Chapter 7 - Cast

2362 Words
I wake up feeling woozy and nauseated.  White walls surround me and the intense smell of spirits hit my nose.  I sigh, sitting up, noticing a white cast on my left wrist.  My heart feels beaten for the coincidence that my wrist should have gotten fractured on the day, two people would have fallen out. I shake my head, knowing that I made it a whole lot easier for them now.  I look around, seeing that the sun is still bright in the sky and I’m still wearing the same clothes, my second skin neatly rolled up, replaced with the cast.  I shudder, knowing that whoever inspected my wrist and put the cast on, had to see my marks. I briefly close my eyes , when the door squeaks open, revealing a middle aged man, wearing a basic white coat holding a brown clipboard. “Ah, you’re awake.” his teeth shine with fake whiteness, making me think of how many appointments he must have had with the dentist.  I smile at him and nod uncomfortably. “So I assume, you know you have a fractured wrist?” he questions in a professional manner.  He looks at me intently as I widen my eyes and nod with irritation.  “This is a list of appointments, for, you know, check-ups, cast replacement and so on.” he holds out a piece of paper and I close my eyes seeing that it’s not what his saying it is, but a shrinks name and number.  I force a a smile and utter a curt “Thanks.” “I also would like to do some blood tests.”  he says in a serious tone, folding his arms over his chest. “Why?” I ask, frowning with confusion. He sucks in a pained breath, “I don’t like the faintings that you get.” he shuffles around with his feet, keeping his eyes on me. “It’s nothing.” I mumble.  I turn my face into a snarl, feeling that blood tests are just too far. “Your friends said that it happened a few times before,” I sigh, wondering where they are, “And given the situations, it’s not healthy.” I gulp but keep quiet. He gives me a faint smile. “You may go.” he slowly walks towards the door, “You’re friends are in the cafe’.” I nod and pick myself from the bed and follow him outside, feeling as if I just got out of a prison.  I take a deep breath, still smelling the strong hospital smell. I follow the signs leading me towards the cafeteria, nurses greeting me with warm smiles and rushing feet. I try to stay out of their way, pushing myself hard against the aisle’s walls. I nervously take a turn into the cafeteria. “Riley.” Lisa yells and  jumps from a wooden table.  I swiftly see Chase and Carlos sitting at the same table Lisa were sitting but no sign of Stephen. “Hi.” I mumble as Lisa stands before me, giving me a sympathetic look. Her eyes looks weary as if she stayed up all night,  still wearing the same clothes since yesterday. “How’re you feeling?” She puts her hand on my back and leads me towards their table. “Alright.” I answer, “Thanks for being here.” I say loudly for Chase and Carlos to hear. “Bad luck, Riley.” Carlos chuckles, taking hold of my cast.  He takes out a pen out of his pocket and writes his name on the white cast.  I roll my eyes and look at Chase who is patting me on the back, shaking his head, “Riley.” I sit on a wooden chair, feeling irritated at them. “It’s okay.” Lisa says, probably reading my slumped posture. “Can we go home?” I ask, missing the comfort of my own bed and the earthy smell of my room. “Yeah.” they all stumble towards the exit Chase calling someone and my heart skips a beat when I hear him say Stephen’s name.  My thoughts take turns, remembering how close his face was, saying that it’s going to be okay. Lisa starts to rumble something about hockey but I struggle to concentrate, wondering about Stephen.  I don’t know how to place him.  I don’t know why he makes me feel the way he does, without me even knowing him properly.  All I know is that I deeply and truly want to know him more but at the same time, not.  I roll my eyes at myself, feeling stupid. “Hey Riley when are you getting a car.”  Chase intrudes my thoughts.  I pucker my lips, surprised that I never even had a thought of getting a car. “When are you getting a car?” I ask cheekily. “Next year baby,” he smirks, “You’ll see me in a shiny red porsche.”  I smile and shake my head at him.  We exit the hospital by automatic glass doors and walk on a cobbled stone pathway, with Chase leading us.  My eyes keeps falling on my stupid cast, now decorated with Carlos’s name.  I try to relax my senses with the fresh air but my mind keeps getting busy. Carlos, still walking, turns his head and I see him looking down at my legs. I bite my lips as his eyes linger longer than it will be in a comfort zone.  When his face turns forward again I look down at my own legs and I remember that my bare legs are showing and it probably isn’t something normal for Carlos.  Maybe they’re wondering why I’m not getting cold and unraveling the lies that I have been telling them.  I don’t like the feeling of them knowing that I’ve been telling them lies. I think of the future.  Am I going to stay with my usual baggy warm clothes because I have amnesia?  Or am I going to be myself?  My thoughts suddenly drift to Stephen and how everything changed since I met him.  I look at Lisa, laughing at the boys and I lift my eyebrows, feeling different towards her.  I bite my tongue when anger starts to rush towards my face. “Earth to Riley.”  Chase says, clicking his fingers in front of my face and I quickly turn my lips into a smile.  We come to still stand and Carlos keeps looking at me with a strange expression and I try not to catch him, so I keep my head low. “You okay, Riley?”  Lisa asks and I notice fake concern in her voice and I give her a curt nod.  