
1142 Words

Aether I watch Emrys walk out of the old room. We don’t go in there out of respect for the Male who died in there. It happened years ago. The males who lived here were rumoured to be bond-tied. It hadn’t kicked in yet. His twin brother was jealous because he wasn’t part of it. During a training session, his brother took a poisoned weapon which meant the male couldn’t heal. He wasn’t murdered in this home, it was on the training field. The rest of his bond-ties brought him back here and he died surrounded by his bonded brothers. It is told that each of them felt something break inside of them. The room was no longer no longer used. Clover might have an excuse. She has always stayed out of so much. She probably doesn’t even know her way around this home properly. Emrys - no Emrys has no e

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