Chapter 1

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My mother's face was calm. She looked down from her throne at the men below her like they didn't just insult her and the pack. I stood beside her a quiet, pretty trophy for the packs that were coming hoping to win my hand and rule the Goddess Moon Pack with me. Unfortunately for the two men in front of my mother they had said several things that had already taken them out of the running but couldn't seem to stop the chauvinistic trash that kept coming out of their mouth. "My youngest son here is a accomplished warrior, he will protect his luna and fill her belly with sons." Alpha Craig from the Blue moon pack said as he clapped a hand on his son's shoulders. I wanted to roll my eyes but I kept my stare serene as I took in his son. Like all Alpha born he was tall and handsome with sun streaked light brown hair and hazel eyes. He kept giving me long stares and licking his lips and I wanted to sneer at him that he was never going to get closer to me than he was right now but I kept my mouth shut. I was a disappointment to my mother and I did whatever I could to keep the focus off of me. "Do you think I want your son to fill my daughter with sons? My first mate only gave me sons, do you remember what happened to him?" My mother asked her face serene and her voice soft but there was a malice behind it and I almost felt sorry for the Alpha, almost. "My daughter is heir to the Goddess moon pack. A pack that is ruled by its Luna not the Alpha." My mother sat back and the cruel smile I was use to came out. The Goddess moon pack was the only pack that was lead by a Luna and it had to be from our line, the line of the goddess. We were said to be the first pack ever created by the goddess herself and our line was created directly from her blood. We were also the strongest pack out of the 8 packs in our region. With the goddess blood in our ancestry we were born with gifts that helped us keep our pack strong and the strongest gifts were in the women. My mother had 4 gifts which is the most any luna in our pack had ever had and she was known for being brutal in battle. "I have heard your daughter is giftless." The Alpha answered a smirk on his lips as he gave me a dismissive glance. I stiffened as I looked at my mother. Her usually violet eyes turned black as she stood and Alpha Craig took a nervous step back his arm coming out to block his son from my mothers wrath. "My daughter has time for her gifts to come in. She is not 18 yet and when her wolf comes she will get her powers. You are here under the protection of the guest claus but I am revoking it. You were always a arrogant prick Craig." She stepped down until she was right in front of him. "But you didn't get me back when I was looking for a mate and you will not get my daughter. You have two hours to get out my territory and then I will send out my hunters." She hissed as she got even closer to the Alpha. My mother was a tall woman and she was actually a couple inches taller than Alpha Craig and he had to look up at her which made his eyes darken in anger. "You think you can hold this pack when your heir is nothing more than a pretty face." He smiled dangerously up at my mother and she growled back. "We will see." He said as he turned motioning his son to go. His son gave me one last look before following him out. I Loosened my stance slightly but looked at my mother in worry as her furious eyes looked at me. Great this will be my fault also, I thought wearily as she walked back up the steps to sit in her throne. "Do we have any other appointments?" My Mother asked her Beta Maxine as kept her eyes on me. "No, we have two for tomorrow though. Alpha Trenton of the bloodmoon pack will be bringing his second son Ryland and Alpha Colton of the Shadowmoon pack." "Alpha Colton has no sons." My mother mused as she took her eyes off me and I let out a huge breath that her attention is off me. "He said he wants to give you a offer that none of the other Alphas will make." My mother looked thoughtful for moment before she looked at me and her face turned to one of disappointment. "We are done for the day." She waved a hand at me and I didn't pause, I just quickly turned and headed out the door. My personal guards fell in behind me and I could feel the tensition start to fade from my body. We had been taking wedding proposals all day without a break and my legs were shaky as we started to go up the stairs. My guard Lyonel came up beside me offering his arm and gratefully I took it. By the time we made it to my room he was basically holding me up as we came through my suite doors and my handmaids ran up to me tutting as they helped me into the bathroom. I headed straight to the toilet to relieve me screaming bladder as Hannah started my bath. Hannah and marie helped me into the bath and I sank into it with a sigh. 'Have the guards change out. It was a long day and they should rest.' I mind linked Lyonel as I rested my head back. 'Do you need someone in your bed tonight' he asked and I let a small smile grace my lips. 'not tonight' I answered to tired to even think about s*x. 'of course. If you change your mind...' he answered back. 'you will be first to know and the first asked' I replied as my thoughts went to last night when he was in my bed and a tingle started in my belly but I pushed it away. I was to tired and stressed to give in to my primal urges tonight. Hannah and Marie helped me out of the bath and quickly dried me and helped me brush through the tangled mess of white curls that was my hair. "I will be fine for the rest of the night." I told them as I went to sit on one my couches with a glass of wine in my hand. "Of course my lady." They said in unison which I always found super creepy before they scurried out of the room. I stared at the roaring fireplace as I tried to drain the fatigue of the day out. We saw ten offers of marriage today some Alpha sons and some Beta sons but none of them seemed up to my mothers standards and I knew from personal experience it was hard to meet her expectations. My mother, Luna Regina was the epitome of a warrior Luna. She was 6'3 with white hair that she kept in a short bob and violet eyes. By the time she was my age she had already won two wars with rival packs and had two of her gifts already. When she got her wolf she got two more powers and became the strongest leader in any pack ever. I inherited two things from my mother and that was the white hair and violet eyes. Otherwise I was a utter dissapointment to her. I wasn't a warrior, being 5'3 and barely a 100 pounds made it hard to fight against the much bigger warriors. I was told by many that I was the most beautiful woman they had ever seen but that meant little to me. Beauty was worth little in a world ruled by the most powerful. What my mother didn't know was that I did have gifts, 7 already without my wolf and when I get my wolf I could get more. Why didn't I tell her? Because if she knew all the little freedoms I enjoyed because she thought I had no gifts would be taken away and she would use me til I was so broken I wouldn't recognize myself and then I would be dead. No I would never tell my mother about my gifts until I was Luna of the Goddess Moon pack.
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