Chapter 20

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Edited. Brie’s P.O.V The next morning I woke up and although I felt sore, I also felt incredibly happy. Last night was perfect, not at all how I imagined it, but it was so much better. Depp was in the shower, getting ready for us to go down to breakfast and I was just getting ready when there was a knock on the bedroom door. I opened it and was shocked to see the two women that had challenged me last night at my ceremony. “My queen.” They both said, bowing their heads to me. I had no idea what their names were, but I also didn’t care because they wanted my mate and crown. Was that why they were here, to fight me? “Are you here to fulfil the challenge you gave to me last night?” I asked, but they quickly shook their heads and got down on their knees in front of me. “No my queen, we wanted to take back our challenges and accept you as our queen. We watched as you beat Flower and we don’t want that. We were foolish to believe that we could beat you. We are at your beck and call, my queen and pledge ourselves to protect you with our lives.” They said, shocking me. “What are your names?” I asked, looking at them both. “I’m Bliss and this is Nikki.” Bliss said, introducing themselves to me. “I accept your pledges and your willingness to take back the challenge, but please don’t make me regret it.” I replied and they both quickly nodded. I gestured for them to stand and then bid them goodbye as I closed the door and went back into the bedroom. Depp came out of the shower and smiled at me, obviously hearing everything that had just happened, either that or he had read my mind again. We went down for breakfast, then he showed me around the castle, which took a lot longer than I expected because this place was so massive, but by the time we were finished it was night time and we had missed dinner. Depp made us something to eat and we brought it upstairs to our bedroom, where we ate our food in bed and then made love over and over again. A Few Days Later… The last few days were extremely busy, but I was doing so much better now that the pills had finally worked their way out of my system. I was training with the help of DeDe and Sandy, plus Bliss and Nikki were also helping me train as well, showing me a few new moves. I wanted to be a strong queen, not a weakling and I was getting stronger with each passing day, but the more I trained and the stronger I got, the more it made me think about my parents. I knew that I needed to talk to them and I knew that they were worried about me, thinking that I was going to go crazy and shift, but I wanted to speak to them. I knew that they had returned to their pack and Depp was going there tomorrow to get answers from and deal with the rogue that killed a pack member the day they found me, but I was also going with him, so maybe I could talk to them. I was going for the sole purpose of speaking to that rogue, hoping that he would have some answers about me and how I ended up in that old abandoned shack because I really needed answers and he was the only other one that was there that day. He was the only other one that might know something. I’ve only been gone from the pack for two maybe three months at the most and now Depp had told me that he was meant to visit my old pack to deal with the rogue a few days after he met me, but he didn’t want to leave me here alone. Depp and I were currently in our bedroom, packing what we were going to take with us on the journey back to my pack, when Depp’s eyes glazed over and I knew that he was getting a mind-link from someone, then his eyes returned to normal. “The doctor has your results back and he wants to see us, so I invited him up here where it's more private. He’ll be here in a few minutes.” Depp said and I nodded. A few minutes later, as promised there was a knock at the door and Depp opened it, while I carried on packing my bag. I was nervous about the results, wondering what he had found and if I was going to be alright or if I was going to hurt someone, but when he looked at me and smiled I felt myself relax a little. “I have your results and I am pleased to tell you that you are alright. The pills didn’t cause any lasting damage and you don’t need to take them anymore, but I will warn you that if you don’t stop taking them you could kill your beasts and yourself all together.” Doctor Glaser said and I felt so relieved and happy. “I already stopped taking them almost a week a…wait, what? What do you mean beasts?” I asked and he just shook his head. “My queen, you will find out soon enough, but I am afraid that it is something I cannot reveal to you because I don’t know what beasts you have or how many. I can however tell you that you need to get stronger, train and be with your king because you will need him now more than ever.” Doctor Glaser replied and I was so freaking confused. Them? He actually said I had beasts, as in more than one, but what did he mean when he said he didn’t know what they were? How is that possible? We both thanked Doctor Glaser for coming here and giving me the results, then he left, leaving me in a state of confusion and worry. “Hey, whatever you are we will get through this, but at least you know that you are alright, that the pills haven’t caused you any harm.” Depp said and I nodded. He was right, this was good news, disturbing and confusing news, but it was still good. I hugged Depp tightly and he kissed my forehead, before we finished up packing our bags and going to bed. The whole night I felt restless, thinking about what could be inside me and what it would mean when I shifted. Would I have to shift into each of my beasts for the process to be complete and if so how many times would I have to shift? There was one thing that I knew for sure, that no matter how many times I had to shift, it was going to hurt like a motherfucker, but would it be worth it in the end? The next morning I woke up really early, due to me being restless, tossing and turning the whole night. We were going to go to my old pack today, the Black River Moon pack. I was a little scared and nervous at the same time because I was going to see my parents and old Alpha, but I was more nervous about what they were going to say when they found out that I was now the queen of the lycans. Obviously there was a king and queen of the werewolves, but we ruled over them, well the lycans do. I still don’t know what the hell