Endless Nights

1504 Words
“Well, it’s hard not to smell you with how close you were.” I said smirking once more then sitting back in my chair. I placed my coffee on the table and reached for one of the cookies on the plate, only to graze his hand. Tingles ran through me again, sending heat to my core. “nhnnn”, softly came from me before I could even stop it. I quickly covered my mouth like a child that just said a bad word. “I, I’m so sorry!“ I said hiding my red face behind my hands. I was prepared for him to get up and leave after that outburst. Instead I felt his large hands on my thighs, making my core heat even more. “Nhhnnn.” Came from my mouth softly once again, peeking out from behind my hands I saw him on his knees in the floor in front of me. Staring at my as if I were a meal. “X-Xander?” I weakly said, his eyes staring at me, I felt as though he could see through my clothes at this point. He moved in closer to my core, and I could feel his hot breath against it through my shorts and panties. “Xander!” I sighed out breathlessly. My back arching with anticipation. He swiftly licked me through my shorts, and I cried out in pleasure. “Mmmm!” He lowly grumbled as he licked me again sending tingles through my body. “I want to taste you.” His deep voice grumbled in his chest. My whole body went hot, “Xander. Nnnnn!” I yelped as he pulled my shorts and underwear to the side exposing me to him. “W-What are you d-doi..” before I could finish my sentence he began lapping at me with passion, my pu*** pulsating against his mouth. I could feel my climax building, and his lapping was relentless. He slowly slid a finger into my pu*** licking faster then pushing two of his fingers in and out in gentle pulses. My walls clenching around his fingers, I could feel myself about to fall over the edge. Then he pulled my cl** into his mouth and sucked it gently. This was enough to push me over the edge. I ca** in his mouth and moa*** out his name! “XANDER!” I yelled as my back arched high off the chair. My hands gripping the sides of the chair, as I came down from my high. Still, I wasn’t entirely satisfied. “I-I’m so sorry.” Xander said leaning back and looking anywhere but at me. My body was still hot for him, and he was apologizing? I stood up grabbing his hand and leading him to my comfy spot on the rug in front of my fireplace, I pushed him down onto the floor and straddled him. “A-Avery.” He said, but before he could get another word out I kissed him, our lips intertwining, and our tongues dancing. I could taste myself on his lips, and it was turning me on even more. “Xander!” I moa*** in between breaths Panting heavily I began grinding my hips into his. Soon his moa** of pleasure began filling the room. I kissed his neck, until I found a place I liked, then I sucked it hard leaving behind a hickey. I picked up my pace of grinding, going faster and faster until I felt his pants grow uncomfortably tight. “Xander, please tell me you want this!” I moa*** breathlessly in his ear. “Yes.” He groaned out softly. “I need this!” He said pulling my shirt over my head and bringing one of my nip**** into his mouth. I threw my head back moa**** out in ecstasy. I grabbed his shirt pulling it up over his head, his rippling muscles taking up my vision. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, I sat up quickly looking around at the empty room, and my fire alarm blaring. “W-What was that?” I asked myself. “Avery, AVERY?” I could hear Xander’s voice yelling from outside. “Sh**!” I said jumping up and running to the kitchen and grabbing the last batch of cookies that were now burnt and pulling them out of the oven. Smoke filling the house quickly. Suddenly I heard a large bang and saw Xander running in holding grocery bags, and wearing the exact outfit he was in my dream. I ran over opening the kitchen window and turning on the vent above the stove. I coughed loudly, walking over to the switches and turning on the ceiling fan. “Sorry, I must have fallen asleep, my timer didn’t go off.” I said, my panties were soaking wet, and I just hoped he didn’t know if they were or why. “You fell asleep baking? You have to be more careful than that!“ he said loudly, before putting the bags down on the table and walking back to the front door. “I’m afraid I damaged your door while trying to get inside.” He said, showing me the broken lock. “Oh.” I said softly, “well it’s too late to get anyone to come fix it tonight.” I replied looking at the damage and noticing that the bolt lock will have to be completely replaced. “Thank you for attempting to help me though, not many people would do that.” I said smiling and closing the door. “You realize you just thanked me for breaking your door right?” He said laughing. “Yeah, sounds a little silly when you put it like that.” I replied giggling. I grabbed some cookies that weren’t burnt and put them on a plate and walked into the living room. “Much less Smokey in here!” I said getting him to walk over and sit beside me on the couch. “Here, I brought you some pain medicine, and some cream. You have to put this cream on twice a day! It’ll help with inflammation, pain, and bruising.” He said handing me the same medicine and cream from my dream. I sat the cookies down on the ottoman and walked into the kitchen making myself and him some coffee and taking my medicine. I walked back over handing him his cup of coffee, and sat back down beside him on the couch. “Thank you!” I said. “Not many people would do this for a stranger.” “It’s no problem really, and you’re not a stranger, you’re the newest teacher at Red Thorn elementary school.” He said smiling. “Really?” I asked, “I can really have the job there?” “Of course.” He replied. “I told you so, didn’t I?” He laughed. “Take this week off, rest, recover, recuperate, and be there first thing Monday morning!” He said drinking his cup of coffee and standing up to leave. “W-Wait!” I said getting up and grabbing his arm lightly. “I hate to ask, but would you mind staying, just until the morning when I can get someone to come replace the lock?” I asked looking up at him. “Being a woman that lives alone could be dangerous when my door won’t lock.” I finished looking over to the door. “Yeah, I can do that. It is my fault it’s broken, I have someone who can come fix it, I’ll call them first thing in the morning.” He said smiling at me. “Thank you, you’re being so kind to me.” I said walking back into the kitchen with my mug and tossing it in the dishwasher. “Since you’re doing all of this, at least let me make you breakfast in the morning!” I finished. “Deal!” He said smiling my direction. “Thank you Ms. Avery.” He continued. “Just Avery, if you don’t mind.” I said smiling back at him. “I have an extra room you can stay in, it’s right next to mine.” I said leading him to the room. “Well then, goodnight Avery.” He said smiling, as he walked into his room. “I’ll be in here if you need me, I’ll leave the door unlocked.” He said closing the door slightly. My core heated when he called my name. “Goodnight Xander.” I replied, he tensed when I called his name, then closed the door the rest of the way. I walked into my room closing and locking the door. My eyes heavy from all of the events of today, I just wanted to drift off into a peaceful sleep, and that’s what I did. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out cold. Finally, back to sleep.
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