Chapter 6: home

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(Y/n)'s POV  I stared at the distant fire ball through the back window of the van. Everyone thinks I'm dead now. There's no way they'll search for me. What's gonna happen next? What was that freak planing on doing? I kept wondering if I was ever gonna get my life back and if I'll ever manage to escape.  The sky was filled with clouds that reflected orange and yellow shades of the explosion. Dare I say it looked beautiful... if only people weren't dying in those flames.  Jane wasn't with us anymore. I'm not sure where she went off to, but she didn't seem like she was very fond of Jeff. Not sure why was the girl even helping him in the first place. It's like something was forcing her to work with that bastard. Like she had to.  Right now it was just me and Jeff. Alone in the car. He didn't say anything. I was too tired and emotionally drained to ask anything. Not like I ever even wanted to talk to him. The whole time it was just silence. Eventually, I fell asleep.  -flash back- Someone was thrown in to the room right next to me. They seemed unconscious. As I got the chance to look closer at the person I realized it was a girl. What creeped me out about her was that the girl looked identical to me from the back. She had my figure and the exact same colored hair. She was even dressed similar to me.  After the live stream started and Jeff threatened to kill me for a split second I actually believed him, but then I remembered the girl. Of course... why else would he need someone who looks just like me. He was gonna fake my death by killing her instead.  Why though? Why was I any better than her? Why did he keep me alive? Everything was so puzzled. So many questions in my head. Too many people had already died because of me. I didn't feel like I deserved to stay alive.  *** I saw him cut her throat open as she cried for life. And the blood gushing out. A drop of it fell right on my cheek. It was still warm. Like the slightest bit of life was still in it. I could see myself in her place. I could almost feel the knife on my neck. It's like time stopped for a second. The girl was a true reflection of me. It felt like a nightmare. The kind where you observe yourself from the third persons view. I shut my eyes tightly.  -end of flashback- When I opened my eyes the van was not moving as well as no one, but myself was in it. Instantly I sat up, thinking there was a chance for me to escape. I looked through the window to see if Jeff was somewhere near the vehicle. Sun was now shining brightly. Not even a cloud in the sky. The area was basically middle of nowhere.  Since no one seemed to be around so I attempted to open the door, hoping that for some reason it could be unlocked. Of course it wasn't.  After taking a moment to think and look around I made my way to the front of the van so I could try to open a window. It had one of those handles you had to roll to do so and there was dust everywhere. The ignition was broken indicating that the van was stolen.  Rolling down the window was a success. My heart beat fast. I gathered all courage and jumped out only to end up in someone's firm arms.  "Just where do you think you're going, dollface?" I looked up to see the pissed off grin on Jeff's face that was now very close to mine. I gulped. He stood me onto the ground and pinned me to the van. "You should know better than to run from me. Try that again and I'll show you what nightmares are truly made of." He spat while clenching his teeth. His forehead nearly touching mine.  After those words Jeff roughly grabbed my wrist pulling me around the vehicle and onto the passengers seat. He then slammed the door shut and got into the van himself.  We drove off. For most of the time there was tension in the air. Every once in a while I would peak at Jeff, each time looking away after like 3 seconds. I didn't want him to catch me staring. I didn't want him to know that I was interested in him. Well, I wasn't interested in that kind of way. Just needed to examine my kidnaper.  He was tensed up, one long arm on the steering wheel, another clenched on the seat next to him. Even with a smile carved onto his face Jeff didn't look like he was in a good mood at all. Did I really upset the guy that much? I mean, he caught me and I didn't actually escape, sadly. But even if I did, where would I go? We were in the middle of nowhere. He probably would have caught me short after.  Then there was another thing that worried me. His intentions with me. You really don't know what exactly to expect from a sociopathic serial killer. Specially when all this time he seemed to in a way protect me. I went through all kinds of scenarios in my head and feared the worst. Him torturing me, but making sure I wouldn't die or worse... making me his s*x slave. I wasn't even comfortable saying that word out lout, let alone do it. Plus, I didn't want to lose my virginity to a this killer.  One way or another, nothing good could come out of this and I didn't want to think of it any more.  "W-where are we going?" I asked after gathering all my courage.  "Home" "Where is home?" "Have some patience, babydoll. We're almost there." I tensed up at the 'babydoll'. It gave me a weird feeling in my stomach. Specially the way he said it. Almost with lust. I looked away to the window so he wouldn't see my uncomfortable expression.  Not long after we rode into a town. It wasn't big and I assumed that it's population wasn't either as there weren't a lot of people on the streets at all. Only one or two every few miles. The mood of this place wasn't exactly uplifting too. It was quite foggy and colorless. There was no sun. Jeff parked the van in the parking lot next to an old apartment building.  "We're here." He said while stepping out. I didn't budge. To result of that he opened my door and forced me out. I yelped a little at that. Yet again he dragged me by my wrist into the building. The wallpaper of it's hallways was puke yellow and a little torn off in places. Wooden floor creaked with nearly every step.  We walked up to a door in the back. Jeff unlocked it and behind was a stairway down to the basement. We descended to an underground apartment. It was humble, but sort of cozy in a weird way. Windows were small and high up. The living room that we were now standing in had a pretty soft looking couch and a beanbag. In front was a tv and on the coffee table was a laptop.  The living room connected to a kitchen that had several knives of all size just laying all around it.  Jeff threw his keys on the kitchen counter and plopped himself face down to the couch. I walked a little closer to him and just stood there not knowing what to do. He turned his head to the side to look at me. Then sat up.  "You hungry?" He asked. It actually caught me by surprise. Did he really care about my well being? Or did he just want to make sure I wasn't gonna die for some other twisted stuff?  "A little." I said shyly. I was actually starving as I hadn't had any food for like a whole day.  "Alright then." He stood up and took his keys again. "I'll go get some food. And you... you can scream for help as much as you want. It's the basement, nobody will hear you." He gave me that evil grin before leaving me alone in the apartment.
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