Chapter 6 My Brother, Wayne

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The touch of the morning sun hitting my face wakes me up. I slowly pulled down the soft blankets off me and glanced at the clock on my bedside table. I groaned when I saw the arms pointing at nine o'clock. I think I slept too well. Thinking about the nightmare I had to experience last night... I deserved all that rest. The memories of yesterday suddenly flashes into my mind like a slideshow. My head teacher's death... The masked man... The baby... I closed my eyes and tried to get rid of them by shaking my head. This is not how I should start my day. I pulled myself up and sighed. It's bright outside. It's nice to finally see the sun after a long time of winter. I would be out and eating at picnics with Altea during this time of the year. I smiled, but it quickly wiped off. I want to live normally like I used to, but it looks like it's going to be difficult now. I was just an average student before this masked man came and changed my life. Now, I'm filled with paranoia every time thinking that he would be behind me and have me in his arms again. Everything that happened yesterday will hunt me every second. I gently scratched my eyes and fixed the bed like I normally do everyday. I folded the blankets and tried to get rid of the bed sheet's creases using my hands. I feel a lot better now. There's still a stubborn pain lining up on my behind, but it's tolerable. I went to the bathroom to wash my face. My mood turned blue again when I saw the hickeys and marks all over my skin. I have a white skin like paper. It's so white even the slightest bruise can be so noticeable. I can see the mark of Lucario's hand on my neck. He left a mark on my skin when he strangled me. This will serve as my warning to never try to kill his baby again. I held my flat tummy. "Will I really conceive his baby? Can I really do this knowing that he just forced me?" I asked to myself. I sighed and wiped my tears away. It hasn't been that long since I woke up and I'm crying again. My feet are so cold because of the freezing morning water. I can't wait to get my hands wrapped around a hot cup of coffee. I just combed my hair a little before going downstairs. I was about to open the windows to light the house up when I saw my brother's car outside. Wayne is home... I looked over to the kitchen to see if he was there, but it was empty. I tried to search for him in the other parts of the house too and even upstairs, but no Wayne showed. Not even his shadow. "Where did he go..." I whispered to myself. This is Wayne being Wayne. He really can't stand being just inside the house. He will always find a reason to go out. I decided to just continue with my day by making us some breakfast. I don't get the chance to share a meal with him all the time. I should probably make him like eating home cooked meals rather than the same old meat balls he eats near his working place. I always tell him they aren't fresh, but he never listens. The soup was already simmering when the kitchen door opened and Wayne came inside. He's carrying a bag full of apples. He smiles as soon as he sees me cooking. "Hey." My old brother puts the bag on the counter and grabs one apple to give it to me. "They're fresh. Lisa had her tree harvested. I happened to pass by and she kindly gave me some. You should try it. They say they're sweet," he said and waved the fruit in front of my face. I frowned at him. "Thank you, Mister Likable Neighbor," I said in a sarcastic voice. He chuckled and messed up my hair. I irritatingly shoved his hands off my head and he released an annoying laugh. He knows I hate it when he does that. He makes me feel like a kid. I no longer am... "I'm cooking. This is the one you should try. Do you even remember the last time you ate real food?" I scoffed. Wayne shrugged his shoulders and took a bite of his apple. I rolled my eyes. "You know that those meat balls you're having every single day at work are the meal balls of yesterdays, right?" "You told me that already." "Yeah and you never listened." "Sorry to break it to you, but those meat balls of yesterday taste so much better than your food." I threw him a glare. Wayne raised his hands jokingly with an apple in his mouth. I would have shoved it in his throat if he wasn't my brother. "So? How's my little sister doing these days?" he asked and sat on the stool. I remained silent. Wayne is the only family I have and we've always been open to each other despite his busy schedule. Should I tell him about what happened yesterday? ...about the masked man? "Croo croo... Croo croo..." he teased. I glanced at him and he's grinning at me like a little kid. "Did you fail one of your courses or somethin—" "I met a masked man." I cut him off before he could talk more. He furrowed his brows while keeping his smile. Wayne gave me a confused look. "A masked man?" he repeated. I nodded my head. "What? You're having a masquerade party or something?" "No. It's a guy and he's wearing a black mask to cover his face." "And?" He asked me to continue my story. I sighed and turned off the stove. "You have to promise me that you will not think I'm crazy or something." He raised both of his brows. "Oh, trust me, Kate. I used to shoo away invisible monsters under your bed when you were a kid." I rolled my eyes. "Wayne!" "Hahaha! Okay! Fine. Fine. I'll listen. Tell me about