Stupid, Brave or Kind?

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**Cahaya (POV)**  **[Kaarmanet, Warfaind Mystical Woods]**   The growl was so loud, I jumped to stand instantly. I should be scared, it was after all a very fierce like whatever creature, it was coming from was ready to attack. I noticed big bro and Vann beside me; while Rebh scoured the surroundings carefully, Vann put a protective arm around my waist, I felt warm tingles and a buzz of power where we touched. The feeling was so good I snuggled closer to his body; Vann seemed too busy looking for the source of the growl. Then there was another, my instincts kicked in and I took a step ahead only to be stopped by Vann’s tight grip on my waist. I turned to look at him and he shook his head indicating me not to go. But my gut was telling me to look for this creature, so I turned to Sky and silently nodded my head towards the direction of the growls who just nodded and took off. As he reached higher I saw him vanish for sight, could Sky disappear like that, I noted that I had to ask him once this issue was settled. “Princess, it’s the hunters! They’re here to capture creatures and this griffin is caught in their trap!” Sky’s voice sounded alarmed in my head, usually, he spoke which apparently only I could understand but to others they just heard squawks and screeches; that’s why when I heard him in my head, I was shocked, maybe one of his powers. “Sky?” I tried reaching him through my mind, still uncertain. I don’t know why I did but I just felt like I should try. “Yes, Princess, it is I.” “Check if you can see these hunters around,” I said confidently. “None, Princess! They must have left to procure the trapped at dawn.” He reported. “Princess, I think the griffin got caught in the trap when he was trying to come to you!” “Are you sure?” I asked confused. Why would this griffin want to reach me? “Yes, Princess! He has the same signature as I. The signature aura of aides of the mage with purple hue!” He explained and I noted another question for the wise phoenix. I kept realizing how many things I was completely unaware of. “I’m coming there!” I stated determinedly. I gently removed Vann’s arm and started my way towards Sky and this griffin. “Love, where are you going? It could be dangerous!” Vann whisper yelled at me. “I sent Sky out on the look; I know what I’m doing!” I stated firmly and continued my way towards them. “Sky where exactly are you?” I asked as I kept my pace towards the direction of the growls. “Follow my glow, Princess. Only you can see it.” Sky stated. And I noticed a soft white glow coming from a few meters away, it has small purple flecks and I guessed why he said signature of the purple mage’s aides. Now even more determined, I picked up my pace into a jog, they were here for me- because of me and there is no chance in hell I would let any harm come to them! I followed Sky’s glow and the soft crunches of leaves told me Rebh and Vann were hot on my heels. I ran through trees dodging low branches and jumping over roots, I saw a few tiny fairy-like creatures hovering aside to make way for me. I kept on my path trying to reach as soon as I could, I came across a few gin traps but they looked different, guess tweaked by magic to capture these mystical creatures with magical abilities and powers. I was infuriated even thinking that these hunters wanted to capture and harm them. As I reached Sky, he dove from skies to fly at my eye level just a few steps ahead of me guiding the final few feet to the trapped griffin. “You were running to Sky all this time?” Rebh questioned, hot on my heels. I didn’t give him a response and just ran behind Sky, a frown formed on my face, I was seething for some reason I felt very protective of these creatures but I didn’t waste time pondering on the question as my priority at the moment was to save this griffin and I’d think of ways to stop this ridiculous trade of creatures later. When I reached the spot the sight that greeted me was shocking. I gasped, as I saw the state of the griffin tears pooled in my eyes. The mighty white griffin raised his head to look at us and growled, a growl so powerful that shook the ground beneath us. His front paw stuck in the metal claws of a gin trap, blood oozing from it and magical metal net covered his body and beautiful purple wings that were burning as the net touched it, leaving angry burn marks. I felt pained looking at him in the state. I looked around the scene to find a way to release it from this trap, I noticed the tiny fairies crowded in tree hollows and were peering with sad tiny faces. “What happened to the Sky?” I questioned the phoenix. “The pixies are scared, Princess. They tried to help him but it went down badly.” He landed near the trap on the ground and held his head down with his eyes closed. I could see the bodies of two pixies lying dead. “And they fear the hunters might return any moment.” I gasped and my eyes widened at what I saw, the pixies’ bodies were burnt badly. Seeing this I felt so angry that it felt like I burst with rage and my breathing labored. I felt the air around me pick up and my long hair flapped in the angry winds. “Love, your hair!” Vann gasped. “Chocopie?” Rebh called immediately. I turned to them still breathing hard, “WHAT?” I yelled. “You… you need to calm down Chocopie!” Rebh said tentatively. I could hear the Lospien waters crash to the shore just as angrily as I was, the wind was so strong Vann and Rebh’s clothes fluttered and the air flowed just as angrily. They took a step backhands raised as if to surrender, I knew at this moment they were scared of me but I didn’t care. My rage was always like this, dangerous; though I seldom got as angry when I did everyone around me always cowered away. “Love this isn’t being brave, this is being stupid!” Vann tried to reach me but my face contorted in anger stopped him, “We can’t touch this trap, we don’t know what it might do! I hate that the hunters trap these creatures like this too, but it has been a common trade. Love, please calm down! We can speak to father and make sure the hunters don’t catch any creatures like this rather use different methods so they aren’t harmed, ok?” He tried but that only made me even angrier. