Chapter 4: Emily's P.O.V.

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~ 111 years later ~ ~ 1919 ~ ***************************************************** After I had left that woman, I had done everything I could think of to give my monster control again. Nothing had ever worked. No matter how many people I killed, I couldn't get back to that haze I had lived in for so long. After the first 40 years of trying, I gave up. I came to terms with the fact that this was my life now. Although, I had many abilities that I had apparently learned to use while I was stuck in that haze. The fact that I can force anyone to do anything I want just by looking into their eyes was the most handy. When I had figured out that there was more to me now than just being strong, fast, and bloodthirsty, I began to explore those abilities. I locked myself in a basement to do experiments on myself. I had become so consumed with what I was doing that I didn't realize how much time had passed. 28 years had gone by, and I hadn't come out. I hadn't fed, or eaten any human food. I was growing weaker, and I knew that, but... I just didn't care. I had started to notice that I was growing even weaker. My skin was turning a gray color, and it was getting harder to stay in control of my monster. I saw that as a sign that I was heading in the right direction. So, I changed myself to a wall in that basement, and waited. I thought that if I kept starving myself, maybe I would die. If I didn't die, maybe my monster would take over again. I spent another five years chained in that basement. The only thing that happened, was that I fell asleep for most of the time. I was awake for less than a year, and slept the rest of the time. It wasn't until someone had come looking for me that I was finally woken up. "This her?" My eyes slowly opened at the sound of a male outside this closed room. Even from the other side of the door, I can smell his blood under his skin. His heart is beating strongly at a normal rhythm. I can already feel the burning in my throat increasing. "Apparently she is in this room. That's what the spies said." Another male said. Spies? Someone has been watching me? How? There are no windows down here, and as far as I knew, no one had ever come down here. "Are we sure she is the one? I mean, a woman?" The first male said. If I were stronger, I would have rolled my eyes. Men always think women are less than. I hope one day the women of the world prove them all wrong. "Well, if she is a Witch it would make sense. Especially an Anderson." The second male said. "How was an Anderson even turned? I thought that Anderson's rarely left their coven because of how special they are. They haven't even said anything to King Luther. Surely they wouldn't stand by and let this happen without a fight." The first said. "Maybe because she kept her powers they didn't see a problem?" The second suggested. "Or maybe they don't know about her," the first mumbled. "Let's just go in," the second male said. I watched the door as it slowly opened. Two large men walked in. I was surprised that they had no weapons. They are handsome men though. One of them is bigger than the other by far. That man had light blonde hair tied in a low ponytail that hung down his back. His bright blue eyes scanned the room. The other man has deep red hair, but the same blue eyes. I can tell by their scent, and by just looking at them, that they're related. Brothers perhaps? I wonder what they want with me. "Oh Gods," the smaller man breathed out when he saw me. He came rushing towards me. "Damien, look." He said. The larger man looked at me as the smaller one bent down. I stared at the large man. His eyes scanned over my body in confusion as he slowly walked towards me. "Is she even alive?" Damien asked. "She won't be for much longer if we don't get her some blood," the other replied. "You.... smell... different..." I struggled to get out through my dry throat. Both men stared at me with wide eyes. "Athan," Damien said. "Perhaps we shouldn't untie her just yet." "What do you mean?" Athan replied incredulously. "She's near starvation." "Which means that she could attack us," Damien replied. "Nonsense, Vampires get no nourishment from other Vampire blood." Athan said. "You... should listen to him." I said. "I will attack you if you untie me." Athan gave me a confused look. "We cannot just leave you like this," he argued. "Please do," I mumbled. "Enough of this," Damien said. Damien pushed Athan out of the way. He put his hands on my head. I looked up at him. "Damien, don't-" I didn't hear what else Athan said. Everything went dark. Damien had snapped my neck. I had died again. ********************************************** I