
1160 Words

Clover I’ve cried all of my tears. I have none left to cry now. Posey was like the sister I never had. The other females, they weren’t kind but they were just fighting for survival. I killed them all. Every single one of them. Five. Five is the number of Fae I’ve killed. Grandma Windslow said there’s always an alternative. There’s no excuse for murder. I wish I could have her in that moment. I wish I could have thought of another way. I’m sorry Grandma. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be better. I stand under the cold shower in the basement in my underwear as the ice-cold water seeps into my bones. I watch as the blood trickles away from my skin. The blood of all my victims. Maybe some of it is my blood. I head up the ladder and grab my coat from the coat hook by the door. I wish I was stron

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