Chapter 8 - What's needed

1996 Words
She sneakily takes the disk out of my hand and snaps it in half.   For a moment I close my eyes, needing answers desperately. “Lisa,” I push her up with all the strength I have in my one arm, “What’s going on?” I turn her chin with my fingers so that she's looking at me. She opens her mouth, but only pained gasps come out.  Her face is smeared with tears and black make-up. My heart crumbles at the sight of her.  Scared that my dad can enter at any time I stand up and pull her with me. I take the broken disks and clutch it tightly in my hands.  I lead her towards my room, my eyes keep glancing around as if unknown secrets will pop up somewhere.  I sit on my bed and pat next to me.  Her defeated figure slumps over to me, her eyes not drying from tears.  She takes deep breaths as if blowing out steam. Her hands are shivering wildly, so I take hold of it with my one stable hand. I quickly swipe the broken disk under my covers and cover my hand with her shivering one’s again. I give her some time to catch her breath before I ask, “What’s wrong Lisa?”  She whimpers and swallows in pain and I bite my lips, feeling heavy sorrow towards her. I think of something to do or to call someone but I feel useless.  She falls backwards on the bed and I feel bad at her looking like a mess.  “Lisa?” I urge.  She sighs.  I sigh too thinking of every possible way why she would be in my dad’s study, snapping a disk.  What’s on this disk and what has it to do with my dad. I shake my head, the main thought sitting in my mind that I know will make me explode in uncontrollable anger. “I need money.” she says, fright in her voice.  I frown, feeling heavy weight being lifted from me. “You need money?” I ask sincerely and a little confused.  She nods starting to cry again. “What’s wrong.” I take hold of her hand and give her a serious look. “I don’t know.” she says and I can clearly see her not feeling in the mood to talk. “Why don’t you go take that shower.”  I say trying to sooth her troubled mind, knowing that whatever is going on will take time to come out.  She nods, standing up, going to the bathroom, this time I’m hearing the streaming of water falling on the shower floor.  I take hold of my phone and stare at the message, wondering what’s it about. I sigh, thinking of a message to send back, but nothing comes to mind. For the hundredth time my mind runs to Stephen and I feel disgusted, thinking that I don’t even know him and I get so sexually hyped by him.  I briefly close my eyes, knowing that I won’t stop thinking of him no matter how hard I try. He’s like a danger zone and I can’t help but keep crossing it. I spit my ears, hearing the shower turned off.  I doubt Lisa will do something that she shouldn’t, after I caught her red handed.  I sigh letting my thoughts swallow me for a while, until Lisa enters the room wearing a red nike T-shirt and dark tights. She seems nervous, flopping her arms in front of her and goes sit on my desk chair.  She looks at me from under her whimpers, her face clean of smudged make-up. I swallow, “Okay.” I say, almost feeling more uncomfortable than her.   She sniffs, “I’m sorry.”  I shake my head at her. “What exactly did you look for in my dad’s study.” I ask starting at a point.  Her head falls, making strands of her wet blonde hair fall lifelessly in front of her face. “Money.” We both suck in a breath. “You could’ve asked.” I say, my voice soft. She nods with uncertainty, “I didn’t know how.” she nervously, “I was scared of what you would think of me,” she looks around, “You already have everything.” I bite my lips and violently rub my face with my hand. “I wouldn’t ever think lower of you, because of money, Lisa.” I assure her.  Once again tears escape her eyes and she wipes it away with irritation. “I’ll talk to my dad, later.” “No please don’t.” she pleads. “Okay, we’ll figure something out.” I give her an assured smile, trying no to ask any more questions. “I’m sorry.” “Don’t be.”  I smile and look at the time on my phone that reads 5:32 pm.  I frown and go downstairs to see no sign of my dad.   “Lisa.” I call. “Yeah?” she comes stumbling down the stairs. “Want take-away?” “Sure.” she says, flopping down on the couch. I call the local chinese restaurant and ask for delivery on stir fry and spring rolls. I put on the radio, on high volume, not worrying about my dad’s moaning.  I smile at ‘sweet Caroline’ playing, changing the whole vibe around me and Lisa.  She moves her shoulders in rhythm of the song and I do the same. She stands up, giving more eager moves and I lift my feet marching in one place. We laugh hysterically and memories of when we were little, young and free invades my mind.  We jump up and down, singing along with the music.  