Chapter 2

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The next morning came quickly and I cursed my choice to indulge in a whole bottle of wine before bed. "Lady Danika, you must get ready your mother has already asked for you." Hannah voice was soft but I could hear the strain in it. I groaned as I turned over trying to block the light from my eyes as Maria opened the curtains. "What time is it?" I managed to mumble as I sat up in bed rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "It's almost 12." Maria answered and that woke me up, the first meeting was at 12. "Shit." I snapped as I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I ran through my morning routine and once I got out of the bathroom Hannah threw a light pink dress over my head as maria quickly started to try to untangle my wild hair. "Just throw it up in a messy bun." I said knowing we didn't have time to untangle it. Once done I quickly glanced in the mirror. I never wore makeup so I at least didn't have to do that. My hair was up in a messy bun with pretty little butterfly pins scattered through out it. The dress was a sweet light pink fit and flare that stopped right before my knees. I was paler than usual thanks to the wine last night but it just made my eyes pop more. "ok." i muttered as I stepped out of my room into the company of my waiting guards. "Your mother is furious." Lyonel said as he fell in step with me. "What else is new." I muttered as we hurried down the stairs. He gave my arm a squeeze before I walked through the door into the throne room. I hated this room. I mean who has a throne room in the 21st century? It was overly opulent with its gold encrusted molding and light blue material and don't get me started on the throne. I gave my mom a apologetic smile which she met with a glare and I knew I would be punished later. Probably more silver or wolfsbane training. "I make people wait to show I have power over them. You have power over nobody." She growled at me before looking at her Beta to show the first appointment in. I let out a breath as soon as her eyes were off me and focused on the Alpha and son walking through the door. The Blood Moon Pack was one of the few packs we had a alliance with and I had met Alpha Trenton a couple of time but not his son. Alpha Trenton was a tall man, over 6'5 with golden hair and laughing blue eyes. I don't think I had ever seen him without a smile on his face even when receiving bad news. His son beside him was almost a carbon copy with the same lean build and height but his hair was a lighter blonde with a slight curl on the ends and emerald eyes with the same laugh lines as his father. "Luna Regina, Lady Danika thank you so much for this audience." He boomed and it brought a small smile to my face as he bowed slightly to both of us. He was the first Alpha to even acknowledge me right away and his son followed suit blessing me with a charming smile. "Alpha Trenton it is always a pleasure to host you." My mother purred and I was sure that had a double meaning to it and I didn't want to dwell on that. They talked for awhile and I tried to listen but my mind wandered as they went over their alliance taking in his son who was also taking the time to check me out. I quirked a eyebrow at him as I noticed him looking me up and down. He gave me a dazzling smile and I couldn't help giving him one back. "I think they will get along nicely." I heard Alpha Trenton say and I quickly looked over to see him and my mother looking at the two of us. "Yes they do seem to have a connection." My mother sat back as she got a contemplating look on her face. "I haven't told any others this but I did promise my daughter she would have final say between 3 candidates." My mother had a slightly sour look on her face when she glanced at me. I kept my face stoic as I stared ahead even though inside I smiled. That was a hard fought battle of words and maybe a little help of one of my powers. "I think that is a wonderful idea. Give these young ones time to get to know each other maybe also become a love match instead of just a political pairing." Alpha Trenton smiled smacking his son good heartedly on the back. "Yes, well we still have one more potential suiter to meet then I will be sending missives to the lucky three." My mother said diplomatically even though I knew she would have Alpha Trenton son as one of three as the alliance with the Blood Moon Pack was very important. So far he seemed to be the only tolerable choice so far. They said their goodbyes and left the court room giving me a little bit of time to breath before the next one would be brought in. My mothers gaze drifted to me and I stood straighter not wanting her to fault me in anything since I was already in trouble. She opened her mouth to say something but her words were cut off by the door opening and the last suiter came in. The Alpha that was walking towards us was unlike any other shifter I had ever seen in looks and in power. His dark hair was short on the side and a little longer on top slicked back out of his face, His eyes such a light blue they looked gray and they seemed to take everything in. He was tall, he had to be almost 7 ft and his presence filled up the throne room. The raw power coming off of him was so strong my knees almost shook from it. My mother sat up straighter in her throne as she watched him through narrowed eyes. 