Chapter 6 - Murphys law

1838 Words
I dress in grey leggings and a navy Nike t-shirt over a white second skin. I place my shin pads over my leggings and blue hockey socks over it.  I listen to Ella Henderson- Ghost while tying my shoes.  My eyes drift towards Chase and Stephen’s window. They’re probably still sound asleep. Lisa in Stephen’s bed.  Anger filters through me and I grip hard on my wrist, trying to let go of the feeling.  I clench hard on my teeth, quickly busying myself by making my floral printed bed. My mind keeps running back to yesterday, when Stephen hit Josh with so much force, not stopping.  As if he has an anger management problem. I suck in a deep breath and go downstairs to see my dad sitting on the couch, his leg over the other, a glass in his hand, filled with brown liquid.  His eyes are closed and with hitched breathing I go back upstairs, trying not to make a noise.  I grab my phone and dial Bonnie’s number. “Hi honey.” her voice is bubbly. “Hey Bonnie,” I nervously scratch my head, “I was wondering if you could drop me off at school? We have hockey.” “Oh dear, I left early this morning,but I’ll call Stephen.” “No no no.” I utter quickly, stress invading my mind, already knowing that Bonnie doesn’t take a no for an answer. “No just go wait at the garage, I’m calling him now.” she immediately ends the call and I bite my lips, throwing my phone on the bed.  "Damn it." I utter at myself already feeling embarrassed, thinking about climbing in the car with Stephen. For a moment I think that maybe he wanted to kiss me, when he came face to face with me. I frown everything suddenly feeling extremely strange to me than it was last night. I suck in my embarrassment and sling my bags over my shoulder when I thought hits me. I stumble towards my closet and take out my short navy ski-pants.  I stare at it for a while, before I strip down my pants and shins  and put the ski-pants on.  I take a deep breath and look at myself through the mirror inside the closet. My white legs almost look like porcelain but I can clearly see it toned and sculpted.  I fumble my shirt inside my pants, showing my well built glutes.  I gulp and loosen my low ponytail and change it into a high one.  I clip my long fringe with bobby pins, showing my whole heart shaped face and my eyes.  I stare at myself feeling like I took a big step out of my comfort zone.  I looked like a different person and I try not to think about my mom.  Taking one last look at myself I put my shin guards in my bag and run downstairs.  I inwardly cringe, seeing dad looking at me with big, uncertain eyes. What's he going to think?  "I have hockey," I violently wipe my face, feeling the major difference without my fringe, "Chase and his brother is giving me a ride." I make sure to put Chase's name in even though he's not the one giving me the ride.  He opens his mouth but I run outside, trying to make a loud noise, to muffle down on whatever he's about to say. My face turn into pain, wondering what he is thinking seeing me like this.   I slow down when I see Stephen's car already parked outside, with him leaning against it, a cigarette in his mouth.  "Smoking is bad for you." I say, but regretting my words immediately afterwards.  He opens his eyes for it to drift down to my legs, slowly up to my face.  He gulps and frowns, before asking "You ready?"  I nod, feeling stupid.  He opens the back door for me and I see Lisa in the front seat still wearing the same clothes she wore yesterday and jealousy confronts me but I try to put it far behind me when I climb into the car.  "See you took my advice." Lisa comments, looking at me through the rear view mirror.  "I guess." She nods with an encouraging smile, "So I heard about the hockey match today. Some girls are really worried." I nod as Stephen climbs into the driver's seat and everything becomes silent and awkward. I look at them both intently, trying to find something that can lead me to what they're relationship is and what they're doing.  Lisa stares outside at the zooming trees and Chase's hand frequently moves to the radio, adjusting the sound of music I've never heard off.  I made a mental note to ask Lisa what she wanted to tell me yesterday.  "So who do you think is going to be kicked out of the team?" Lisa asks, trying to start a conversation and my stomach churns.  "I really don't know."  I say and catch Stephen's eyes in the rear view mirror making an electric spark in my heart.  "Well, we all know it won't be you."  Lisa assures and I purse my lips.  "Anything can happen." I mumble.  She shakes her head, "I remember you practicing for hours and hours to come where you are.  If they take you out I'd have a word with them." Lisa says with a serious tone. I smile at her, remembering how I trained for hours, she and Chase becoming bored to watch me the whole time. I really did train hard to be a good player and I hope I stay in the team.  