Chapter 9 - Life saver

2103 Words
I wake up with a soft ticklish feeling on my face. “Ahh!” I scream seeing a blurry figure hovering above me and I immediately feel relieved when I hear Lisa’s laughing in my ear.  “You scared me.”  I say, groggily. “Time for school.”  she says with a singsong voice and I pull myself up in a sitting position, the movement making it feel as if someone is hitting my head with a sledgehammer.  Out of reaction I take a hold of my head,as if it will make the pain go away. “Wow, I have one heck of a headache.”  I say, seeing Lisa looking at me with concern in her eyes. Pain starts to spread in my stomach, making my muscles weak.  I gulp, knowing that something serious is going on with me.  I try to ease the pain with the smile, and climb out of bed.  I almost gasp, making Lisa frown at me. “You okay?” she asks sitting on the bed.  I feel an ache in my heart at her caressing personality, reminding me of my mom.  I eagerly nod at her, trying to hold in my building pain. “Yeah my wrist is just,” I hold  my arm out and screw my face to indicate that it’s painful, “I think I’m going to stay at home today.”  I say, whilst making the decision. “You want me to stay with you?”  I shake my head, just wanting to be alone.  I bite my lips, trying my best to keep in the spasm of pain.  “I’m just going to sleep the whole day.” I say and climb back into the bed, throwing the covers over me.  I let my face tense, somehow to ease the pain. “You sure you’re okay?” “Yes!”  irritation lace my voice and I feel bad for just wanting her to go, “Chase can give you a ride.” I say, wondering if my dad is home.  Lisa stays silent and I hear her shuffle out of the room.  I let out a relieved sigh but pain evaporated throughout my whole body. I start to cry and whimper feeling unsure and confused.  Has it got to do with my wrist?  Is it serious?  I think of my dad, and grab my phone on the nightstand.  I dial his number for it to go straight to voicemail, once again.  My lips tremble and I grab all the courage I have to climb out of the bed. My eyes land on the broken disk I hid under the covers, now laying half under my bed.  I pick it up and throw it in my nightstand drawer.  My body starts to tremble and I want to scream. I shake my head, walking out of my room, holding on to the walls to stabilize my body. My breath hitches with every step I take. I angirly wipe away the fat tears, running down my warm cheeks.  When I reach the end of the stairs, my eyes catch a photo of my mom, her dark hair wild around her head and a beautiful full smile on her face.  I want to touch the photo but my legs give in and I stumble forward. Is this the end?  My mind races with vulnerable thoughts but I try to concentrate on my mom with her smile in my mind.  She was a model.  People stop to compliment her on her beauty and her softness.  She always told me that beauty had so much power and that I should never misuse it.  What did she mean?  I comfort my sore stomach by caressing it with my own hands, imagining it’s my mother’s soft touch.  I imagine how she would shed tears with me when I hurt myself.  She always told me when I’m in pain she’s in pain, trying to take mine away.  I dig my fingers in my palms, wishing I can hear my mom’s soothing and delicate voice. I squeeze my eyes shut, screaming through my closed my mouth, making a muffled sound.  I try to stay strong as each pain becomes stronger and more intense and wish that I’m sleeping.  I shudder when something warm suddenly takes hold of my shoulder. “Mom?” I say, feeling a hand trying to gently pull me up.   “No, I’m not your mom.” the voice belongs to Stephen’s. Breathing deep I shift some of my weight to myself so that he can pick me up easier.  I feel sweat dripping off my body and I erupt in goosebumps as he lays me down on our couch. “Here.” he holds out a bottle of water and two white pills.  Not even thinking of what it could be I eagerly open my mouth for him to pop the pills in my mouth and squeeze water in it.  I gulp it, hoping and praying that it will take the pain away.  I close my eyes and let my head roll around as the pain flames inside my body.  Each second I take a glimpse at Stephen’s intense stare and each glance makes me more embarrassed until all the pain has faded away and only tiredness stays behind. “Wow, what did you give me.”  I ask and sit up,  I take a deep breath, soothing my sore lungs. I eye him with gratitude as he combs his hand through his hair, making his black T-shirt lift, showing a small piece of his skin.   “Pain killers.” he mutters and I think that it surely must be very strong pain killers. I stand up and my body feels weak and tired. “Thank you.” I say looking at him with big eyes and as if he struggles to look back at me I walk out of the living room. “Would you like some coffee or something?” I ask, trying to be polite.   “Sure.” he says walking behind me. I put the kettle on and nervously wonder what small talk I can start when I suddenly realise how strange this whole situation is. “How did you know?” I question, thinking about the pills that he gave me. “Lisa told me.” he says pushing himself on the counter.  