chapter 18

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Edited. King Paul’s (Depp’s father) P.O.V I knew that this was the day my son would become a man, even though he’d already had most of the female lycans here, but this was the day he would become a man because he had finally found his mate and tonight she is going to be crowned as such. The night went on with great success and everyone was chatting up a storm, but now it was time for the ceremony. I stood up and took the microphone in my hand, clearing my throat to get everyone's attention. The whole room became deathly silent as everyone stopped talking and looked up at the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to welcome the new queen and to also crown my son as the official king. My mate and I are officially stepping down tonight, which is one of the reasons we came back. Son, please come and kneel before me.” I said and Depp nodded. He stood from his seat, stood in front of me and then kneeled as I took my crown off and placed it over his head. “Behold the new king of the lycans.” I announced, lowering the crown so that it rested on his head. Everyone in the room broke out into applause and cheers as Depp was now officially crowned, now it was my mate’s turn to do the same, so Zola stepped forward and cleared her throat. “Ladies and gentlemen, our son has finally found his mate, his queen and we are here to meet her, to welcome her and to crown her as the new queen of our world. Brie, honey, please come forward and kneel before me.” Zola said and I could see that Brie was so nervous that she was shaking. “Is she alright?” I asked, mind-linking my son. “Yes, her old pack used to give her wolfsbane pills to take to keep her beast weak and at bay. She was meant to stop taking them years ago, but her parents kept giving them to her and she has now stopped taking them, so I think it's a little withdrawal as well as nerves. She will be okay, she is strong.” Depp replied, mind-linking me back and I felt a sudden wave of anger when I heard what they had done to her. I knew that my son would help her through this, we all would, but my heart broke that she had to go through this in the first place and it only made me feel even more proud of her for doing it. Brie stood and walked in front of Zola, then kneeled down as Zola did the same as me and placed her crown over Brie’s head. “Please stand, my queen.” Zola said and Brie stood. “Behold our new official queen. If anyone wants to challenge her right now then you have twenty four hours to complete the challenge.” Zola said, raising Brie’s hand. Depp’s P.O.V Brie and I looked at each other, then into the crowd when a voice rang out. When I saw who it was I was furious and shocked. Flower. How the f**k did she get out of the dungeon? “I challenge the new queen for her crown and I challenge her tonight.” Flower shouted out and Brie looked at her like she was crazy. Another woman stood up and I saw that it was Bliss. “I challenge the new queen for her crown.” Bliss shouted out, but not with as much hatred as what Flower had done it in, then another one stood tall and her name was Nikki. s**t, how many were there going to be? “I challenge the new queen for her crown.” Nikki said and we waited to see if there were going to be any more challengers, but there was no one else. I growled the deepest growl I could as I looked at Flower, who just stood there smirking. “Flower, I don’t know how the hell you got out of the dungeon, but when I find out heads are going to f*****g roll.” I said, but she just carried on smirking as she looked at Brie. Carry’s P.O.V Flower thought that she had got the upper hand, that she was going to defeat the new queen. All my human wanted to do was kill the queen so she could take over, but what she didn’t know was that the Moon Goddess had heard my prayers to take me away from her and to give me to another worthy human. She had not only heard my prayers and pleas, she had granted my wish, but Flower was so consumed with hatred that she didn’t realise I was slowly being taken away from her, leaving her as a human for this very moment, which was her biggest mistake. Brie’s P.O.V “Tonight I will win that crown and I will banish you from the kingdom, then I will banish all the others that don’t obey me.” The woman I now knew as Flower said and I rolled my eyes at her. I walked down the steps off the stage and took off my heels and crown. I wasn’t sure just how strong this b***h is, but I wasn’t going to go down without a fight and if I lost tonight then I would make sure that Flower knew I was here, she would feel every inch of pain I was going to give her for the rest of her life. Depp followed me down the steps and I took off my jewellery, then handed it to him to keep it safe before stepping forward. I got into the circle that the crowd had made with the crazy b***h. Flower stood with her back to me, still ranting and raving about how great she was and what she was going to do to me, so I stood there waiting for her to shut the f**k up. Flower turned around, but she did it so fast and managed to back hand me across the face. The force of the blow caused my head to jerk back and that’s when I knew it was on. I recovered fast and then smirked at Flower, who stood there gloating. “My turn, bitch.” I said, balling my fist up. I punched her as hard as I could and landed my blow right between her eyes. You could hear the sound of my fist making contact with her head, making a loud crunching noise, which told me that I had just broken her nose. Flower’s P.O.V What the f**k?! She wasn’t meant to do that. No, it can’t be…I’m…I’m human. “CARRY!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!!” I screamed into my head, but there was nothing there. No connection to my lycan, no static, nothing. My lycan had left me. f**k! There was only one way for me to become a lycan again and that was to get one of them to bite me, but who would bite me? I knew that I couldn’t back out of the challenge now and had to finish this fight, but this b***h was human so the odds were still in my favour because I had more training than her. I ran at Brie with blood dripping down my face and did a double flip kick, hitting Brie in the face and stomach. I was still strong and when Brie stumbled back it proved it, but she recovered too fast and slid her leg, tripping me up. I fell right on my ass and tried to quickly get up, but that b***h did a roundhouse kick, knocking me to the ground. “Do you submit to your queen?” She asked, stepping on my neck. “If you do not submit then I’m going to break your f*****g neck, you bitch.” She said and I growled out. “YES, I SUBMIT!! NOW GET THE f**k OFF ME!!!” I screamed out and she took her foot off my neck. I went to get up, but she kicked me in the face and all I saw was darkness. Nora’s P.O.V I watched the whole scene unfold in front of me, shocked and confused as to how Flower had managed to get out of the dungeon. I don’t know how she did it, but I was going to find out, I thought, watching the queen fight. When Flower lost and was knocked out I called for the guards to take her back down to the dungeons. They grabbed her by the arms and lifted her slightly, dragging her back down to the dungeons and I walked in front of them. One of the guards had been knocked out, so I went over and slapped his face, trying to bring him round. “How the hell did you get knocked out?” I asked, as he started to come back round, but he just shook his head, still out of sorts. I stood up and went into the cell, looking at the chains, which were now pulled back into the wall. Someone had let her out and now I had to figure out who it was and why, I thought, shaking my head. I had the guards throw Flower into another cell, one with a steel door, but no one knew that this door was covered in silver except for me, so I made sure to close the door myself. If anyone tried to free her again then they would be burned by the silver and that would tell me who it was that was helping her and going against the royal family.
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