
1352 Words

Clover I heard the conversation outside the door. I felt the ice seeping through and I heard what Aether accused Emrys of. I heard everything. I’m going to destroy them. Destroy myself and destroy them. There’s only one person who doesn’t care. I head back to my own bedroom and shower before getting dressed. This is the decision I need to make. I can flee as a male or a female. If I remove the glimmer, I can’t put it back on. The only way for Fae to see my glimmer is through trust and care. Once I choose to drop it, it’s done. I’m revealed. Nobody in the surrounding villages will know who I am. I have the chance to become someone new. I knock lightly on Grove’s door as I look around to ensure nobody can see me. He answers with a glint in his eye. ‘To what do I owe the pleasure, Female?’

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