The loud engine of a car makes us jerk in fright and a certain excited feeling engulfs my heart when I see it’s Stephen’s car. “That’s our cew.” Lisa comments and I almost roll my eyes as she hops towards the passenger seat. “No no no.” Chase yells. “Riley in front.” My breathing hitches and I want to confront them that there’s no need to let me sit in the passenger seat, I stay quiet, “Oh yeah yeah.” Lisa keeps her smiling and bubbly facade, entering the back seat. Carlos takes a quick jog towards the passenger seat and opens the door for him and I give him a thankful smile, gently lowering myself on the seat.  I feel my face turn red feeling awkward seeing Stephen busy on his phone next to me.  He takes his eyes off his phone for it to land on my legs and then on my cast, “You okay?” he asks and it feels like I’m starting to melt, wishing I was in his embrace.  His musk and minty smell wafts in my nose and I frown, looking at his beautiful vibrant lips.  Something electric erupts in my heart and my stomach gets invaded by millions of butterflies when his eyes fall to my lips. I lick my lips and let my eyes fall towards his and a quick flash of us kissing comes in my mind.  I want to be smothered in everything by him, I want to run my hands through his thick hair so badly.  I want to forget about everything and only him. Someone clears their throat and I bite my lips, trying to ignore the moment we just encountered.  I frown looking ahead as Stephen drives off. I play with my sweaty hands wondering if Stephen felt the same things that I just felt.  The whole ride is silent and I wish that we could go back to the moment a few seconds ago.  Alone.  I wish that I could put my lips on top of his and create warmth. I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling the emptiness on my bare legs and everywhere else. I imagine his hands lightly tracing my legs, and I take a deep breath for him to swiftly look at me. I don’t care what anybody thinks and I slump deeper in my seat, letting my mind run wild. I feel like a puddle of melted ice and I desperately need Stephen’s body under my hands. “Wow, Riley you okay?”  My eyes wide, hearing Carlos' voice. I pull myself up. “Yeah just feel a little pain.” I lie. “Oh they told us that they called your dad and he would go pick up your pills and so on.”  I look back and smile at Chase. I feel my face turn red in embarrassment thinking of whatI just thought. I turn my face towards Stephen’s concentrated expression for him to give me a quick look, his features turning soft.  My lips turn into a small smile and I shift my eyes to the passing houses.  “Is it okay if I stay over Riley?”  Lisa asks and I frown.  Tomorrow is school and I didn’t see her bring any more clothes.  I keep my questions to myself and reply with a “sure.” Stephen stops in front of our house making it me and Lisa’s queue to leave the car but my body and heart don't want to leave, feeling drugged by Stephen next to me and his smell.  I gather all the self will that I have to open the door “Thank you.”  my voice comes out soft and barely audible.  I climb out, my legs feeling weak and I say my odd goodbyes to Carlos and Chase.  I notice Carlos’ eyes linger longer on me than intended before I turn and walk towards the front door, Lisa by my side. “I think Carlos has the hots for you.”  Lisa says lifting her eyebrows playfully. “No way.” I say, pushing the door open.  The house is silent, no sign of dad in the kitchen, like he usually is on a sunday afternoon. “Looks like we're home alone.” Lisa comments excitedly.  I smile at her hyperness and wonder where my dad is. I go upstairs to my room and flop on my bed, immediately feeling at ease and relaxed. “Your dad probably went to fetch your medicine and stuff.”  Lisa suggests and I nod in agreement.  Dad probably went to do that.  I sigh, wondering what dad is going to say about my fractured wrist. I clench my teeth feeling anger towards the hockey coach making us play today and to whoever made me break my wrist. “I’ going to take a shower.”  Lisa says, taking some clothes out of my closet and hovering it over me, as if asking if she can lend it.  I eagerly nod with a smile.  She smiles back, exiting my room with a nervous energy.  I swipe my tongue over my teeth wondering what she’s up to.  I check my phone to see a few messages of girl’s on the hockey team, saying they’re sorry for my accident.  I raise my eyebrows knowing that they’re probably more relieved than sorry. My eyes catch a message from an unknown number saying ‘It won’t be much longer.’  I frown and click into the message, the number not showing any familiarity.  I stare at the message for a while before I stand up and go to the bathroom to ask Lisa if she knows the number.  I swallow seeing movement in my dad’s study. So he’s home.  I take a deep breath, getting ready for his complaints about my wrist and enter. “Lisa?”  I ask, seeing Lisa, her face red and teary, holding a disk behind my dad’s desk.  Her fingers loosely drops the disc and she stares at me, her eyes big.  Her mouth opens in a big o and shrill screaming escapes it.  My mouth falls open and I try to yell at her to stop, but seeing so much hurt in her face my heart sinks. Her face turns purple and I quickly walk up to her and rub her on the back. “Hey hey.” she crumbles in my body like a baby and I close my eyes, feeling confusion and pain at the same time. What is happening to Lisa.  All her strange actions are starting to add up, but why is she in my dad’s study? My heart shutters as I come to my own conclusion and I hope that it’s not true. “Tell me everything Lisa.” I command, grabbing the disk that she dropped.C
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