw him lifting his stoned fist. I thought he was going to punch me, but I heard a loud crack and a bunch of concretes falling on my feet. He punched the wall behind me. "I will strangle you to death if you try to get rid of my baby again..." he said in a dangerous voice. I looked at him. Now, he's depriving me from deciding for my own body? I wanted to talk back and tell him that I'm not his baby maker and he couldn't tell me what to do, but when I opened my mouth, no voice came out... just air. He withdrew his hand from the wall and softly held my tummy. His face softened. I could see that he really cares for his baby. He's not even sure if I'm really pregnant. I flinched when he shifted his eyes at me. "Dare to do it again and I will kill you," he threatened before leaving me alone in the dark alley. My legs are weakened as soon as he disappears from my eyes. I looked at the crushed bottle of pills on the ground. It only shows how angry he was. That crushed bottle could have been me. I thought I was going to die when he had his hands wrapped around my neck. I cupped my face and cried. How did I get myself trapped in this situation? It was already 10 o'clock when I got home. I was so glad that brother wasn't in there. I wouldn't want him to see me in this state. I didn't bother turning on the lights and just kept the whole house dark. I can still feel the pain behind me and in my middle part as I make my way to my room. I climbed upstairs and went straight to the shower. I turned on the lights that blinded me for a few seconds before I went straight to the sink. I washed my face with warm water and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My lips parted from what I saw. My vision started to become blurry again. I cried when I saw myself. My hair is a mess and there's dirt all over my shirt. I weakly pulled my shirt up to see my body and my heart broke when I saw a bunch of swollen bluish purple hickey all over my neck and chest. I tried to touch one of them with my finger and it stings. I checked my waist when I felt pain. There I found a big bruise. I think I got it from his tight grip. I silently cried inside the bathroom. It feels much sadder knowing that I'm alone in this battle. I hopped on the hot shower and tried to rinse off all of his marks and saliva on my body. My tears mixed with the water in the shower as I aggressively scrubbed myself with a loofah. I feel so dirty. A type of dirty that no shower can clean. I hugged myself and cried. He's stolen everything from me. He's ruined my life. He's ruined everything. I don't know how long I was there, but it wasn't long enough for me to empty my tears. When I got out I was still crying. It's like as if my body is showing its depression from what just happened. My tears were still in the corner of my eyes until I got to bed. I tried to read a book to divert my thoughts, but the silence just hunted me. I kept glancing at the big window in my room. Sometimes, I feel like he's in there and watching me. I sighed and let myself get tired from crying and drift off to sleep. I wish everything is just a one horrific nightmare.
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