
1265 Words
Athena POV I spread my hands, stretching my body and every muscle in me aches deliciously. The bed feels so comfy and warm that I Just want to snuggle and sleep some more. Then something snaps inside me. My eyes snap open and I am greeted by a Venetian chandelier staring back at me. Something shifts besides me and I turn to see an insanely handsome man snoring slightly. Memories of last night flood my mind. The strip club, the handsome man and the way my body writhed beneath his as he took me for million dollar worth orgasms. My face heats up as I remember how wantonly I behaved last night, asking for more until I couldn't take it anymore. He looks so much like a sleeping angel that I don't dare move, not even an inch, from the bed and wake him up. I have to get out of here. This was a mistake. A very big one. Sexy and confident my ass. I must have embarrassed myself last night, I just have that feeling. Creeping off the bed, I put on my clothes as quietly as I can. I glance at the sleeping Adonis once again and I can't help but smile. Last night was amazing and I know I will be regretting it for a while. But hell, it was worth it. I mean the s*x was out of this world and given a choice, I would want to taste him again. Shaking my head to discard those lustful thoughts, I tiptoe out of the room, making sure that the door doesn't make a sound. As soon as I am out, I dash towards the elevator, thankful that I don't meet anyone on the way. It isn't until I am inside a cab that I allow myself to relax. Minutes later, I push the door to Raven's penthouse open and step insíde. Tiptoeing, I sneak into my róom but I am not so Lucky when someone clears their throat behind me. I spin around to see Raven leaning against the doorframe of her room. She smirks. "You do know I don't leave the door open unless I know you aren't home, Athena." Busted! That's what I am. My face turns a hundred shades of red and I try to make an excuse. "Well, I had too much to drink ànd..." " Found yourself a man to get laid?" She offered and I groaned. "Yes. Please don't ask any questions. I had a great time, that's all." I'm so ashamed that I can Just die. "Well, then I hope you used protection." My cheeks turn a deeper shade of red and Raven laughs, shaking her head. " You were that impatient?" She mocks and I pout. " At Least tell me that he was hot." She says and I groan. " He was beyond hot. Gorgeous in every aspect. His hands, his voice, his lips and that tongue! My gosh, I could go for..." I stop myself before I can complete the sentence and Raven smiles. *** It's been a week since that fateful night . As much as I have tried convincing myself that it was a mistake, one I enjoyed, I can't seem to get him out of my head. I find myself reminiscing about the night we shared. As much as I want to convince myself that I was drunk that night, I do know that for the better half of the night, I was sober. I was in my damn mind but that didn't stop me from indulging myself in that sinful passion. " Back to earth young lady." Raven flicked her fingers on my face snapping back to reality. I blush, ashamed that she caught me daydreaming about a stranger, yet again. " You know, if you miss him so much, Why don't you go back to the place you met him? Perhaps you can be lucky to see him if he is a regular." Raven proposed and when I was about to open my mouth to retort, my eyes caught sight of something, or rather, someone. " Holy s**t!" I curse, my eyes widening in pure shock. " What?" Raven àsked,trying to turn around to the direction of my gaze. " Don't! Don't you dare turn around." I whisper,clutching her shoulders. " What? Are we getting robbed?" I could sense her panic making me roll my éyes. Trust Raven to have the most absurd thoughts. " He is here, Raven. He is approaching." I whisper, my éyes not leaving his face as he leisurely strolls towards the counter. " Who is here?" Raven asks. " The man from the club. " I whisper, my heart thudding against my chest as he draws closer. " What?! That hottie is here?" She exclaims, trying to turn around but I don't let her. " Hi wife? Happy to see me?" My jaw drops in surprise when I hear his voice. That sexy, seductive voice. I can see Raven smiling and I stop myself from smacking her mouth shut. " Wife? Who is your wife?" I ask with a frown. Raven takes my moment of distraction to snatch herself from me only for a gasp to follow. " Damn you, Athena! Your choice of men is impressive. I mean, I wouldn't mind dropping my pants for him if he wasn't yours." Raven whispers, her eyes never leaving the Adonis. I slap her arm playfully before turning to the Adonis who is now staring at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement. " I don't know what you are talking about. Certainly, there's no wife here." I answered, trying my best to remain calm even with my panties creaming. " Oh really? That's not what this paper says." He smirks before casually placing a document on the counter and leaning on it. Looking at the bold letters on top of the documents, a shiver runs down my spine. With trembling hands, I pick the damn thing and start reading. The more I read, the more my blood boils. " This is bullshit!" I yell, looking up at him with anger. " Well, it isn't." He answers calmly and I want to smack him. " A contract marriage for a year? I never signed that damn thing!" " Oh really? Then why is your signature there?" I look at the signature again and this time, I'm sure it's mine. " When the hell did I sign this...?" I halt when a memory flashes in my mind. " You tricked me Into signing this?" I snap, my anger bubbling. " I believe you don't want to discuss how you signed that in here." The man smirks. A*shole! " What do yóu want?" I ask. " Isn't it obvious, Athena? I want you in my bed, pleasuring me just like you did that night. In exchange,I'll make your ex-husband and his Mistress kneel down before you." My breath catches in my throat as I watch him, his eyes darkening and his tone serious. " You investigated me?" I can't believe it. What kind of a mess did I plunge myself into? I have to admit, his proposal is just what I needed. " No Athena. I didn't have to, I have always Known you." He smirks. " Your ex-husband is hosting a banquet tonight to crown his Luna. As hís uncle, I have to attend and as my wife, don't you think it's only right to attend with me?" I freeze in place. What did he Just say! " You are Javier's Uncle? Lorenzo Massimo?"
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