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Emrys I’ve been standing outside here for two hours and my uncle has refused to acknowledge me. I did what he asked if me. He said we would have another discussion if I did what he asked. I did. ‘If he doesn’t come down here and speak to me then I’m going to release my shadows through your gates. No protection spell will save anything in its path. None. Do you understand?’ I tell the guard. ‘There’s no need for dramatics, Emrys.’ My uncle says as he walks over to the gate as if he doesn't have a single care in the world. I doubt he does. ‘You did what I asked of you and I said I would assess it and make a decision. She stays. That's my decision.’ He says as he tries to turn and walk away but I release my shadows and he turns back around towards me, as they begin to fill his mind. ‘You

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