woke with a gasp, shooting up into a sitting position. I put my hand to my head as it began throbbing. This again? God, how many times is this going to happen to me? Why must I always wake with a gasp? Why is it always so terrifying? I realized at that moment, that I was no longer chained up in that basement. Now, I'm in an extravagant room. It's three times the size of the house I grew up in. I'm on a soft bed with fluffy golden blankets. The room is dark, but I can make out all the beautiful furniture. Where am I? A castle? How did I get somewhere so... rich? I swung my legs over the bed to see that my dress had been changed as well. I went from a dirty black dress that was nearly rags, to a deep emerald green dress. It's beautiful, but possibly a bit low cut. It's also not as layered as my old dress was. I must have been fed if I feel this strong. It couldn't have been more than a few drops though. I'm still starving and weaker than normal. Great, now I have to start this all over again. I slowly made my way to the double doors of my room. I was surprised that they had opened with ease. I stuck my head out, and saw no one else. I can't even hear anyone else. Quickly, I made my way down the hall. My bare feet made no noise as I rushed through the halls. I had to lift my dress, though not to trip. Suddenly, someone had grabbed my arm, and I was pulled into another room. I swung my free arm over to punch whoever had me. The man groaned, and stumbled back, letting me go. I whirled around to see a familiar face. Damien. "Ow,," he muttered as he clutched his nose. I stiffened as I smelled the blood dripping from his nose. "I see you are feeling better," Damien said. I didnt move. I tried to hold my breath, but I couldn't stop staring at the blood on his face. It would be easy to just- "Don't even think about it, Emily," Damien said. I shook my head. "How do you know me?" I asked. Damien looked behind me. I slowly turned around to see what he was looking at. Apparently, I was pulled into a throne room. A stage was almost directly behind me. There are a few people walking around, but my sight is on the two thrones on the stage. One sits a king with light red hair and bright blue eyes. The other sits a queen with mousey brown hair and dark blue eyes. Both of them are staring at me with no emotion. This must be King Luther that Damien and Athan were speaking of. "You are Emily Anderson," The king stated. I nodded. "Are you thirsty?" He asked. The king snapped his fingers before I could reply. A servant walked up to me carrying a tray with a single glass on it. A glass full of blood. I looked at the glass, then at the king. "No, thank you," I said. The king raised a brow. "Are you afraid I might poison you?" He asked, amused. "No," I replied flatly. "Then why not? You were near starvation when my brothers found you," he said. I only stared at King Luther. "Ahh, I get it now." He said. "Get what, brother?" Damien asked as he took the glass that was offered to me, and drank. "You tied yourself up in that basement, didn't you?" He asked. "Don't be silly brother," Damien replied with a laugh. I only stared at the king. "Was this your way of paying for your sins?" Luther asked me. "No," I answered. "Then why?" He asked. "I..." I trailed off. Maybe these people can help me get back into that haze. "I was trying to give the monster control," I stated. "Monster?" Luther asked. I nodded. "The one that kills for blood," I said. The king stared at me for a moment. "What makes you think that your Vampire side can take control? They are one in the same, are they not?" He asked. I shrugged. "It took control before," I replied. "I was gone for 800 years. I want that back. Unless you happen to know how to kill me." The king's eyebrows shot up. "Are you sure this isn't guilt for creating all those made Vampires?" He asked. I frowned. "Your highness, while I am regretful that I caused many innocents to lose their lives... The made Vampires are really none of my concern." I said. "I see..." Luther replied. "You haven't even asked how I know who you are." "I wasn't going out of my way to hide it," I replied. Luther chuckled. "Yes, I suppose that's true," he said. Then the king shot to his feet. "I have a proposition for you, Miss Emily Anderson," he said as he walked towards me. I stared into the king's bright eyes. "I will teach you about this life. Together we can figure out everything about your... existence. Maybe even how to kill you if that is what you desire." He said. "What do I have to do for you?" I asked skeptically. The king smiled. "You, my dear," he said. "Must help me in return."
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