He sits with his legs wide and a quick thought of me in between them rushes in my mind. My stomach flutters and I busy myself, throwing coffee and sugar in one of our usual household’s white cups.   “You’re dad not here?” he asks and I spin around to see the expression on his face, but he looks dow, thumping with his fingers.  I get the urge to ruffle his hair hanging on his foreward but spin back around, pouring warm water in the cup. “No.” I say, trying not think too much. I stir the coffee and give it for him and whilts taking it from him our hands touch and I almost let go of the cup. I gasp,as he suddenly takes hold of my rib, holding the cup with his other hand. “Sorry.'' His voice is soft and Iook at him, my heart hammering.  His eyes so pure and beautiful and just by looking at it feels as if I can take hold of his soul. I feel my lips quivering and I almost jump to his lips.  He puts the cup on the counter next to him and places his hands on my back, pulling me hard against him. Our lips touch and warmness increases. As if an electric bolt hits into me as he squeezes his knees against my hips bringing more closeness that I need.  I let my free hand roam up his neck and massage the back of his sculp, his hair thick. I open my mouth wider for him to enter with his tongue, feeling as if his seeking more.  Airy gasps escapes my mouth and I push myself harder against him, for him to jump off the counter. I lift my head  to continue kissing him.  He fumbles with the back of my shirt, making my bra straps loose.  My breathing becomes like a wildfire.  The more air I inhale the more I need.  His air. His smell.  His everything. Without thinking, I take off my shirt and he takes off my bra.  For a second his mouth leaves mine and he glances at my breasts before he gently touches it, circling my n*****s.  I moan softly, feeling something that I’ve never felt before.  His hand slowly traces my stomach, making a pleasurable ticklish feeling. I hitch a breath in his neck when he touches my lady parts.  I hear his breath hard and fast and I feel satisfied.  This time I fumble with the hem of his shirt and he takes it off for me.  His body is smooth and hard against me and I let out a calming sigh, feeling as if I’m in the most comfortable comfort zone I have ever been. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his hips, feeling a pleases sensation in my lady area.  He starts kissing me again, this time more rough and urgent and walks me to the living room. He lays me down on the couch, his movement tender.  I want scream that I want more and my body starts to shiver from the quick absence of his warm body.  He climbs on top of me, he legs kneeled on either side of me.  It feels like I’m becoming melted under his presence as I watch him, watch me with a strange expression on his face. Almost vulnerability and pride. He puts his mouth on my breast sucking it on each side, his hands rubbing against my lady parts.  Softly until it becomes harder and I twitch under him, feeling like everything is concentrated but I wanted more.  I needed more.  My hands stroke his back, even the one with the cast until his touch becomes harder and my free hand’s fingers dig into his skin.  His hands go under my pants, now rubbing against my panty. I squeeze my thighs together in hopes of freeing the throb.  He is taking it slow, but try to contain myself, loving each second of the moment..  He grabs hold of my wrist, one hand on my skin and one hand on my cast and lifts it up when suddenly the whole vibe in eyes changes and he looks at my wrist with screwed eyes.  I look at him, confused when I remember the marks and I pull my arm out of his grasps and put it against my breast.  We stare at each other and I see hurt in his eyes.  What am I doing?  I don’t even know him.  I clench my teeth, and pull myself up for him to climb of me.  I look at his lean body and briefly close my eyes, feeling mad and somehow relieved that we ruined the moment.  I walk out of the room, quickly putting on my bra and shirt that’s laying on the kitchen counter. “I’m sorry.” Stephen says behind me and I frown. “There’s nothing to be sorry about.”  He clears his throat and I look at him as he puts his shirt back on and I almost want to cry. I feel like an emotional wreck and don’t know what’s going on in my life and what I’m doing. “Hey.” he whispers, taking hold of my hand and looks deep into my eyes.  The  gestured makes me cry and he pulls me against his chest and holds me.  On all the things that I’ve tried to cure whatever going on with me I never thought that I needed this. “Who are you?” I ask feeling like a total stranger and also someone I’ve known for years is holding me. He chuckles, “Who are you?” I push my head harder against his chest, not worrying about what just happened. “Everything will be fine.” he confirms and in his arms everything feels alright.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
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