Chapter 5: Emily's P.O.V.

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~ About 65 years later ~ ~ Year 1984 ~ *************************************************************** I've been working with the Vampire king for many years now. At first, I had no intentions of taking Luther's offer. Unfortunately, he didn't give me much of a choice. I was in his castle, under his watch. I might be unkillable, but that didn't mean I could take on a castle full of born Vampires. However, I was happy that I had stayed. Luther, his brothers, and I were able to find out a lot about myself. It appeared that I was more like a born Vampire than a made one. Which didn't make sense to me at all. Why was I different, even from my brothers and sister, who were also changed? King Luther had many connections, even with Witches. He had paid several of them to research the spell my mother had done to make me the way that I am. Not one of them was able to give me much information. Unfortunately, in order to know what my mother did for sure, they needed to see where the spell had been used. They could have called on the energy. Possibly even replayed the memory before them. However, the land was too scarred for them to risk stepping on it. There was too much death. The monster that had been there caused too much heartbreak. Not to mention what my siblings and I had done after. Still, King Luther continued to help me. He taught me how to be a proper Vampire, and how to control my thirst. Luther even paid Witch's to teach me how to use my magic. Not that I really needed it. I had already been trained by my mother. I found out that the monster that had killed my entire family was actually a Demon. Then I learned all about Demons, and other supernatural creatures. There are so many, and I found it all so fascinating. Luther had explained to me about what had really happened to me when I was first turned. The time that I thought was hazy, that I thought I was giving into the monster... Was really all me. A Vampire is simply that. There is no other thing inside of me fighting for control. But Vampires syche's are fragile, and mine had been broken. Luther told me that I had turned off all of my emotions. That in my trauma I had completely shut down. I gave in to my primal urges, and turned everything else off. Although, Luther did say that it wasn't normal to not remember much from that time. Most Vampires remember everything they do in those moments. It's part of the curse. A curse that I had spread around the world. The more that I learned about myself, the more guilty I felt about what I had done. I knew that the Vampires that I had created were most likely killing innocent people. I know what that bloodlust feels like. According to King Luther, I was the only made Vampire whose bloodlust subsided. Over the years, we learned more about each other together. Turns out that born Vampires can create more as well, although the king has banned it. There were many interesting things about me that didn't apply to either the born or made Vampires. Like the fact that I can do magic still. Luther's wife, Eva, was the one that taught me about mates. She told me that the Gods decide if we are worthy. Most creatures are. I highly doubt the same goes for me. King Luther was a big help. We were a big help to each other. And I found that what Luther wanted in return wasn't all that bad. The king's offer was honestly more generous than I deserved. What he really wanted from me was knowledge about my existence, and for me to be on his side. His offer granted me the opportunity to try to make up for the damage that I had done. Turns out that King Luther had a little... side business of sorts. He was employing supernaturals that he trusted, to hunt supernaturals that were out killing. Luther was afraid that one of them would expose our existence. Especially with the times changing. So, that's what I did. Luther sent me on missions to kill supernaturals like Vampires, rouge Werewolves, dark Witches, and Demons. Anyone that he saw as a threat. At first, I was on a team with Damien and Athan. Eventually, they had both found their mates though, and had their own kids. Luther still wanted me on a team, but I refused to be on one. I didn't need to be responsible for anyone else. Besides, I never went on missions that took me very far. The longest I had ever gone was a couple of nights. Luther liked to keep me close, and I didn't mind it honestly. The Vampire's had become a family to me. I grew to love them. Especially Luther and his sweet wife Eva. They accepted me, and gave me a second chance. However, I want to leave them. The longer I stay doing the same things over and over, the more I find myself wanting to run away. I don't feel like I quite belong with the Vampires. Most of them don't trust me anyway. Witches don't either. I fear that I will never find a place to call home. "You killed this one quick." I looked up to see Damien. "It was easy," I said as I pulled my dagger out of the rouge wolf. "Well, I only came to make sure you could get out quickly," Damien said. I frowned. "What's that mean?" I asked. "That means that this rouge lured you into a Werewolf territory. A large one. And wolves hate Vampires." Damien told me. I rolled my eyes. "Well, I am not a full Vampire," I said. "Werewolves don't think that way. They will kill you." He replied. I laughed. "They could try," I said. "Emily, I mean it." Damien said sternly. I turned to face him. "Look, there's a bar right over there," I said, pointing to the right. "I'm going to have a drink now before I return to your brother." "Emily, no-" "You are not my keeper." I interrupted him. Then I started toward the bar. "I can handle myself, Damien. If you're so scared, then you leave." I said. "You're going to regret this, Emily. Werewolves are not friendly creatures," he replied. I ignored Damien as I walked to the bar. As soon as I walked through the door, several pairs of eyes turned to me. I love this time. Feminism is the best thing to ever happen to this country. I ignored the stares, and marched to the bar top. I plopped down on a stool, and a bartender came to stand in front of me. I looked up into his eyes. A Werewolf. Well, I guess Damien did say I was in their territory. "Whiskey neat, make it a double." I said. "We don't serve your kind here," he replied. I rolled my eyes. "Just give me the damn whiskey. I have money, and I'm not going to eat you." I said. "You had best get going before our Alpha comes," he stated. "Well, the quicker I get my whiskey, the quicker I'll leave." I countered. The man grunted. He pulled out a glass and a bottle of whiskey though. I beamed happily at him. "Not sure why this is worth risking your life, Vamp. It won't even get you drunk." He said as he slid my glass to me. I smirked as I looked down at my glass. "Eh, a little bit of magic can do wonders," I said. I ran my finger around the rim of my glass. It glowed a light green color, and then settled back to the normal brown whiskey. I looked up at the bartender to see him staring at me wide-eyed. I laughed, and threw all the contents back. "What the hell was that?" He asked. "I told you, magic." I replied. "I never seen a Vamp that can do magic," He mumbled. "Yeah, I get that a lot." I replied while staring at my empty glass. There is no one else in the world like me. No one to understand me fully. I will forever be alone. "How about another?" I asked, waving my glass. "I feel that I should tell you that my pack's Beta is on his way," he replied. I gave him a smile. "No need to be concerned for the Vamp. Just pour me a glass. The least I can do is be drunk when your leader comes to kill me," I said. The bartender poured me another drink, and I spelled it before tossing it all back. "Another please," I said. "Uh..." The man said. I slammed the glass on the table. "Come on-" "I believe the woman said another Greg." Came a voice from behind me. My eyes went wide as that deep voice washed over me. It felt like warm silk all over my body. Goosebumps rose on my skin. A large arm slid across the bar top next to me. I felt the warmth of the man behind me. I turned my head to glare at him. I already knew what I was going to find when I looked at this man, but... I wasn't expecting it to knock me off my feet this way. I was met with a pair of sparkling hazel eyes. A dazzling smile showed two perfect dimples. Sandy brown hair hung down his forehead. I was instantly at a loss for words. "Well, hello there," he said happily. "Mate."
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