Chapter 7 I'm Innocent

2127 Words
“Let me take you there,” Wayne said and was about to stand up and get his car keys when I stopped him. “It’s okay. I can just hail a taxi. You stay here and enjoy your holiday,” I told him and forced a smile. I would be such a big fat ass liar if I tell you that I’m not worried about the police call. So many things are runnin’ in my head. What could be the reason for it? Why would they ask me to go there? “Talk to my soup, lady. You’re not going anywhere without me. Stop me if you can,” Wayne scoffed and grabbed his keys. He clanked it in his hands. I looked at him and smiled. It’s so nice to have him here. He should be home more. Then, I don’t have to deal with this very sad life of mine all alone. He was about to get his hands on the door when I stopped him. “Wait… Let me change my clothes first,” I said to him. He stared at me from head to toe. He bobbled his head and nodded. “I’ll be quick.” I went straight to the bathroom to get change. I didn’t bother styling my hair. I combed it right after I woke up. It will do just fine. I wore a turtle neck to cover my hickeys. I don’t really want anyone to see them especially the police. What will I tell them? That a werewolf can transform into a human form and had s*x with me and was very rough? Nope. No, thank you. I decided to bring a small purse to put some of my stuffs in when I heard a noise from my window. I turned my head to look at it. The thin curtains are flying because of the breeze of air. I walked slowly towards the window to close it. My eyes landed on the bushes at the back of our house. I froze when I saw Lucario standing outside and staring at me. His deep brown eyes are piercing into my soul. What is he doing in here… Did he follow me? “Kate, are you coming?!” Wayne called from downstairs. I glanced back for a few seconds, but when I looked at the spot where I thought I saw him, he was already gone. “Y—Yeah… I’m coming!” I shook my head. Maybe I’m just seeing things again. Wayne opened the car door for me and I sat on the passenger’s seat. He circled around to the driver’s seat when a group of basketball players passed by. I looked away when I saw one of my popular batch mates in school in that group. He’s in his basketball clothes and it looks like they’re headed to the public court nearby to practice. “Hello, Doctor Fleming!” I heard him greet my brother. Wayne turned his head to look at him. He smiled as soon as he saw him. I silently scoffed. Wayne’s such a sucker for the good neighbor image. He liked how he addressed hia profession to him. Wayne lifted his hand to wave at him. “Hey there, Mister Varsity Player!” he greeted back. I mentally face palm myself when I head him joking a gay whistle again. “Look at those biceps,” he remarked and danced a playful dance. The latter laughed. He acts like we're not headed to the police station. I slowly lifted my head to look at the most popular guy in our school. But I panicked and quickly looked down when I saw him staring at me. I thought he was looking at Wayne! “Watch your eyes, gentleman. You’re making my little sister shy.” “Wayne…” I warned in a low voice. He chuckled. “I’ll see you later, you guys. Have fun.” “You too.” I can still feel him staring at me, so I didn’t bother raising my head. But my heart started to race when I felt a different pair of eyes looking at me. I lifted my head to look out the window… and there I saw Lucario hiding behind the thick bushes watching me. His brows are so close it almost forms a one thick line. “Ready?” Wayne asked. I nervously looked at him. He raised his brows when he noticed the anxiousness on my face. I glanced at the spot where I saw him, but he was already gone. Am I going insane? “Are you okay?” I awkwardly smiled and nodded. He puts his hand on my hair and fixed it a little. “Is it because of Mister Varsity Player? I’m sorry. I won’t shoo you to him again. You know I’m just trippin'.” He chuckled softly. I rolled my eyes and moved his hand away from my face. Wayne finally started the engine and drive the car. It was a silent trip when my older brother decided to break it. “What does he looked like?” he asked. I looked at him and was about to ask who is he referring to, but I realized it sooner. He’s talking about Lucario. “I don’t know. He was wearing a black mask. I couldn’t see his face.” “What kind of mask?” “A mask that covers half of his face.” “Ohh. So, that means you could still see his lips and nose?” “Wayne…” “I’m just curious, okay? You don’t get real stories about werewolves everyday. Besides, that half dog s***h half human took my little sister’s virginity. I should at least know what he looks like.” I remained silent. Now, that he mentions it, I realized how much of my dream life was taken away from me. I wanted my future husband to be my first. Not some werewolf guy who claims me to be his mate. I’m not a baby maker. “You should take his mask off next you have sex.” My eyes doubled in size from what he just said. I harshly glanced at him. “What?” I gave him an I-can’t-believe-you expression. Is he actually telling me to have s*x with that ruthless creature again? I was expecting the opposite. “An alpha would have s*x with his mate five times before the girl can conceive his baby. How many times did he do it with you?” he