Chapter 5: death

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"Bait?! What the f**k do you mean by bait?" I hissed in frustration.  Jeff ignored me. He threw me onto his shoulder and along with the girl, who's name I assumed was Jane started walking somewhere. She wore all black to match her long black hair. Her face was covered by a white mask that had black lips and eyes drawn on to it.  "Jeff?!" I tried to kick around. That was no use. He threw me into the back of a black van and took up the drivers seat himself. Jane sat in the passengers seat next to him. Inside the van the only seats were two front ones. The rest of it was an empty space. There weren't many windows except for the front ones and the ones on the back door I was thrown in through.  I hugged my knees to my chest. Looking up I could see the reflection of Jeff's eyes in the rear view mirror. "Jeff-" I mumbled faintly, trying to hold back my tears. His eyes laid on me. They were soft. Almost made me feel comforted. He shook it off and kept his eyes on the road.  Time in a van was long and I got nauseous a couple of times before it stopped. Luckily, I didn't throw up. Jeff and Jane got out. Shortly after I was pulled outside as well. In front of us was an abandoned hospital. Looking around it was in the middle of nowhere. There were no trees around, no buildings. Like it was not only abandoned by people, but by the city and civilization too. We walked inside. I was forced to of course. Jane shined the hallways with her flashlight while Jeff held my wrist tightly. The wallpaper was all scratched and dirty. Scattered around the floor were all kinds of drugs, syringes and other medical equipment.  We entered one of the hospital rooms. I was tied up to the chair and my mouth was covered with duck tape. The doors closed and I was left in that room all alone. Tears were running down my cheeks like two streaming rivers. I tried to adapt my eyes to the dark, but there was nothing around that could help me, so I waited.  The sun was slowly starting to rise and it seemed like an eternity before the doors opened. I squinted my eyes from a bright light of the flashlight. Someone was thrown in to the room right next to me. They seemed unconscious. I didn't have enough time to inspect the figure before Jane brought out a camera right in front of me. It looked like a professional one that people on tv use.  "You ready, Ben?" Jane asked. And right after that the camera started rolling.  *** Natalie's POV As I walked out of my room that morning I saw my parents staring at the tv. They were petrified. My dad looked at me as he heard me open the door. "Natalie, you have to come see this." His voice was shaky.  I came closer and gasped in shock. I-it was y/n. She was tied down to a chair in the middle of a messy room. From her stare I could tell that she was fully conscious and terrified.  "What is this?! How did they get into our tv?" I cried. "What do they want?" "I don't think it's just our tv... " My dad said as he turned the radio up.  "A mysterious live stream is being aired all around the country as someone hacked into our system, it shows a tied up young girl. She doesn't look hurt, but the location of her or the hacker isn't yet clear." A man from the radio explained. "Right now the police are trying to track down where the live stream is coming from."  This is terrible! Why would someone do this? What did y/n ever do to deserve all of it? Looking at the tv a man walked up behind y/n. His face was cut out of the screen. He was playing around with a large kitchen knife. A low-pitched voice spoke up which I assumed was his. "We are at the (name) hospital on (street name). Better hurry up or she and more people will suffer." He ended with a creepy chuckle. "I'll give you-" he thought for a second. "-thirty minutes." After that the man left the screen.  "The kidnapers willingly revealed their location. They also made a statement that the girl is not the only victim. We are not sure if they are truthful, but a police force is being sent there as quickly as possible." A man on the radio broadcasted.  Y/n held her head down by now from time to time peeking up at someone.  About twenty minutes in the low-pitched voice spoke up again. "You know, I'm getting tired of waiting. Maybe we should just end this now." The camera was picked up and pointed to the ground. Then lifted up again with the man holding y/n's face up, revealing her throat fully. She was now untied and standing in front of him. I could hear her cries and it broke my heart. The screen was quite shaky making it hard to see things clearly.  I held my breath. H-he... HE CUT HER THROAT OPEN!! The blood spilled everywhere landing a few drops on the screen. I fell to my knees. My vision was blurred out as tears were filling my eyes. I couldn't believe it. This is not real.  The camera dropped to the ground. The police broke into the room. Unfortunately, as soon as their feel showed up a loud boom was heard and shortly after the signal was cut off into a static.  My mom hugged me tightly. I couldn't lift my arms up. I couldn't move at all. She was like family to me. My only friend. My- "We hate to report devastating news that as soon as our forces entered the hospital it was blown up. We don't know if there were any more victims or if the offenders survived the explosion. Please, stay tuned for more information. For now, lets give a moment of silence for the victims and their loved ones." Reporter ended the broadcast, trying to keep his voice professional. B-but I-I loved her... and now she's... dead. Hey people! As the description says this is my first fanfic. I really hope you're enjoying it so far. Please leave me some criticism if you have any and I'll try to improve as best as I can
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