Those First Nights

1716 Words
{Avery’s POV} I looked at the man standing outside my car, he was like a god, his skin was soft to the touch even though he was so well built. He handed me back my phone, I couldn’t help but smile looking at his large hands as he placed my phone back into my small ones. “I will, thank you Xander.” I said. He turned and walked back to his truck, but I noticed his whole body tense up as I said his name. Perhaps I shouldn’t be so informal with him. I watched him get into his truck and speed off, as I started up my little car. I drove back home, honestly excited to get changed into something more comfy after the trauma of today. I pulled into my driveway and quickly grabbed all my things from my car bolting for the door. I made it inside and locked it behind me throwing all of my things down on the bench in my entranceway. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, but after today I didn’t know if it was something I should still strive for. Today was traumatic to say the least, being harassed that way. I hadn’t been bullied like that since high school. As I thought about the horrors today held I couldn’t help but cry. I reached up to wipe my cheek, and that’s when I felt the sting. I walked slowly to go look in my mirror and found a large bruise and the horrible swelling of my face. “I can’t believe he hit me!” I yelled smacking the sink. I’ve never been hit in my life, what am I supposed to do? I walked to my freezer and got out an ice pack placing it on my cheek. I waited a few hours and the pain didn’t go away. I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. I looked at my phone and called the number that was just placed in there this afternoon. After a few rings a deep husky voice answered. “Hello Ms. Avery, is this a call for the job at the school?” He asked sweetly. “Oh, well, I um, I want the job, but I’m not sure I could start tomorrow. Todays events have left a mark, and I don’t want to worry the children.” I said softly answering him. “What’s your address? I’ll come help you take care of that. I’ve gotten in many a fight, and know the best ways to ease the pain and tenderness.” He said. “Oh, are you sure? I’d hate to be a bother.” I muttered. “You could never be a bother to me, just send me your address and I’ll be there soon. I’ll bring some medicines, and other items to help you.” He said hanging up the phone. I quickly sent him my address and went to my room. I needed to get out of these clothes. I quickly grabbed my favorite pajama set, a wool tank top and matching wool shorts. They were baby pink in color, and hugged my curves but hung loosely everywhere else. I slid on a pair of white wool socks and walked back into the kitchen. I put on a pot of coffee and sat down on my couch in the living room. I wrapped myself in one of my fuzzy blankets and turned on the tv quickly scrolling through until I found a baking show to watch. I loved baking, and loved watching baking shows. I got up walking into the kitchen and got out the ingredients to make some chocolate chip cookies and quickly begun mixing them together. I added extra chocolate chips, and a little almond extract for an extra kick. I loved making cookies, they were my comfort food! I put them in the oven and set a timer to go check them, then sat back on the couch with my blanket wrapped snugly around me. It began feeling cold in the house so I turned on the fire pit under the tv in my living room and slid next to the fire on my fuzzy blanket in my floor. I sat back leaning against my ottoman. After about 8 minutes my timer sounded and I got up getting the cookies out of the oven, and putting another batch in. I made myself a cup of coffee and went back to my place on the rug. I was relaxing in front of the fireplace when a soft knock came to the door. I got up, my blanket wrapped loosely around me. I opened it and saw Xander standing with grocery bags, he was in grey sweat pants, and a white short sleeve shirt. “Hi, come on in.” I said looking at the worried expression on his face when he noticed my bruised up cheek. “I-It’s okay, just sore.” I said smiling at him. I noticed his eyes wonder my body, looking at me from my head to my toes. It sent a heat to my core that I couldn’t quite explain, and I felt immediately more attracted to this man. I turned and allowed him to walk in, then I noticed the huge bulge in his sweatpants. I gulped slightly then closed the door behind him as he walked in. “Something smells amazing.” He said standing by the door. “Oh, I’m making cookies, and I made some coffee. Come on in, I’ll make you a cup!” I said leading him into the kitchen. I tossed my blanket down on the couch and I could have sworn I heard a growl from Xander behind me. “How do you like your coffee?” I asked looking over my shoulder at him, noticing him ogling my body. “Oh, Um, I’m fine with any kind of coffee, make it how you drink yours and I’ll drink it.” He said placing the bags down on the table and going through them. He began placing items out on the table and throwing the bags away. I made his coffee with lots of cream and sugar, the way I like mine, and grabbed some of the cookies I had just gotten out of the oven. I placed them on a plate and took it to the kitchen table where he was standing. “Here you go, they’re fresh from the oven, so careful they’re still a little hot.” I said turning and bending over to get the last batch of cookies out of the oven. I quickly turned off the oven, and placed the cookies on the cooling wrack. I patted my hands on my shorts, and grabbed my coffee mug walking over to the table next to him. “These cookies are amazing!” He said finishing off the last one I brought over just moments ago. “What was that taste in there, I can’t quite place it?” He asked. “A little almond extract, it just adds a nice touch.” I said taking his plate and placing more cookies on it. I walked back over to the table and sat down next to where he was standing and took a sip of my coffee. I pulled my knees up to my chest in the chair, and grabbed the ice pack that was laying on the table placing it on my face. “Owe!” I said as it hit my skin. “Hey, take this first.” He said handing me some pain medication. I quickly took the meds he gave me. He then pulled out a tube labeled Arnica cream. “This is really good for reducing swelling and inflammation.” He said opening the tube and squirting some on his finger. He leaned in close to my face and massaged it onto my cheek. “Mmm.” I said wincing as he rubbed it in. “Sorry, I know it hurts, but I promise it’ll help.” He said sweetly, leaning in closer to my face as he rubbed it on gently. He smelled of cinnamon rolls, and it was intoxicating. “You smell good.” I said leaning into him as he rubbed my face, my eyes which were closed shot open in surprise at what I had just said out loud. “I-I’m sorry!” I said leaning back. “Thank you, that does feel a little better.“ I said smiling up at him. “I’m glad to be of assistance.” He said walking to the sink and washing his hands. “Now make sure to put this on twice a day!” He proclaimed holding up the tube and putting it in front of me. He sat down grabbing the coffee I made him and took a sip,” This is great!” He said grabbing another cookie and downing it in seconds. “Thanks, I love baking, I thought maybe you liked baking too, you smell like cinnamon rolls.” I said smirking then taking a sip of my coffee. “Really? I’ve never heard that before, most people don’t smell me though, I suppose.” He answered smirking back and sipping his coffee. “Well, it’s hard not to smell you with how close you were.” I said smirking once more then sitting back in my chair. I placed my coffee on the table and reached for one of the cookies on the plate, only to graze his hand. Tingles ran through me again, sending heat to my core. “nhnnn”, softly came from me before I could even stop it. I quickly covered my mouth like a child that just said a bad word. “I, I’m so sorry!“ I said hiding my red face behind my hands. I was prepared for him to get up and leave after that outburst. Instead I felt his large hands on my thighs, making my core heat even more. “Nhhnnn.” Came from my mouth softly once again, peeking out from behind my hands I saw him on his knees in the floor in front of me. Staring at my as if I were a meal. “X-Xander?”
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