
1323 Words
5. Athena “You look gorgeous, girl!” Raven’s voice rings through the room as she applies the final touch to my hair. She is so damn happy as if she isn't aware of the situation I had put myself in. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, a forced smile tugging at my lips. “I’m so happy for you, Athena. You deserve this,” her smile is so broad, I fear it might stretch her face ugly. I still can't believe I had agreed to this insane plan of Javier's uncle, Lorenzo. I mean I should have refused but I had agreed. I didn't even think about it. Maybe it was because I was so hell bent to get revenge on Javier that I didn't even think about it. Maybe it is because Raven has put sense into me. But again… I don't want to think about it. But I just can't stop myself. It's giving me a headache. I stand from the chair, my legs shaky, feeling a thousand miles away from the excitement that is lighting Raven’s features. Her optimism, a clear clash with the cold fear tightening in my chest. This isn’t how I imagined that one-night stand would turn out to be. Not by a long shot. I had agreed to Lorenzo’s offer—Javier’s uncle. A one-night stand had turned into this mess, and now I couldn’t shake the weight of regret. I am married. Barely a month after I left Javier. I am his uncle's wife for a year. Who does that? Me… in a drunken and horny stupor. But what is weird, was that deep down, it feels so right. Even my wolf seems okay with it. Snow is finally happy with my choices. What is wrong with me? Am I insane? My fingers tremble as I adjust the golden dress Raven had helped me into. The fabric clinging to my body like a second skin, highlighting every curve. I look beautiful, yes, but I felt like a lamb heading straight for the slaughter. I know that I am beautiful but years of being downgraded by Javier and every member of his pack had me hating myself, thinking that I am ugly and not worthy and I neglected myself. “Damn, no wonder that hottie couldn’t let go after the one-night stand.” Raven winks, teasing as she adjusts the straps of my dress. Her words cut deeper than she realises. This isn’t about a fling anymore. This is about revenge, betrayal, and a broken heart. And s*x. Lorenzo made it clear that he wants s*x from me. I am not complaining though, no. The s*x was heavenly. I ball my fists, the fabric of my dress bunching between my fingers as I think of Javier. He has moved on so quickly, replacing me like I was nothing. And tonight, the woman he replaced me with was becoming his Luna. The Luna I was supposed to be. Laura was taking my position that she had covered for six years. A bitter taste floods my mouth. I don't regret it a bit. I am the one who decided to leave him. He didn’t deserve me and he still doesn't. I can imagine his face after he realizes that I am married and to no one else but his uncle. Take that sucker! “You just have to believe in yourself, Ath. Besides, the hottie is going to be there with you.” Raven’s voice is soft now, full of concern. I can see the worry in her eyes as she grabs my hand. “I’m scared, Rave. What will people think? What will they say about me?” My voice is barely above a whisper, panic rising in my chest. “They will think I’m a w***e. Sleeping with my husband's—” “Ex-husband’s…,” she corrects, her lips pulling into a small smile. “And who cares what they think? This is your chance to take back control. You’ve been through enough. Nobody has the right to judge you. Weren't they there when he treated you like trash? Did any of them think of helping you? Why then do you think they deserve your consideration?” Rave asks and she makes sense. I want to believe her. I really do. But a part of me still feels like I am spiralling, making the worst decision of my life. “I know you’re trying to make me feel better, and I appreciate it.” I give her a weak smile, trying to keep the tears at bay. “Thank you.” “Anytime.” Raven kisses my cheek before pulling back, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. “But girl, if you weren’t straight, I would have made my move by now best friend or not.” “Oh, please.” I roll my eyes, grateful for the distraction as I grab my golden purse from the vanity table. “Let’s not start with that.” Raven laughs as I head for the door, her voice following me. “I love you, girl! Take care of yourself!” “I love you too!” I shout back, my heart hammering in my chest as I step outside. And there he is. My one-night stand turned husband. He's leaning against this sleek black car, his dark eyes locked on me. He looks like he has stepped out of a magazine, every inch of him polished and sharp. His suit hugging his frame perfectly, the gray fabric contrasting against his white shirt. His hair is slicked back, not a strand out of place. He looks every bit ethereal. “You look stunning,” he says, his voice low as he walks towards me. “Is all this for me?” I swallow, my throat dry as his eyes rake over me. He has that effect—making me feel both powerful and powerless all at once. And horny…always. Even now when I set my eyes on him. “Do you promise to help me get my revenge?” My voice is quiet, uncertainty lacing every word. His playful smirk fades, his eyes darkening. “You have my word.” The intensity in his voice makes my breath hitch. There is no going back now. His gaze burns into mine, a silent reminder of the contract we have made—one I can’t afford to break. “I don’t go back on my word, Athena. I hope you don’t either.” His tone is firm, but something about it makes my pulse race for entirely different reasons. His hand finds mine, the warmth of his touch grounding me as we walk toward the door he opens for me. “I’m fine,” I lie, my voice trembling slightly as I slid into the car seat. Lorenzo rounds the car and climbs into the driver’s side, his eyes never leaving mine. “Athena, calm down. As long as you’re with me, no one can hurt you. I give you my word. They can try.” He drives smoothly, but my thoughts are anything but steady. The road and trees and other cars on the road all blur together, my mind racing ahead to what awaits me at the wedding. Javier, his pack, Luna—no, his mistress—being crowned in front of everyone. The humiliation that would come when they see me with his uncle. This isn’t just revenge. This is walking into the lion’s den. I grip the seat tighter, forcing a deep breath. But no matter how much I try to calm myself, I can’t shake the feeling that everything is about to change forever. We are heading back to the very place I swore never to return to. The pack that had once been my home. As Lorenzo pulls into those gates, I feel my heart leave my body. I am scared.
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