it." "Promise me." "I promise to my handsome sexy body." "The other day, I had a wet dream about this masked guy. He was aggressive and cruel in bed. When I woke up, there was blood and I thought that I just got my period." Wayne's smiling face slowly fades. "Then when I got to school, my head teacher called me to his office and did something awful to me." "Awful?" he asked with furrowed brows. I nodded slowly. "He tried to rape me—" "WHAT? Why didn't you tell me about this?" he raised his voice. "I—I am telling you now. Just... Just please calm down and listen. There are more crazy things that you need to hear." Wayne sighed harshly and sat down. "I ran away, okay? I managed to escape. He wasn't able to proceed with his evil plan. He..." I paused. Wayne creases his forehead. "He what?" I looked away. "He died." "You killed him?" "What? No!" "Then how did he die?" I'm about to tell him the crazy part. "The masked man came and killed him." Wayne sticks out his tongue while staring directly into my eyes. He does it unconsciously when he's thinking or sorting his thoughts. I know that he's trying to see if I'm just pranking him or just saying stupid things. He's waiting for me to say that I'm just joking and he should just forget about what I said. But the thing is I'm not. There were a few moments of silence before he finally cleared his voice to speak. "You're telling me that this masked man in your wet dream came to reality to save you?" he asked. I can see that he's trying his best to sound like he believes me, but I know that at the back of his head is already planning on sending me into a psychiatric hospital. "I know it sounds crazy, but I saw him when my head teacher jumped off the building. He was right behind him. I saw it with my own two eyes." I couldn't hide the desperation in my voice to explain to him what happened. "Okay. I believe you." He holds my hand that was resting on the countertop. "Hey... Calm down. I'm here, all right?" I nodded. "What happened next?" I sighed. "I was so confused and baffled about it that I couldn't think straight and found myself at the back of the school. It was a small forest. I cried and fell asleep there. A dog came to me and woke me up, but he wasn't a dog. H—He was a human or I don't know. It's just... He transformed right in front of me. He said he was a werewolf and his name is Lucario. He said he needs me to produce his baby. I couldn't understand anything." I can feel the corner of my eyes heating up again. Wayne stood up to hug me. I buried my face on his chest and cried. He carressed my hair like the old caring brother he is. We stayed like that for a few moments before I finally stopped and composed myself. "You must be the Alpha's mate," he said right after he went back to his seat. I was about to plate what I was cooking and I paused to look at him. I glanced at him with swollen eyes. Alpha? "You said that he said he's a werewolf. I think he's an Alpha." Wait... He believes me? And he knows about these things? I put the plate on the countertop and looked at him. He's just staring at me. I think it's my turn to observe if he's just pranking me. He actually believes me and he's telling me more about it. "W—What Alpha?" I asked confusedly. "Alphas are the leader of the pack. They're the strongest and most powerful of their kind. That's what makes them the leader." Wayne picks up the spoon to taste the soup I made. "This is strangely good." Strongest? Leader of the pack? "And you? You said he paid you a visit to pop your cherry on the day of your birthday..." I nodded. "The Alpha takes his mate's virginity when they turn eighteen. The Alpha's mate is the only one who could convince their babies and it's very important for them to have heirs." That's what Lucario told me. He said that I'm the only one who can give him a baby. He wasn't lying then. All he said were true. "Usually, the Alpha's mate is a she-wolf, but it can be a human girl too..." "You..." A few moments of silence before I finally opened my mouth to speak. "How do you know all about this?" Wayne looked at me, but he quickly shifted his eyes to the soup again. It's like he's avoiding my question. "I said your soup tastes great. How can you ignore my compliment? Should I just take it back?" he huffed. I stared at him, trying to catch his eyes, but he didn't let me. He just stood up and refilled his bowl. "You should eat your soup before it gets cold. I really didn't understand the point of making soup on a bright and clear day, but thanks anyway. It taste—" He wasn't able to finish what he was saying because the telephone rang. *Kring* *Kring* We both landed our eyes on it. "I'll pick up," he said and put down his bowl when I stood up and take the telephone. "I got it. just eat." He smiled. I put the telephone on my ears. "Hello?" [Is this Kate Fleming?"] "Uhhmm... Yeah." [Good morning. This is Gruins Police Department.] "Yes?" [Can we please have you present in our office today.] "W—What... Why?" [Just please come in here and we'll talk more about it.] "O—Okay..." The police officer told me about the details before dropping off. I couldn't properly stand after the call I just received. Never in my entire life I expected that I'm going to be called out in a police station. "Hey. Who was it?" Wayne asked. I turned around to look at him. "It's the police." Why did they call me?
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