Chapter 3

1421 Words
I watched through bleary eyes as my mother and her Beta left the throne room. After the first initial screams I had controlled myself down to soft gasps. I tried to pull the knife up but it wouldn't budge and with all the wolfsbane in my system I couldn't use any of my gifts. I couldn't even mind link my guards so I laid there on the cool tiles watching my blood pool on the floor. I wasn't sure how long I laid there before a door opened behind me and then I heard the hurring steps of my guards. "Goddess Dani." I heard Lyonel mutter as he bent next to me placing a warm hand on my freezing skin. "This is going to hurt." He told me as he adjusted himself to get a better grip of the knife. I looked up at him from under my eyelashes not even able to lift my head. He met my eyes, his own filled with worry as he looked at the blood on the floor. "Hold her still." He said to one of the guards behind me and then I felt the warmth of a body wrapping around me and I sank into the warmth. I could smell the scent of the guard and knew it was Ryan my second favorite guard. I looked back at Lyonel and nodded letting him know I was ready. He grabbed it and had to use a lot of power to pull in from the tile then my hand. I screamed as it pulled out of my skin before collapsing back down in sobs. Quickly Ryan swept me up into his arms and I buried my face into his neck as much for my own comfort but also the embarrassment of how weak I was. His lips grazed my forehead as he turned and nearly ran up the steps to my rooms. Once inside my rooms he sat down on the couch,me cradled in his arms and everyone else filed into my room. Soon my room became almost like a war treatment clinic as guards were barking out orders as they gathered around me. "Let me see." Lyonel knelt in front of me and taking my hand gently in his. I hissed as he probed the wound and then wrapped a towel around it. "We need a first aid kit and a I.V set now." He growled and several guards rushed from the room. Ryan wrapped his arms around me and I sank back into him as I shook from the cold. Lyonel snatched the first aid kit from another guard and started wrapping up my hand. I just stared at the fire as my brain went blank from the pain. Once he was done he gave a tight smile and then looked at the bed. "Is it ready?" He asked the doctor they had found to put in a I.V. "Everything is set." The doctor replied nervously as all my guards looked at him. "Why would she do this? You should tell her about your powers so she will stop." Ryan whispered as he picked me up to carry me to the bed. I looked at Lyonel and watched his face turn to stone as he heard Ryans words. he was one of the few that knew why I kept my gifts secret and was there when I learned I needed to. 5 years ago I ran excitedly down the hall laughing while Lyonel raced behind me. He was my first guard, a gift from my mother. She said he would guard me with his life and also teach me how to handle men. I wasn't sure what she meant by the last part but he was only 4 yrs older than me and was much more fun than my mother grumpy guards. Earlier we had been out in the gardens looking for bugs to add to my collection. I had raced ahead like always, Lyonel calling a warning but I was never one to listen when I wanted something. I tripped and fell into a pond which wouldn't have been a big deal if I had known how to swim but I didn't and the weight of my dress wet pulled me quickly under the water. I could hear Lyonel shout before he jumped in but suddenly I was out of the water, standing on the edge looking at a very confused Lyonel. "What.." I trailed off as I suddenly could feel every molecule of water around me. I laughed as I felt it swirl around me then I looked at Lyonel a giant smile on my face. "I got my first power." I squealed. That's how we found ourselves now racing towards my mothers room excited to tell he. Hoping it would make her look at me with pride instead of the usual dissapointment. As we got closer I could hear voices from her room and Lyonel reached out to stop me from busting through the door. "When can we do the ritual?" My mother's voice asked. "Has her powers come in yet." A unfamiliar male voice asked back. "No, nothing yet. she is a utter dissapointment." My mom voice was scathing and I sunk back into Lyonel. "If there is no powers than there will be no ritual. There is no reason to do it cause you will get nothing from it." "Fuck." My mother yelled and I started to shake. "I should just kill her now then." She snapped and I felt the blood drain from my face as I looked at Lyonel in fear. He looked back down at me his eyes filled with worry. "Or you can wait til she has her own children and see if they have powers to take." The voice laughed and I felt as if everything I had ever known was gone. "I can't believe I gave birth to such a dissapointment." My mother muttered and I could hear her pour herself a drink. "It happens but if you make her a strong match her children should have power. She has a little worth." "Fine, I will wait for her to have children but once she has some I will kill her." My mother voice had no emotions as she talked about my death and I knew she would go through with it. "You never know she could still come into her powers later when she gets her wolf." The voice said a slight bit of humor in it. "No, she is weak. I noticed it at birth, she is nothing and will be nothing." Lyonel pulled me quietly down the hall but I couldn't stop thinking about my mother's words. "She wants to kill me." I whispered as I looked up at Lyonel. "We won't let her." He said a steelyness in his voice as he looked down at me. "How? how will I hide my powers from her?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist resting my head on his chest tears wetting his shirt. "We will go to your brothers. they may know how." He answered and I pulled back looking up at him confused. "Brothers?" I asked, I was told I was a only child. He nodded as he pulled me down the hall. "Yes, you have three brothers. They will know how and we will keep it safe til you become Luna, then you can deal with your mother from there." I gripped his hand putting all my trust in him and my brothers. Present Day I sighed as Ryan laid me on the bed and I sank back into the pillows missing his warmth. The Doctor they found was quick and efficient. I was soon hooked up to fluids and he gave me a sedative to help me sleep while my body healed. I watched as everyone cleaned up and started to file out of the room. I panicked when I realized I would be all alone and I reached out grabbing Ryan's hand. "Stay." I whispered when he looked down at me. He smiled softly then looked over to where Lyonel was. "Lyonel." I said softly as I reached for him also knowing he would want to be here with me though he wouldn't say anything. He nodded and looked at Ryan who also nodded and I knew they would both stay in the bed with me. I smiled as I watched them start undressing but I was asleep before they crawled into bed.
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