Chapter 7: rules

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Since I was now alone in the house I decided to explore it a little. Perhaps find something that could help me escape in the future? Yes, I still had all my hopes up that it was possible. It had to be. There was no way I was gonna spent the rest of my life in here. I wanted to see Natalie again, I wanted to see her parents that were always so kind to me.  -flashback- "No, I cannot accept that!" I yelped at Natalie.  "Of course you can! Come on, my mom and dad insist." She kept on convincing me.  I couldn't afford this years school books. My mom marrying my now to be stepfather did nothing to help our financial situation. If anything, it only got worse due to the quantities of beer he buys daily. Yet he doesn't even have a stable job to at least be able to take care of his wife.  I put myself out of question.  Natalie's parents, being the awesome people that they are of course suggested to pay for my books.  "Well, if you say so. Tell them that I really appreciate it and that I'll pay back as soon as I can." I smiled. "Don't be silly! You know they love you and see you as their own daughter. You don't need to pay back." "But-" I was cut off by a mini carrot shoved in my mouth. It caught me a little by surprise, but then I gave my friend one of those 'oh, no you you didn't' expressions.  "Come on now, enough talk, let's eat!" Natalie said while slightly chuckling at my reaction.  -flashback end- I opened the door next to the kitchen to walk into the bathroom. It wasn't too big, the colors across the room were warm and it seemed pretty clean until I took a look at the bathtub. It had blood that didn't make it's way to the drain, leaving a little red stream across the tub. This yet again reminded me that I was in a killers house. The thought made me shiver a bit.  I looked around the room. Nothing apart from a narrow dresser next to the sink seemed useful. I opened it carefully. It had several medicine jars, most of which never seemed to had been opened. Some didn't even have any labels on them. A few blood stained bandages laid around, a needle with a thread and a dead cockroach. One thing that caught my eye was a small key on the corner of the top shelve. It was pretty rusty and old looking. I should keep it in mind if I ever need to unlock something.  I exited the bathroom and continued onto the door across the living room which was clearly the bedroom. It was semi-cozy looking. Except for the mess. Dirty clothes were laying around as well as some beer and energy drink cans. A wide mattress in the corner of the room had a few pillows on it and a messy sheet. Next to it on the floor was a little night stand lamp which was the only available source of light apart form a window.  I walked to an old closet and opened it. A few pieces of clothing fell right on my head. To my surprise the smell of masculine sweat mixed with some bleach was strangely comforting. I picked up a couple of t-shirts and a pair of shorts and shoved them back. Then scattered around for something useful when a sharp pain went through my middle and pointer fingers. I quickly got my hand out of the pile of clothing, staining some of it with blood, just to see a cut across my fingers.  "f**k!" I dug back into the pile to discover a knife. "Who the f**k keeps a knife hidden in their closet like that?!" I cursed out.  Suddenly I heard the door being unlocked. Instantly, I shoved my hand with the knife deeply into the closet to put it back. But as I tried to pull it out, like half of the closet came out along and fell right on me, making me fall to the ground.  "What the f**k are you doing with my stuff?" I heard someone growl at me. As I tried to get out of the clothing that kept me trapped that someone grabbed me by my upper arm, pulling me up and on my feel. It was Jeff "I just-" He grabbed my face with one hand and forcefully turned it to the side of the clothing pile. "Look at the mess you made. Do you really think you can get away with that?" His lips were nearly touching my cheek as he hissed through clenched teeth. It sent shivers down my spine.  "I-it was messy already." I gasped with difficulty.  I felt a rough push on my back which made me trip a little. "You think you're very clever?" Jeff pushed me hard into the wall and pinned me down. I yelped as the pain went through all of my body. It reminded me of my stepdad. I felt tears forming, but I blinked not letting them show.  "I think it's just about time we go through some house rules." Jeff said, giving me one of those scary smiles. "Rule number one. You obey me. That means whatever I tell you to do you do it, no questions asked. If I tell you you can't do something, you don't do it. Simple as that." He talked right in my face. "What happens if you disobey? You get punished." His smile grew even wider. "Rule number two." I felt his whisper right next to my ear which have me goose bumps. "You don't ever try to run away. Because even if you succeed, which is very unlikely, I will find you and yet again... punish you." I gulped. Whatever his 'punishment' was gonna be I knew it wasn't gonna be pleasant.  Jeff leaned back. "And finally, rule number three. You never mention that friend of yours or anyone that used to be in your life ever again. Your life is here now. You should just forget about them. To them... you're dead anyways." He chuckled at that which got on my last nerves.  "You're a sick piece of s**t! You know that? If you think I'll ever just live with you without trying to get away then you're even crazier than I thought! I will never stop trying to get away from you... NEVER!"  The smiling bastard just stood there looking at me blankly. Then gave me a psychotic stare before knocking me down to the floor roughly. Before I could even let out a sound I felt the air in my lungs being sucked out by a kick in the stomach. Jeff grabbed me by my collar and raised my head a couple on inches off the floor. Just enough to get close to my face.  "Don't ever yell at me you little b***h. You go that?!" He said while shaking me harshly. I nodded fearfully. He then raised me up and threw me across the room causing my body to slam into another wall and to the ground.  Through blurred vision due to tears and pressure applied to my body I saw him exit the room, slamming the door loudly.  I couldn't move my body. Every inch of it hurt and was limp. Is this what my life was going to be from now on? Am I just gonna get abused for the rest of it? I cried silently at that thought as I laid alone on the floor. Powerless. Hey people! Thank you so much for making it this far. Please share your thoughts on the story. I'd appreciate it
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