The Masked Man's Name

1994 Words
My chest is pounding so hard. I can hear the sound of my own heart beat and I can feel the blood rushing to my face as he stares deep into my soul. This isn't real. I'm just dreaming. I just have to wake up and everything will go back to normal! I closed my eyes shut and started slapping myself lightly on the cheek. Come on, Kate! It's time to wake up. There's no such thing as a talking dog and a dog shifting into a human. That's just as crazy as it sounds— "Ahh!" I gasped when I felt something pulled my hand aggressively away from my face. I opened my eyes and his masked face is the first thing I saw. I nervously closed my eyes again and prayed silently that he would just disappear and leave me alone. I lifted my other hand to continue slapping my face. "Stop it!" he growled. My eyes widened from the loud growl he released. It's so loud even the whistling of wind in the forest halted. I shakenly moved away from him in fear. "D—Don't come near me!" The mysterious masked man glared at me. "Y—You're not real..." I'm still trying to convince myself that this is all a dream. That he's just inside my head and I just need to see a doctor or something. I swiftly turned around and moved my legs for an escape run. The forest is dominated by darkness, but I couldn't care less. It's like running with a blindfold in your eyes. I can barely see the path with the moon's shine. I run and run. Not caring whether I'm on my way out of here or I'm digging deeper in the depth of the forest. All I want to do right now is to go as far away as possible from him. I don't even know whether he is real or not. If this is really happening. But one thing's for sure... He's chasing after me. The sound of my gasping breaths filled the forest. The sound of my shoes hitting the dry leaves echoed in the darkness. I nervously glanced around trying to find him. I can't see him, but I know he's just somewhere. "Leave me alone!" My voice cracked. I can hear him. I can feel him. He's just somewhere behind me. "Argh!" I screamed when I tripped over a protruding rock that I failed to see on the dark. I closed my eyes and waited for my body to land on the ground, but something pulled me and saved me from my harsh fall. I opened my eyes and saw a pair of deep brows eyes glaring at me. He caught me. I tried to push him, but he didn't even budge. "Let go of me!" I panicked and started pushing and hitting his chest. I gasped when he pulled me closer to his body. He seized me by my waist and now I'm trapped and can't do anything. There's only a few inches gap between our faces. I can already feel his hot breaths hitting my face. I can feel his warm body against my skin and the hardness of that thing below touching my belly. My face heated. How can I have such a big effect on him? This is the same thing that happened to us last night. He was holding me close like this. It was as hard as it is right now. It wasn't a dream. It was all real. This mysterious masked man took my virginity. "Stop running away..." He gritted his teeth. I looked at his face with fear in my eyes. "W—What would you do if you heard a dog talking? How would you react if it starts shifting into a human?!" I asked in a stupidly high tone. I don't know where I'm getting the courage to raise my voice at him. He's so strong he could crush my bones right now if he wants to. He bad temperedly clenched his jaw. I trembled. "I'm a werewolf, not a dog," he corrected. My brows furrowed. A werewolf? He glared at me for the second time. He sounded so offended to be compared to a mere dog. I gasped when he suddenly put his face close to my neck. He sniffed my scent and I started shaking worse. He inhaled my scent like it's his favorite perfume. I closed my eyes when I felt it getting watery again. I can feel it on my belly. It's getting harder and bigger. I think my scent just turned him on. "Call me Lucario," he whispered in my ear. His deep voice is sending shivers down my spine. Lucario... His hand started to explore my body. I whimpered when I felt his hand slipping inside my shirt. "You have something I want." He unhooked my bra and my breast sprung free. I gasped when he cups one of them using his big manly hand. I moaned when I felt him planting soft kisses on my neck. I have something he wants? "I—I don't know what you're talking about..." I tried to stop my voice from breaking, but I failed. His kisses and touch are breaking me. I don't like this. I hate to be weak in his arms. I hate that I can't do anything to stop him. The corner of my eyes started to heat up. My tears are about to fall in any second now. "Please..." I begged. A tear fell from my right eye and went straight down to my cheek. He wipes it off with his thumb gently. He held my cheek and made me look at his eyes. I looked at his masked face. All I could see is deep brown eyes. His tall nose... and his luscious lips. "Why cry, dear Kate? You should be filled with joy. Out of all the powerful she-wolf in my pack and in other werewolves' packs, destiny chose you. A mere human. Weak and average. It's your honor to