'Alpha Colton, I was surprised to hear about you wanting to meet me and my daughter." my mother said as she leaned forward a seductive smile on her face. "I know your meeting with second sons of Alphas for your daughter but I thought I could offer something different." He answered his voice so deep and sexy I had to push my thighs together from the sudden lust his voice brought. I glanced at my mother and noticed she wasn't immune to the power he had as her face flushed. I had never seen her not in control but right now she was befuddled and that a Alpha was the cause of it was a dangerous thing. "Alpha Colton." My moms voice was only slightly shaky as she tried to take control of the situation "You are already a Alpha of a pack and whoever my daughter chooses will need to be here with my daughter to rule." "I have a different proposition. I have no mate and do not want a Luna in my pack. I feel like the Alpha in this pack is just a body to get heirs from and that is all I need for my pack so a mating between your daughter and me could be quite lucrative. We would only come together a couple times a year to get each pack a heir. A female for here and a male for mine." He was to the point and I looked at my mother wondering what she thought of that proposition. I was intrigued, to rule without a Alpha and only needing him for one thing, intriguing. My mother's face gave me nothing as she stared a Alpha Colton. "What about the rest of the year? Are we meant to be celibate between our visits?" I asked before I could stop the words from coming from my mouth. My mother gave me a scathing glare as Alpha Colton turned his icy gaze to me. I didn't look at my mother since I broke her rule of being seen and not heard but I was very curious to know what kind of life it would be. "Lady Danika, no we will not need to be celibate all year. Just for a certain amount of time after our meetings to make sure there isn't a pup. I will also refrain in that time." He said it with a small smile on his face that didn't reach his eyes. "While it is a very interesting offer Alpha Colton. I do believe you have heard my daughter hasn't gotten any gifts." She gave me a disappointed look while I tried not to smirk at her. "She would need someone here to protect her." I nearly snorted at her when she said this. She was the one that nearly busted a blood vessel when the Alpha of the Blue moon pack said the same thing. "I have heard that, but there is always a chance she will get gifts when her wolf comes in. I also have heard her brothers are devoted to her. They would help her keep the pack." I stiffened when he said that. How did he know my brothers had been meeting up with me. They did devote themselves to me and denounced my mother as their Luna. I had been very careful to make sure my mother never found out but somehow he knew. "That is interesting." My mother said as she gave a sideways glance but I refused to look at her. "I will take your offer under advisement . I look forward to seeing you in the future." She rose and walked towards him with a exaggerated swing to her hips and I shook my head as she leaned in while they shook hands. He gave me a slight bow and then walked out of the room taking his oppressive aura with him allowing me to breath fully for the first time since he came in. "Danika." My mothers voice was sharp and it caused me to jump. "Yes Luna." I answered keeping my voice natural as I looked into her angry eyes. "We will revisit the fact that you have been seeing your brothers. First you must be punished for being late and speaking when I told you not to." She smiled but it was filled with so much venom I felt sick to my stomach. "What should it be today? Silver or wolfsbane?" she asked as she waved her Beta Maxine in who was carrying a tray with a silver dagger and pretty blue bottle. I tried not to let my emotions show as they both stepped up to where I stood. If I thought I had a choice I would take the silver dagger over the wolfsbane any day. Silver only affected the area it was near but wolfsbane would be ingested and it would take hours to work out of my system. "I know, how about both." My mother snapped and quicker than I could ever be she grabbed me by my hair dragging me down the steps to the floor below. "In it goes." She grabbed my chin painfully and brought the blue bottle to my lips. I choked as the wolfsbane burned my mouth and throat as she poured it into my mouth holding my nose so I would swallow. I crumbled to the floor as the pain in my stomach became almost unbearable and started to radiate to the rest of my body. I didn't realize she had grabbed my hand until she plunged the dagger into so hard it embedded into the floor and all I could do was scream. "Now lets see how strong your are." She laughed into my ear before standing up and leaving me bleeding onto the throne room floor.
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