Much Needed Clarification

1988 Words
**Cahaya (POV)**  **[Kaarmanet, Warfaind Mystical Woods]**      “Tell me everything he has told you!” Both exclaimed at the same time. I held my free hand up to show I would, “Alright!” I started recounting the whole conversation between Sky and me, word for word, as was requested by the men, during which I noticed Rebh went behind a few trees and came out in a white cotton shirt and loose brown pants.    “… Just as I asked how he knew about the coma you came in!” I concluded and turned to look at big bro questioningly, he just shrugged. “Hmm, it’s not strange he knows! Mystique Phoenixes are known for their mental abilities. The full extent of their powers is unknown though, the only information we have is from the journals of the last mage with the purple hue!” Vann explained and I looked at Sky for confirmation who just nodded in agreement. “Our powers weren’t fully disclosed by the last one to keep us safe from power-hungry predators. But sadly, that didn’t us much good after the war between elements broke!” Sky sighed sadly.   “Wait you have it too, don’t you?” Vann looked at me, his voice suddenly raised at the realization. “I saw it when we were in the Lospien waters!” I turned and just nodded in agreement. I hadn’t looked at it myself but that’s what Sky told me he saw, so it must be true!   “Well, that explains your powers!” Rebh sighed relieved, “She must be the next mage with the purple hue! She has to be it!”   “As the legend states, when the war between the element would rage so would rise the mage with purple hue!” Vann responded.   “And at least partially about Cahaya being in two worlds at the same time!” Vann sighed as well, “We still need to find out who helped her soul travel or maybe someone took her?” He continued with a frown.   “Umm… guys?” I asked tentatively. They turned to me and I opened my mouth to ask something when Vann held his index finger up indicating me not to and stretched out his hand to give me the satchel. I furrowed and looked at him questioningly, he just smirked.   “Can’t have my mate tripping and falling with every step she takes, now, can I? They are some of my old clothes shouldn’t be too loose to you.”   I smiled and took the satchel, thinking how he got those, “I can teleport you know! And my home is close by!” He answered my unasked questions. I moved a little away to get some privacy when Vann just waved his hand to form a stall out of the forest soil.   “Perks of being Nature-Earth Mage, my love!” I heard him chuckle. Glad that I had the privacy, I quickly undid my gown and put on the cotton shirt this one was red but a very pale shade. The pants were of a fabric I didn’t identify but very comfortable, though I had to fold a considerable portion for it to reach my ankles.    I came out of the stall once I was done and was walking towards the guys and Sky. Vann looked me up and down with a smile, I just returned his smile.   “Well, now that the long gown is out of the way; I have a few questions.” I pointed out.   “Of course!” Rebh responded almost instantly. “Why don’t we sit down? We are all tired after a really weird day!”    “Oh, can you believe it’s not even been a day yet!” Vann sighed heavily. We walked a little towards the dry ground in the midst of the trees and sat down on a patch of the dry ground in a close circle to keep warm in the chilly evening breeze.   “You can use the power of elements, Princess!” Sky spoke after staying silent for quite long, I turned to him with a confused frown.   “Use the power of elements? How do I do that?” I quired.   “Oh, it completely skipped my mind! As per the legends, the mage with purple hue not only possesses the power to communicate with mystical creatures and rule over them but also possess the power of all elements.” Vann explained.    “So, when Sky is asking me to use the power of elements now, what does it mean?” I probed further.   “He means, use the fire element to keep us warm, I guess!” He looked at Sky, and he nodded half-closing his eyes.   “But, how?” I asked.   “That’s simple Chocopie! Think of fire, as in, imagine it ignite but make sure it’s not too big, we don’t want to burn the woods down!” Big bro explained.   “Alright big bro, let’s do this!” I exhaled a long breath and closed my eyes, imagining fire in my mind like a ball (that always fascinated me when I read my favourite novels). I opened my eyes when I heard the faint crackle of the fire and saw a ball of fire, just like I had imagined, floating right at my eye level.   “Good work Chocopie, now slowly lower it to the ground, right here.” Big bro said pointing to the small basin of mud, I’m assuming Vann made it, I followed his instructions, imagining the fireball gently landing in the mud basin and it did. I grinned wide at the small accomplishment and both men clapped while Sky circled me a few times to congratulate me.   “Now, time for my questions!” I said sitting upright. “So, first things first, what’s a revived mage?”   Sky flapped his wings from the low branch indicating he’d be answering the question. “A mage who died but was revived, usually from any remains of the original body, Princess. Its remaining energy combined with the magic of the mage if amplified enough can recreate the body of the spirit in question.”    I nodded, “So, every mage that dies can be revived?”   “No, my love! That’s only possible if the soul of the mage is tied to someone. That’s possible only if you have found a mate or have given a blood-magic oath to someone for life, in that case, the spirit can either be revived by the receiver or dissipate the spirit.” Vann explained.   “Oh, wow!” I exclaimed. “So, in your case, it was tied to me?” I quired.   “Yes!” Rebh said, “But then if that’s the case how was it possible if my soul traveled to another world to grow up there?” I quickly raised my concern.   “Princess thought your soul traveled your body remained here which still contained your soul’s signature energy.” Sky explained and I relayed the information to the guys.   “So, that means you are alive now?” I asked looking at Vann. He just smiled and nodded.   “Looks like today is going to be my new birthday too, my love!” I just chuckled at his response. “I guess, while trying to save you and the waters burst mixed with my ashes, I was showered with them.”   “And Lospien waters amplified your energy enough!” Rebh added. We nodded letting everything sink in.   “Love, can you ask Sky if he can confirm whether it was Rebh’s mother who took you to this other world?”   “What?” Rebh shrieked. “Why would you ask that?”   “Rebh, you know it well!” Vann pointed out, “Cahaya’s description of the woman who saved her that night, matches your mother! Moreover, she was the only one with powers to travel worlds! We need to know!” Big bro just nodded in agreement, while I turned to look at Sky.   “I can look through both of your memories and confirm.” Sky said, which I quickly relayed to the guys.   “I didn’t know phoenixes could do that!” Vann exclaimed. Sky settled on my forearm and touched his head to mine. I felt tingles on my forehead and heard a whispered hum. Sky moved back opening his eyes and flew to Rebh who mimicked my actions; that’s when I saw a soft white glow come from where their heads touch. Sky flew back and settled on a boulder beside me and I just realized how huge this bird was he would reach my shoulder when I saw sitting; surprisingly he was so light when he landed on my forearm. I guess when they say birds have hollow bones to make them lighter is true in every sense. His long beautiful lavender feathers held a sparkle and Sky’s head had an unnoticeable star that shone when he used his powers.   “It was her, Princess!” Sky confirmed. I turned to look at them and nodded; their understanding came as a shock widening their eyes and look at each other.   “But, if she was alive, where was she for two years before that?” Rebh asked tears forming in his eyes. I moved closer to my big bro and hugged him to comfort him while he hugged me back.   “We’ll find out everything big bro, I promise!” I said as I tightened my grip around his waist, Vann joined our hug wrapping his arms around both of us. I moved away from our group hug, sat back down, and put my head on big bro’s shoulder.   “So, what’s the war between elements? Am I in danger if I have the power of all elements?” I asked when Rebh had calmed down a bit.   “No, Chocopie!” Big bro chuckled and I felt his chest rumble, “The war between elements only means the war between kingdoms and mages of elements. Did you notice the different colors of sand on shores? It signifies the different elements of different kingdoms; blue is for water element of Frosliure, green for the nature-earth element of Warfaind, red for the fire element of Drawitles (my mother’s kingdom), and finally golden- yellow for the air element of Quefaialm. The mages of each element are strongest in their respective lands but that doesn’t mean the other elemental mages can’t reside there. The Lospien, however, is the source of all magic hence all magic is at the strongest there. Once, all kingdoms lived peacefully and in harmony with each other. But now all kingdoms are at war with one another, the worst of all is that with the war between kingdoms, Lospien is left vulnerable and there are dark forces that want to conquer it for its power. The situation has gotten so bad that if other elemental mages are found in a certain kingdom, they are hunted by the locals and tortured to death. The hatred has blinded everyone.”   “But why?” I quired.   “Well, a lot of things have happened my love,” Vann answered.   “Like what?” I probed. Vann turned fully towards me with a solemn expression sighing heavily, he opened his mouth to say something and that’s when we heard a loud growl…
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