What are you?

1062 Words
T—The mask man... He's real. I saw him. Did he pushed my head teacher to jump off the building? "Hey? Are you okay?" one student come to me and asked with a hint of concern in her voice. I glanced at her and back to the window where I saw the masked man. "You don't look good. Your knee. It's bleeding. Do you want me to bring you to the infirmary?" I shake my head and pointed the window where the head teacher jumped off. "D—Did you see him?" I asked in a stuttering voice. "Yeah... I saw Mister Hudson jumped off the building. It's okay. My friend is calling the cops now." "No! The masked man. The guy wearing a black mask. He was standing behind Mister Hudson. Did you see him?!" "What?" She looked at me confusedly. "Nobody was standing behind Mister Hudson..." I nervously covered my face. It's him. He's real. I saw him. "Are you okay?" she asked again and tried to put her hand on my shoulder, but I panicked and moved away from her. "I—I'm sorry. Just call me if you need help. I'll be right there." I didn't respond and she left without me noticing. I unconsciously walked out of the square with a troubled mind. I don't know where I am going. I just kept walking. It's all coming back to me now. The reason why my body was all painful was because that masked man took my virginity last night. We had s*x in my dream. Or was it a dream? If I saw him in that building, then that means he's real and what happened last night was real. We really did it. The red stain on my bed. It was mine. It was because of what we did. That masked man deflowered me. He... He's real. And it's not just that. He killed my head teacher. He saved me. "No..." I mumbled and held my temples. Maybe I'm hallucinating? Maybe I'm just seeing things? Maybe I didn't see him? Maybe it's all in my head? Maybe I was still shock because of what that perverted head teacher did to me? I don't know... I don't know anymore. I think I'm going crazy. I rested my head on the trunk of a big tree. My legs brought me into a small forest located at the back of our school. I let myself fall on the ground and used the tree as my shelter. The smell of leaves and soil lingered in my nose. I inhaled it to calm myself down. I tried to forget what happened, but I couldn't get rid of what I saw. Mister Hudson's death and the masked man. I'm not not sure if I'm just seeing things, but I saw what I saw. It's him. He's real. I can still remember that black mask vividly. His lips. His nose. His body. I felt him last night. Who is that masked man? What does he want from me? My thoughts dominated my mind and as time passes I felt the heaviness of my eyelids. I closed my eyes and let myself drifted to sleep. I woke up to the feeling of something wet and warm touching my cheeks. I opened my eyes and saw a big dog licking me. I smiled. He's furry and cute. "Hey..." I said in a friendly voice as I lift my hand to pet his head. He has brown fur and a deep brown eyes. I smiled sweetly when it brushes his head into my hand. "What are you doing all alone here in this place?" That's when I realized the darkness surrounding me. Only the moon is giving me light to see the dog. Looks like I slept for a long time. "Don't you think I should ask the same question to myself?" I said jokingly while glancing around. A stranger could have found me and do something bad. I'm glad it's a friendly dog that found me. I can hear the sound of the leaves dancing in the blow of the wind. It's getting colder. I looked at the dog. "You know? I had the weirdest day of my life." That's when I decided to tell my story to a dog. I just feel the need to tell someone or something about it. "I had a wet dream about this masked man. He was aggressive and ruthless. He stole my virginity. It felt so real." The dog tilted its head like it's really listening to me. "When I woke up, there's pain all over my body. There's blood stain on my bed sheets. What would you think if you were me? It's like... It's like what happened last night was real." I brushed his soft fur with my hand. I looked into the dog's eyes. "Then, I saw him today. Something awful happened to me and he saved me. He killed the man who molested me. It can't be just an imagination. It's real. I saw it with my own two eyes. He's real. He was there. He pushed him to jump off the building. I saw it..." I raised my head to stop my tears from falling down my face. "I don't even know why I'm crying. I'm just... confused. I don't know if I'm going crazy. Have I lost my mind?" I asked it. The dog stared at me. I wiped my tears away and smiled. "Well, maybe I really did lost my mind talking to a dog." I chuckled. "You're not crazy." My eyes widened when the dog spoke. "W—What the..." I moved away from it in horror. Did I just heard the dog speak? My jaw dropped when the dog slowly transformed into a human. His brown fur was replaced by a tan skin. He stood up straight from his kneeled position and I saw his face. It's him... The masked man. He gazed at me using his deep brown eyes. My heart jumped in fear. "Everything you saw was real." He looked down on me. My arms started shaking. "Everything you felt was real." He crouches to level his face with mine. I looked at him with enlarged eyes. "I am real." His deep monotonous voice sent chills running down my spine. “W—What are you…”
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