chapter 19

1877 Words
Edited. Warning, s****l content ahead. Depp’s P.O.V I couldn’t believe my mate could actually fight and I would have to ask her how and where she learned to fight like that. I was so proud of her, but there were still two more challenges to go and I just hoped that she could beat them as well. As the night went on the party started to die down and my mother and father hugged us both goodbye. Now that they were no longer king and queen they were going to travel around the world and then come back one day. “We are very proud of you, my dear. Keep up the good work and keep Depp in line, he will need it from time to time, so remember that.” My mother said and Brie nodded, hugging them back just as tightly as they did her. Even though it was now night time they wanted to leave and get a head start on their journey, so we bid them goodbye and watched them leave before heading upstairs to our room to relax. Brie knew that this was the night we were going to mate and I could tell that she was really nervous, yet when we went up to our room I closed the door behind us and just as I went to hug her she stopped me. “Wait in here, I’ll be right back.” She said and I nodded. She went into the bathroom and I sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for her to return. Brie’s P.O.V I was so nervous, but I was excited at the same time. I went into the bathroom and saw that Sandy had hung the ceremonial gown up on the back of the door, which I was thankful for. I got changed into the gown and I felt so honoured to wear it. It was a little see-through and had a slit on the side, but it was so beautiful and I had no idea how old it was, but it had stood the test of time. I walked out into the bedroom and Depp looked up at me, his eyes going wide when he saw what I was wearing. Depp’s P.O.V I couldn’t believe that she was wearing the ceremonial mating gown. How did she find it? I had looked all over for it, so that she could wear it for tonight, but had never found it. This was just absolutely amazing and she looked so astonishingly beautiful wearing it. I got up off the bed and walked over to her, taking her hands in mine and kissing her knuckles before pulling her close to me. I could tell how nervous she was and I wanted her to know that she would be alright, so I sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her with me. I undid the back of the gown and slid it off her, all the time looking into her eyes. I tossed it over the chair next to the window and looked her up and down. Damn, her body was sexy as hell, she was clean shaven, she had curves in all the right places and her breasts were the perfect D cup. I had never liked big breasts because how could you put your hands around them or suck and nibble them, but her breasts were perfect, just like her. I got up from the bed and picked her up then turned and laid her down on the bed. “I know that this is new to you, that you have never done this before, so I’ll take it slowly.” I said and she nodded. I kissed her lips, then her neck and collarbone, then trailed kisses down her stomach to her hips. I put her legs up and kneeled down between them, wanting nothing more than to smell her scent, to play with her and to taste her. I leaned closer to her, inhaling her scent and it was driving my lycan, Holler, crazy. My fingers played with her clit, rubbing her nub up and down, then in circles and then I leaned closer and began sucking on it. I heard her softly moan, but I wanted her whole body to be shaking by the time I got done with her, so I sucked harder and began to finger her to get her ready for me. I played with her clit then fingered her some more and then she came in my mouth. She was nice and wet for me now. I licked my lips, tasting her and then I kissed and licked every inch of her body as I moved back up. I felt her shiver when she felt my thick hard c**k against her leg and then I felt her fear, so I tried to calm her down by kissing and nibbling on her n*****s. I needed her and I wanted nothing more than to f**k her hard, but I knew that this was her first time and I couldn’t and wouldn’t do that to her, not yet. “This is going to hurt for a little bit, but I promise I will take it as slow as you want and I won’t move until you tell me to.” I said, looking into her eyes. She nodded, but I could see the fear in her eyes of the pain she was about to feel. I slowly put the head of my d**k inside her, then I pushed a little more, but she was so wet that it was driving Holler crazy and I was having to fight him to keep control. If I let him out then he would end up hurting her, even though he wouldn’t mean to. “Holler, stop or you are going to hurt our mate and I know that you don’t want that.” I said and he quickly became calm at the thought of our mate being hurt by us. I looked into her eyes and pushed all the way inside her. She cried out and squeezed her eyes shut, but I stayed still, letting her get used to my size. “Brie, look at me. Breath, take deep breaths and open your eyes.” I whispered and she did as I had asked. She looked me right in the eye, took a few deep breaths and then nodded for me to continue. “Are you sure?” I asked and she nodded again. I started to slowly move in and out of her for a few minutes, but it drove me crazy to hear her moan and it took all I had to stop. “Are you still okay?” I asked and she nodded again. “Yes, it doesn’t hurt as much now.” She replied and I was happy to hear that she was getting used to me, so I started back up again. I looked down at her and her breasts were bouncing with every thrust I made and her moans soon turned to loud screams. Her nails went to my back and dug into my skin, driving me even more nuts. I loved pain and it was the only reason I could fight to the end when we were at war. The more pain you gave me the more I would fight you, but all I wanted to do with Brie was love her. I leaned down to suck on her n*****s and she moaned even more, but I knew that I still needed to mark her as mine. As my queen and my mate for life. I lifted my head to her neck and licked the spot where I would mark her to numb the pain. “I’m going to mark you and this is going to really hurt now, but afterwards you should feel pleasure.” I whispered and all she could do was nod as I carried on thrusting in and out of her. Her screams of pleasure got louder and I licked her neck once more before my canines came out and I sunk them into her neck. She screamed out in pain, punching my back and pleading for me to stop, but then she stopped screaming and started moaning, so I knew that the pain had now turned to pleasure. Her moans grew louder and then she did the last thing I ever expected her to do, she bit the f**k out of my neck and collarbone. I don’t mean like playful nibbles, I mean she sank her teeth into my skin, piercing the flesh. She had now officially marked me as hers and that s**t hurt without being numbed first, but I now knew how she felt when I first marked her and she was punching my back for me to stop. I pulled my canines out of her neck and licked the wound to heal it, making us one with each other. I knew that the whole kingdom had felt as our bond was secured to each other and they felt as our power flooded into each other. I heard her climax just as I reached my own and fell on top of her, but I knew that I couldn’t rest no matter how exhausted I was. I had to get her cleaned up because she had blood between her legs, so I picked her up, knowing that she couldn’t walk right now and carried her to the bathroom. I should really let her soak in the bath for a while, but I knew that the water would burn her and make her even more painful down there, so I decided on a shower. I held her close to me as we got in the shower and I turned the water on, but I knew I couldn’t have it how I liked it because it would scold her, so I turned the temperature down. I grabbed a soft washcloth and started to gently wash her, then I washed myself. I turned the water off when we were done and clean, then carried her out of the shower, grabbed a fluffy towel and carefully dried her off. I sat her down on the counter and then dried myself off before picking her up and carrying her back into the bedroom, laying her down on the bed. She turned to me and smiled, but when I looked into her eyes they were really weird. Instead of her having two different coloured eyes, they were now silver with a little purple in them. I blinked and looked at her again, but her eyes were back to their normal colour. “Who are you?” I whispered, low enough so that she couldn’t hear me, but of course she didn’t answer me because she hadn’t heard me. “How about round two, my king?” Brie asked and she didn’t have to ask me twice as I got on the bed and back between her legs, but this time I flipped us so that she was sitting on top of me, straddling me. “As you wish, my queen.” I replied, making her smile and then moan as I thrust up into her.
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