Stephen slows down when we enter the school's gate and I can see a few people scattered on the field.  I nervously open the door when Stephen stops. "Thanks for the ride." I say unsure.  "No problem." he replies with a hint of satisfaction. I bite my lip, thinking about what my teammates would think about me, seeing me wearing a short, knowing that I never do. I climb out of the car and sling my bags over my shoulders.  "We are coming with." Lisa says, hopping out of the car and I frown when Stephen steps out too. I briefly close my eyes, "You're going to watch?"  Lisa nods enthusiastically, "Yeah, you need support."  I smile and we start walking, Stephen staying behind, taking a phone call.  "So what's going on between you two." I am unable to hold it in any longer.  She snorts, "I don't know."  "How do you not know?" my voice comes out cranky.  She lifts her shoulders and shifts her attention on the field, as if she's trying to avoid something.  "Last night?" I ask questioningly.  "What about it?"  "You freaked out."  "I was drunk." she laughs as if I made a stupid statement and I frown feeling that something's off.  I quickly glance back, seeing Stephen still on his phone, his black clothes making him stand out in the green scenery.  "Who's that?" Priya yells, jogging towards us. Her face is already red and sweaty.  She eyes me with intense brown eyes and puts her black hair behind her ears.  "It's Riley."  Lisa says, almost presenting me with a toothy grin.  Priya gasps, "Like I knew it's you Riley," she taps me on the shoulder, "But wow." she looks me up and down.  I smile, but inside hating all the attention, seeing girls staring at me and complimenting me. "Gather around." Coach yells and the younger years keep giving us mean glances and I roll my eyes.  Lisa goes sit on the side of the field, cross legged watching us intently.  "You all know why you're here." he says and my team gives each other worried glances.  "So take your places ladies." he orders the girls to stand in their usual positions and the younger team on the other side.  Me and Tina are sitting this round out, which is good.  "You look nice." Tina smiles slightly and I thank her, like I did with all the other people.  I watch how the girls play feeling confident with our players. Coach yells, the girls yell and at the end of the first round we won 5-1. We praise each other, giving mean glances back at the younger teams.   "Ok next round," Coach claps his hands together impatiently, "Riley, middle linq and Tina right."  He yells positions for all the other girls and we stand on our places. The whistle blows and Priya passes the ball for me and I dribble with it, turning away from my opponent and passing the ball to Tina.  I run forward as fast as I can to collect the ball, a girl from the other team almost, taking the ball away from me.  I quickly hit the ball at the end of the half circle where Lenka takes it and sweeps it in the goal, the goalie missing the ball by a few inches. We yell in pride and happiness and run back to our places, the sun burning harshly on my scalp and legs. The whistle blows again and we repeat what we did with more hustle the younger team stealing the ball each time, for us to keep running up and down until I make a goal.  I smile, satisfied with myself.  Until I fall. I don't know if it was over someone's hockey stick or leg or just me being lumpy but I fell and I feel something snap loudly. Confused, tears start to flow down my cheeks, knowing that the snapping sound came from my arm. My body gets infused with adrenaline easing the pain spreading through my wrist.  I whimper and try not to scream.  I try to focus on what's going on in front of me, but my sight gets blurry.  "Hey hey hey," the voice is deep and chocolaty, "You okay?" Stephen is hunched in front of me, his beautiful eyes wide. Without being able to think, I shake my head, knowing I'm not okay.  He nods and gently takes hold of wrist and I notice how his curls her mat against his head.  "Ow." I yell, the small movement causing tremendous pain.  "It's broken." he says softly, as if he's regretting his words.  I cry more, noticing how people are rushing around, yelling to call an ambulance.  "It can't be." I say more to myself.  "It's going to be okay." Stephen says, soothing my rushing mind.  My thoughts immediately run to my cuts, and if my wrist is broken, people will be able to see it.  They'll tell my dad.  I shudder, regretting everything.  Lisa comfortably rubs my back, saying soothing words that I'm paying no attention to.  I look deep into Stephen's eyes, feeling lost and vulnerable. "It's going to be okay." he says again.  And at that moment it felt like everything would be okay until I faint. 
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