1155 Words

‘Sit’ Lord Death says. I’ll keep calling him that until he tells me his name. I sit down and I can barely concentrate on a thing he’s saying because I can’t stop staring at his face. It’s like looking at Emrys. ‘Is there a reason you keep looking at me like that?’ He demands and I blink a few times and open and close my mouth like a goldfish. ‘Erm, no. Sorry. I’m just trying to be polite as you talk but I’m a little tired. I’ve, erm. I’ve had a few things to deal with lately.’ I drop my head when I recall everything that’s happened. That’s when the floor begins to look like blood and the food on the table starts to look like heads, the heads of the Fae I murdered. Blood is dripping down the walls and I scream as I fall back off my chair. I’m screaming and shaking and there are females t

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