I feel happiness seeing a bright smile on her face and her eyes shining.  Making me think of how long ago I saw pure happiness in Lisa’s face.  I frown, whilst jumping up and down, realising how me and Lisa actually drifted apart.  And how I don’t even know what’s going on with her and her family.  I quickly replace my frown with a smile as she takes hold of my free hand and sways it side to side. We sing the lyrics in false notes but scream when a man’s voice interrupts our screaming.  Thinking it’s my dad I immediately jump, switching the radio off. I go to the front door where I heard the voice seeing that it’s the delivery guy. “Wow that was fast.” I say opening the door.  He smiles holding out a warm bag.  I give a few dollars and he takes it with grace.  My eyes land on a car slowly driving past our house, the windows tinted.  It stops for a while, before speeding away. I screw my eyes in confusion, waving at the delivery guy driving away in his scooter.  I stare at the empty streets for a while, feeling uneasy before excitedly yelling, “ Food is here.” Lisa whoops in excitement, running towards the kitchen.  I place the bag on the counter and take the polystyrene holders out, for Lisa to eagerly take it and  eat it as if she hasn’t eaten in a long time.  I join her even though I’m not feeling any hunger. We go sit at our big wooden oak diner, keeping close. “Thanks for this.” she says with a geniuine smile. I smile back at her, feeling concerned and happy at the same time.  I try to think of something to ask her, of why she needs money, but I’m afraid of pushing the limits and making her cry again. I decide to hold back for a while.  If she wanted me to know, she would’ve already told me. “You’re dad not coming home tonight?”  she asks. I shake my head, “I don’t know.”  We both raise our eyebrows. “How’s your arm?” she asks, continuing the conversation. “Feels fine.” I say in between bites, concentrating on my wrist that’s still feeling numb.  I let my mind travel, wondering where my dad is.  I take a last bite, not being able to eat anymore I ask Lisa if she wants mine and she eagerly takes it. I feel satisfied knowing that she needs it, of all her salad diets and what’s ever going on at her home. I stand up, “I’m pretty tired.”  I say, stretching my arms in the body, relaxing my stiff muscles. “Me too.” She agrees and we go to the kitchen, throwing the empty containers in the dustbin. “Thanks for letting me stay the night.”  she says, her eyes big. “Anything to help.” I say, making ready to ask her what’s going on, when she suddenly excitedly jumps. “Let’s watch a movie!” She runs towards the living room and I follow her.  She sits on the side of our grey couches, exactly on the spot where dad usually sits. I grab the remote and sit on the other end of the couch.  “What do you want to watch?” I ask. “Divergent.” I smile, knowing that this is our favourite movie since it came out. I put the movie on and we make ourselves comfortable with blankets and pillows. “This feels so nice.” she says, cuddling a pillow like a child.   “Too bad , tomorrow is school.” I say rolling my eyes. Lisa moans and lightly slaps me with a pillow.  I ignore her, shifting my attention to the TV.  I love Divergent because of Tris’s braveness and she is a character that I would like to be more like.  I watch halfway, almost falling asleep.  I eye the clock on the wall seeing that it’s already after eight.  I look at Lisa, her eyes closed, breathing calmly.  I quietly climb off the couch and go to my room.  Suddenly feeling an intense throbbing pain in my head I sit down on my bed and take hold off my phone. I dial my dad’s number for it to go directly to voicemail.  I frown and try again, feeling uneasy.  Warmness starts to spread through my body and I feel uncomfortable.  I go to the kitchen and open the medicine cabinet. Before I can look for any pain killers, nausea confronts me and I have to run to the bathroom to puke out all the chinese food I just ate.  Cold sweat escapes my skin, making me feel cold.  I take a deep breath, the action making me throw up again.  I put my hand on my forehead, trying to ease the pain.  I want to cry but every movement makes stronger pain erupt from my body. I splash my face with cold water and slowly walk to the medicine cabinet, quickly gulping two strong painkillers. I bite my lips, wondering if it’s my wrist making me feel like this.  I go lay on my bed, not worrying about anything.  I close my eyes, but the severe pain makes it wide open.  I turn and turn, waiting for the pain to fade away, but it doesn’t work.  I start to cry, until a small escape from the pain makes me fall asleep with an uneasy mind.
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