I am and I was determined to find out. I decided to wake Depp up in my own little way, needing to feel his skin on mine, so I started kissing his chest and then I sat on top of him. I teased him and felt his c**k get hard, then I knew he was awake. He couldn’t fool me and neither could his d**k, especially when I touched him, stroking his d**k up and down with my hand. I heard him moan and I moved to the side of him and began to stroke him even more. He was now fully awake and moaning, which I loved to hear. I know that I was new to this, but I wasn’t completely dumb, I had watched movies and learned what I was doing to him from them. I quickly learned what he liked and decided to take things further, so I bent down and took his dic into my mouth. At first it felt weird, but then I started to like it and took him further into my mouth, deep throating him. His fingers tangled in my hair and he pushed my head down further every time I pulled up and soon he shot his load into my mouth. I looked up smiling at him as I swallowed it and then kissed his cheek before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. I stepped into the shower and washed myself, but just as I was about to get out Depp stepped in and pinned me against the shower wall. He picked me up and thrust his d**k into me, then began f*****g me hard and fast, biting onto my shoulder as we both got closer. We came together and then washed each other before getting out of the shower, drying off and going back into the bedroom to get dressed. I got dressed in my blue jeans, a blue button up shirt and my sneakers, leaving my curls to fall over my back and I was ready. Depp got dressed in black jeans and a black pull over shirt, as well as his boots. I knew that he had to look the part when he went to my old pack and it was such a turn on to see him dressed like this. We were both ready to head out when Beta Johnny came knocking on the door. “Hey you two, if you are done we need to get going. A few of the guards and warriors will be in the other car.” Beta Johnny said through the door and then Depp opened it. “We were just about to head downstairs, so there was no need for that.” Depp replied and Johnny nodded, but smirked. “Oh please, I know how you are, Depp. Come on, everyone is waiting.” Johnny said, making Depp roll his eyes as we grabbed our bags and left the bedroom. We got into the elevator and went straight down to the front door, loading our bags and then getting into the car. It was a ten hour straight drive to my old pack and we only stopped for gas, food, drinks and bathroom breaks. We were now only thirty minutes away from my old pack and I was getting nervous, but also a little excited, which was weird. Depp took out his phone and dialled my old Alpha’s number, then put it on loud speaker so that I could listen. “We are on our way and will be with you shortly.” Depp said, speaking to Alpha JOe on the phone. “I will have dinner ready when you arrive. Many of the females are looking forward to seeing you, my king.” Alpha Joe replied, but Depp didn’t say anything. They would know what was going on as soon as I got out of the car with him and if they didn’t then I wouldn’t have any problem letting them know. I hadn’t taken a pill for almost a week now and I was starting to think that everyone was wrong, that I was just a mere human with nothing inside of me, but even if I was like they said and had multiple beasts, I would be alright with that too. I was so ready to shift and get it over and done with, but nothing had happened. I felt stronger, but that was about it, nothing more, nothing less. I looked out the window of the car and saw that we were almost there because I had started noticing the places I used to hang out with the few friends that I did have and it made me wonder if they knew as well, but I quickly put that thought to the back of my mind. We drove past the coffee shop I used to work in and I wondered who had taken my place there. I wanted to see my old boss, so I made a mental note to speak to Depp about it. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind once we are gone from here. We were at the tall metal gates that I once called the entrance to my home and I noticed a couple of the guards. I was pleased to see them, Gregory and Ice, those two helped me to learn how to fight. They trained me at night when everyone else was in bed asleep because they didn’t want to get into trouble for it. I hit a button on the door and the window rolled down. “Gregory, Ice, I’m so happy to see you.” I said and their eyes went huge when they saw me, but then they bowed down to me. “Oh please, you don’t have to do that, you’re my friends.” I said and they nodded, straightening up. “Welcome back, Brie. We missed the hell out of you and I know the Alpha would love to see you, as well as your parents.” Gregory replied, opening the gates and I nodded. “Alright, I’ll see you later.” I said and rolled the window back up as we drove through the gates. There was so much to see here and a lot of new things, especially the pack house, which seemed bigger and there were playgrounds now. I saw little pups playing there, but there were guards watching over them and keeping them safe. They had planted gardens that weren’t there before and they were growing beautiful flowers beside the houses. Everything has changed since I was last here and it made me wonder why. Did they have a Luna now, is that why everything has changed? I know that Alpha Joe didn’t have a mate when I left, so maybe he found her and if he did then I hope that he is happy now that he has her. We drove up to the pack house and Alpha Joe came out with a lovely lady by his side. She had shoulder length brown hair and looked to be about 5.9. She was wearing a knee length skirt and a button up blouse. Yeah, he had definitely found her alright, but for some reason he had a stern look on his face. When the cars stopped and the engines turned off, I felt myself get nervous again. I don’t even know if he knows that I’m here and if he does what will he look like once I get out of the car? I began to see she-wolves come outside and gather around the front of the house, which made me roll my eyes. Here we go again, how many times am I going to be challenged this time? I probably will, but I already knew all too well which she-wolves would challenge me and I was prepared for it.
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