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6. Lorenzo The tension in the car was thick… palpable. I could feel Athena’s fear radiating off her in waves. Her small frame trembled beside me, and the rapid thud of her heart was loud and erratic. The sound was like a wild rhythm in my ears, making my fingers itch with the desire to reach out and touch her chest, to feel that frantic beat beneath my palm and calm her. But I clenched my jaw, reminding myself of self control. This wasn't the time to scare her. Not her. Not this one. The world knew me as a ruthless, heartless ruler. Even my own blood avoided crossing me. My word was law, and none dared defy me. Women—beautiful, eager women—threw themselves at me, offering their bodies, begging for the chance to please me. None of them ever mattered. They were distractions, fleeting and replaceable. There is a reason why I am the strongest wolf around and the Alpha of the largest pack in these areas and the owner of several businesses. But Athena? She was different. She was the forbidden fruit I was ready to fight for, even if it meant taking on my own flesh and blood. My nephew’s wife or not, I will have her. Javier? I will take care of him if it comes down to it. “We are here,” I say, my voice low, breaking the suffocating silence. Athena jumps, her eyes wide and distant, as if she had been lost in her thoughts. She's scared s**t and it's chewing on my nerves. Did she care about that arse this much? Her gaze, when it meets mine, stirrs something in my chest—something primal. Her lips, soft and pink, parted slightly, and I nearly groan. My first instinct is to kiss those lips senseless and take her beside the car. I imagined her long dress lifted and be bent as she took me in and I felt my d**k stir in the pants that were holding it captive. Control yourself. A growl escaped me, low and dangerous, as my wolf surged forward, craving to claim what wasn’t ours… Yet. I shifted in my seat, trying to calm the fire in my veins, but the ache between my legs betrayed me. I cursed under my breath. Athena, thankfully, was too consumed by her own anxiety to notice my struggle. “We are here,” I repeated, this time gripping her shoulder. She stiffened at my touch but didn’t pull away. I hated that she was still wary with me. I will make her get comfortable to my touch. I will. “I-I...” “You what?” The edge in my voice was sharper than I intended, and I saw her flinch. Guilt washed over me but why is she thinking of another man when she is with me? Is she still in love with him? “I’m scared.” Her voice was soft, trembling. She wasn’t the fierce woman I knew she could be, not yet. But I would mold her into that—into someone powerful, someone unstoppable. “You don’t trust me? I promised you that no one would dare hurt you with me here,” I asked, my eyes boring into hers. She shook her head slightly, and I felt a surge of protectiveness rise within me. “I do. But… everyone will be watching. Judging. Speculating. Some will even mock me.” My brain conjured Laura and her friends. Her lips moved as she spoke and I couldn't take my gaze off them, and it took everything in me not to capture them with mine. She was mine, whether she knew it or not. I would make sure everyone understood that. “I don’t care what they think,” I growled, my voice low, dangerous. “No one will touch you, not even my nephew.” Her gasp echoed in the small space as I stepped out of the car, moving swiftly to her side. Opening the door, I extended my hand. “Come, Athena. Lift your head like the queen you are.” She hesitated for only a moment, licking her lips nervously, and that was it. I couldn’t stop myself any longer. Leaning down, I crushed my mouth to hers, capturing her soft gasp as I pulled her against me. Her taste was intoxicating, and I deepened the kiss, my hands gripping her waist possessively. Athena moaned softly into my mouth, her hands clutching at my jacket. “Sir Lorenzo?” The voice shattered the moment I pulled away, my breath heavy, my wolf howling in frustration. Turning, I shot the guard a look that promised pain if he dared speak again. He paled, stepping back, eyes wide as he realized who was with me. “The wedding has already begun,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. With Athena’s hand in mine, I followed him toward the packhouse. Her steps faltered as we neared the door leading to the coronation hall. She tugged gently at my hand, and I stopped, turning to face her. “What is it?” I asked, my voice softening. “I… I’m scared,” she admitted again, her eyes dropping to the floor. I sighed, stepping closer until I could tilt her chin up, forcing her to meet my gaze. “Athena, if you want revenge, you need to be brave starting from now.” Her eyes flickered with something—determination. “I want revenge. He deserves to pay for everything.” “Then do this. Make him suffer.” Her resolve hardened, and she nodded. I couldn’t help but smile. There she was—the fire I had been waiting for. “This way, my lady,” I teased, and despite everything, she smiled. The guards by the door exchanged glances, their surprise evident as they realised who stood beside me. “Hold your head high, Athena,” I whispered. “You’re my wife now, the Luna of Lorenzo Massimo. Let them stare and gasp.” Her grip tightened on my hand, and together, we walked into the hall. The room fell silent, all eyes turning to us as we made our entrance. The murmurs of surprise spread quickly, guests gaping, their glasses of wine forgotten in their hands. At the podium, my nephew sat, his crown gleaming under the chandelier’s light. His Luna, a woman he had chosen to take Athena’s place, stood beside him, her smug expression faltering the moment she saw us. My nephew’s gaze locked onto Athena's, disbelief and fury flashing in his eyes. Slowly, he rose to his feet, his crown tilting slightly as he took a step forward. “Uncle Lorenzo…” His voice was strained, thick with anger. “What is the meaning of this?” I smirked, enjoying the tension that crackled in the air. With deliberate slowness, I led Athena to the front of the podium, letting everyone see her. By now, all the eyes in the hall were staring at us. But who gave a damn? At least not me. After all, I enjoyed every attention I was getting from these heartless people who didn't think twice before treating Athena with disdain. “Long time no see, nephew,” I said, my tone dripping with sarcasm. “I wanted to introduce you to someone very special. Meet my wife, Lady Athena of Moon Stone Pack.” His eyes widened, his face pale as the words sunk in. “What the hell are you talking about? Don't you know who she is?” He snarled, his voice shaking. I smiled wider. “Of course I do,” I answered and gasps, murmurs and stares decorated the hall. I loved attention.
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