
1443 Words

Clover My knees tremble as I sit at the table, trying to eat my food. I keep checking the ties on the nightgown to ensure that none of my body can be seen. Every time I do, Emrys smirks. I want to launch the fork into his eyeball. When everyone is finished, we all just sit there hesitantly, waiting for the news to drop of why Emrys wanted us all down here. Nobody speaks and it’s becoming more and more awkward as the silence lingers. Rune coughs and looks at Emrys, who only chuckles. ‘Getting impatient, Rune?’ He takes a deep breath but doesn’t answer him. Clearly fed up with his antics already. ‘You’re so desperate to have her. All these months spent trying to get her in your bed. Now I’m giving you what you wanted. She chose to come down wearing that. She made her decision.’ I feel th

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