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN COMMON TRADE OR CAPTURE THEM, HUH? YOU THINK YOU OR ANYONE HAS ANY RIGHT TO CAPTURE THEM OR TRADE THEM? THEY HAVE JUST AS MUCH RIGHT TO LIVE FREELY AS WE DO!” I shouted at my newly found mate. “No, love! That’s not what I’m saying! Please calm down! These hunters are dangerous, if they return, we might be in danger!” He tried to reason. “You can leave if you want! But I’m not moving a step until I free this griffin and make the hunters who did this pay!” I seethed. “Vann, let her! She’s not stupid, just too kind! And my dragon agrees with her too! It’s her nature to feel protective for them, after all, she the mage with a purple hue, the princess of the mystical creatures!” Rebh said turning to his friend. “Fine! But how do we get this griffin out if we can’t touch it without burning?” Vann sighed. “The creatures can’t but we might be able to…” Rebh argued. “We can’t risk it, Rebh!” Vann cut him off. I was getting angrier and angrier at their banter, and the ground shook. **Vann (POV)** I was getting frustrated, my love, my mate who I just found after 8 years was thinking of risking herself for these creatures and wouldn’t listen to reason. To add Rebh and his dragon were agreeing with her.  Granted, as per legends the mage with the purple hue would be the ruler and protector of the mystical creatures and her protectiveness was instinctive but she needs to see reason. This wasn’t the time! She could have her way with the hunters later and I would help her do so! But right now, wasn’t the right time! Her body has been in a coma for 18 years and it’s weak; moreover, her soul has traveled worlds, it could be exhausting as per what I’ve read. She almost drowned when she reached here, all in all, the day has been stressful for her. Not to mention I only just revived and my body would need time to adjust to the changes in me and my powers. I didn’t have to ask the wise phoenix to know that I had retained some powers from being a spirit like teleportation and the original extent of my powers from when I was alive were returning. Call me selfish, if you want, but I can’t risk losing my mate when I just found her. It would take some time for us to be strong enough to fight the ruthless hunters. And now, Prince Rebh wants to check if we won't burn to touch the dark-metal net. It was foolish to even think touching that thing was safe! It may not kill us but it can cause enough damage. “We can’t risk it, Rebh!” I cut him off before he could finish his foolish suggestion. Cahaya turned back to the trapped griffin, the rise and fall of her shoulders showed just how angry she was getting every passing moment and that’s when the ground shook. It shook like an earthquake, the trees shuddered with the impulse and I saw the pixies hiding in tree hollows nearby sink deeper. I could see the cracks forming near the trapped griffin, I knew it was Cahaya. Her elemental powers were mimicking her emotions, the wind grew stronger and the Lospien waters must be in a hurricane. I was thankful the fire wasn’t raging. But what happened next left me shocked. The mud around the dark metal net lifted taking the nasty thing off the griffin’s body and it continued lifting until was in a good distance in the air and threw it off completely freeing the creature from its torturous presence. Even in as much anger, my mate didn’t seem to have issues with thinking logical solutions, I smiled at that. Though I still felt fighting hunters now wasn’t a good choice, maybe I could make her see reason once the griffin was safe. She ran to it the moment the net was off; I knew stopping her was pointless so helping her so she didn’t harm herself was the best course of action. I know you are thinking, how can I be so protective of a girl I just met! But like I said, I love her and have been for the last 8 years; not because of who she is or what powers she has but just because she is my mate. I fell in love with her the moment I sensed her. Nothing could change that, not even a dark metal gin trap! Just as she was about to touch the trap, I held her hand stopping her. “WHAT?” She rebooked making me flinch. “It’s dark metal, crafted with dark magic on the dark planet!” I explained, “Touching it can be very dangerous, we don’t exactly what harm it can cause us!” “But I need to get it out of him!” She yelled. I thought of a plan and used my magic to cover the trap opener with mud in a thick layer then went ahead to increase the pressure on the opener without physically touching it. I never felt as accomplished as I felt the moment, I heard the click of the trap opening. You are thinking why… well because my love squealed in delight and jumped on me kissing my cheek. “Thank you, Mr. Smart Mate!” She squealed. “You are welcome, Miss Angry Mate!” I chuckled. “What’s with the weird nicknames?” Rebh frowned. I just shook my head, he wouldn’t understand; it’s just another method of communication between her and me. She rushed back to the griffin to look at his injuries. She took his injured paw in her hands while stroking his head with her other hand. “You’ll be fine, don’t worry! I’m right here. What’s your name?” She spoke to the griffin. “I know Beasty! But don’t worry everything will be fine.” She spoke. “What is it, Beasty?” She asked him with a frown. “Big bro, do you hear them too?” She looked at Rebh. Rebh frowned and soon his eyes widened, “The hunters… they’re coming here! F**k, they are very close we can’t outrun them with Beasty injured!” “Taking what’s ours?” said a voice behind my back.
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