conceive my baby. Your average and worthless life has a purpose now." He spat sharp words to my face like they were nothing. I glared at him. Tears still in the corner of my eyes and waiting for their turn to fall. Conceive his baby? He's trying to make me pregnant? He must have lost his mind. "f**k you." His face darkened. I groaned when he knocked down my leg and aggressively pinned me on the dirt. I started to scream, but he covered my mouth with his hand. I felt his other hand slipping inside my shirt and caressing my aroused breasts. Why is my body acting differently?! He snarled when his hand reached my pants. He looked unhappy about it covering my middle part. He clenched his jaw and tore it. I squealed. He did the same thing to my shirt. I covered my nakedness, but he got angry and used my bra to pinned my hands on the top of my head. My lips parted when I felt him touching my womanhood. He gently massages it while watching me hold my moan. I covered my mouth using my tied hands. "N—No... Ughhh.. ahmm..." "Don't suppress your moans, Kate. Let me hear it." "Nooo! Uhhh..." My legs are trembling. I arched my back when I saw him go under and started eating me out. My eyes rolled back from the movement of his tongue. My toes curled in so much pleasure. I can already feel something building inside of me when he suddenly stops. He smirked. "A disobedient girl like you doesn't deserve an orgasm." My cheeks heated. His diabolic tongue will send Satan asking me for a coffee one day. "Let me go. Please..." I mumbled weakly. I moaned silently when I felt his finger going inside my hole. I covered my mouth to stop myself from releasing sinful moans. Lucario's face turned dark. It seemed like he didn't like me rejecting the pleasure he was giving to me. He angrily carried my body and twisted me like a twig on the grass. I landed on all fours on the ground with my ass sticking out in front of him. I tried to move away, but he snaked his hands on my arm and pinned me in place. My jaw drops when I felt his finger massaging my sensitive part again. "Aghhh! Uhhh!" I moaned. The next thing I felt is his hardness poking my hole. I closed my eyes as I felt it slowly sliding inside of me. I can feel it stretching my insides again. It kept going and it almost felt like forever. It's not ending and the pain is almost unbearable. He was in the middle when he suddenly banged and put it all inside harshly. "Noorguhhh!" I groaned in pain. Tears started falling in my eyes. I—It's so painful. He didn't give me to adjust and started thrusting very hard and fast. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" My broken moans filled the whole place. He's aggressively f*****g me like how he did last night. I can feel it throbbing inside of me. It's so big. I clawed the dirt as I moaned in pain. My mouth hangs open as he bangs me like an animal on the grass. The sound of his skin slapping against mine filled the place. He put his hand on my waist and shoulder as he guides my body to meet his proud manhood. Every pound I take is like an awakening. I can feel something building up inside of me, but it disappears very quickly when pain overpowers it. Lucario hugged my waist. "Say my name..." he groans in my ear. I bit my lip to prevent myself from moaning. He snarled and pulled my neck close to his face. "Ahhh! Uhhh!" He gave me three hard pounds. "Say my name." I refused to say a word and he gave me another three hard pounds. "Say it." I can feel it moving inside my belly. Lucario upsettingly pushed me on the ground. He put both of his hands on my shoulders and aggressively pounded me. I cried in pain. "Disobedient..." he scoffed in between his pounds and thrusts. A few more moments and I feel his manhood growing bigger inside me. His grip tightened and the next thing I felt was something warm squirting inside of me. My body weakly fell on the ground. "f*****g you is like a f*****g log." His mean comment sends sharp cuts into my chest. He was my first and now he's taunting me. It's not like as if I throw myself at him and liked what happened. He raped me. He forced me. I watched him stand up and closed his pants. I hugged my knees and avoided his gaze. "If it weren't for your capability to conceive my heir, I wouldn't waste my time here and trying to get my seeds inside of you." I stared at the grass. Heir? He's been blabbing about me being the only one who can give him a child. I thought he only wanted my body, but now he wants me to give him a baby? This is just as shitty as what he's doing to me. "I never liked f*****g a virgin. Useless and inexperienced whores." My eyes watered. He took my virginity. I was trying to save it to the man I'm going to marry. "Listen to me well, Kate..." He walked and stopped in front of me. "...You may not be the best in bed I've ever f****d, but that doesn't mean you can go around spreading your legs to other men." I can't see his face, but I know he's glaring at me. I flinched when throws his shirt at me. "Try and I will kill them just like how I killed that old hag."
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