asked. My cheeks heated. We will do it five times? What the hell. Will I still be able to walk that time? “Hey?” he called for my attention. “T—Two times…” I muttered. “That means he’s going to visit you three more times.” But… He’s rough on bed. I still feel the soreness of my middle part because of him. I don’t think I would want to lay below him again. I might really break next time. It was already noon when we arrived at the police station. One officer greeted us at the door and escorted us inside the main office where I found my head teacher’s father. He immediately throw me a deadly glare right after he laid his eyes at me. I looked down. Now, I know why I got called. “Good afternoon, Miss Fleming and Miste—” “Doctor,” Wayne corrected. I secretly elbowed his waist to shut him up. “Doctor Fleming. This is Mister Albert Hudson, father of Professor Hudson. I think you know already why we called you. About Professor Hudson’s suicid—” “Murder…” Mister Albert insisted. “—or murder. We found out that you are last person Professor Hudson talked to and we would like to ask for your cooperation in this matter,” the police man said. I looked at Wayne and he nodded. “I—I understand…” “If you didn’t do anything wrong, then you don’t have to worry about anything.” The officer kindly offered me a seat. Just across my furious head teacher’s father. Yeah, right… I didn’t do anything wrong, but my head teacher’s father look at me like I’m the one who killed his son. Does he even know that his son is a molester? “We asked all of you to come here, so we can watch the CCTV footage that we’ve managed to get from the school,” he said and turned his computer to us. I mentally thanked God that there were CCTVs there. This will prove that I’m innocent. “Should I really watch how this b***h killed my son?” Mister Albert taunted. I felt invisible sharp knives cutting my chest from what he just called me. I understand that it’s his son that he lost, but he should still be fair of judgement. His son had some issues. He wasn’t a saint. “We have to watch the incident to know the truth,” the other officer answered. He opened the monitor and we watched how my head teacher jumped off the building and how I was on the first floor when it happened. I was worried that the CCTV caught Lucario. Fortunately, he wasn’t in any clips. For some reason, I don’t him to get caught despite of my fear from him. I felt happiness when I realized how Lucario made sure that I won’t be blamed for my head teacher’s death. It really seemed like he was protecting me. He made sure that I wasn’t on the same floor with my head teacher when it happened. He saved me not just once, but two times. My smile faded when I realized that maybe it’s just his baby that he’s protecting and not me. “It clearly shows that Miss Fleming wasn’t on the same floor with Professor Hudson at the time of the incident. There’s clearly no signs of foul plays.” “SHE KILLED MY SON!” Mister Hudson’s voice thundered in the four corners of the office. “Sir…” “I CAME HERE ASKING FOR YOUR COOPERATION BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T DO YOUR JOB RIGHT.” Wayne put me behind his back when the old man stands up furiously. He’s pointing his fingers at the poor officers and to everyone else in the room like he’s above them. “MY SON DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF. THERE IS NO REASON FOR HIM TO KILL HIMSELF. THIS b***h KILLED MY SON!” He’s raising his voice like he’s forgotten that he’s talking to police officers. “Watch your mouth, old man…” I held Wayne’s arm when he scolded Mister Hudson. “Please, let’s just ignore him,” I whispered to him, but he didn’t listen. “Let’s just get out of here.” My head teacher’s father smirked at us. He looks so insulted because Wayne told him to watch his mouth. “Are you this little b***h’s older brother? Do you f**k her too like how he seduced my son?” he taunted. I panicked when Wayne flinched at Mister Albert. I held his arm tightly and put him behind me. “Please, stop! Don’t blame me for your son’s death.” My voice cracked. “The reason why I’m the last person he talked to was because he tried to rape me! Your son is a rapist and he went around molesting other girl students in the school! He forced them on bed threatening them for their grades!” I wasn’t able to contain myself and exploded. I had no plans of releasing this in front of the police and to him, but he pushed me. I can’t just stand here and listen to him insult me and my brother. The old man's face look at me shocked. It seems like he doesn’t know that his son was not the model professor he was. He’s nothing, but a molester! “What the f**k did you just say you f*****g w***e!” he angrily said. Wayne covered me with his body when the old man started to show signs of getting physical. “Yeah, tell your evil son he can now meet with his long lost brother in hell,” Wayne scoffed that made the old man more furious. “Oh, no. Maybe Satan isn’t his brother, but his father, ‘ayt?” He lost It. The old man pushed the officer holding and angrily marched towards us when we heard a cracking sound and a crystal chandelier fell right on the old man’s head. I gasped. “MISTER HUDSON!” His head squashed on the cold floor and started gushing blood.
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