chapter 17

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Edited. Brie’s P.O.V The day was going so well and I was almost ready for the ceremony. I had Sandy and another woman called DeDe helping me. Sandy was doing my hair, while DeDe was doing my make-up and although I kept trying to see myself in the mirror they kept turning me away and eventually put a shawl over it so that I couldn’t see my reflection. “That’s not fair.” I said and all they did was laugh. When my make-up and hair was finally done, Sandy went to the closet and bought out the white dress that had small red rubies over the neckline and down the middle of the dress. They helped me put it on and Sandy helped me into my strappy heels. “I can do that myself, you know.” I said, but Sandy shook her head.. “Not a chance.” She replied and I couldn’t help chuckling because I knew that they were only doing it because they wanted to help me. The last thing to be put on me was my jewellery, so I put in my earrings and the bracelets, while DeDe fastened my necklace. They placed a few rings on my fingers, but I took them off and left just one ring on. The final last touch was this little thing made up of white roses, which they placed in my hair, like a tiara or crown, then I was finally done. Sandy stood me in front of the mirror, while DeDe took the shawl off it, showing me what I looked like. My jaw hit the floor as soon as I saw myself because the person I was looking at didn’t look like me, but it was me. “I look completely different.” I said, taking in every detail. “That’s because you are glowing, my queen. You are happy and it shows. Now you are going to be announced as our official queen, but you need to be careful because others might challenge you for your crown. You need to keep that in mind because the law says they have twenty four hours to challenge you and when the twenty four hours are up, no one will be able to challenge you, unless they are crazy and don’t care about the rules.” Sandy said and I nodded. “How come the king never told me that? Does he think that no one will challenge me?” I asked and Sandy frowned. “It was the ladies in waiting, that's us, it is our responsibility to tell the queen. He knows all about it, but it was his dad's, the former king’s, decision to make the rule and it has been kept that way ever since. There are a few that are crazy enough to challenge you, but just keep your head up high and do not let them see that you are worried.” Sandy replied and I nodded again. “Oh I’m not worried about being challenged, I’m just worried about how many of them are going to challenge me.” I replied and this time it was DeDe that frowned. “I don’t think that there are that many because I think that many of the ones that did want the king bowed out when he found you. Many still respect the bond of mates and there are others that still think they have a chance, but let’s not worry about that right now. Let’s get you downstairs, the king is waiting for his queen and everyone else is waiting to meet you too. Do you still have the ceremony gown for the mating?” DeDe asked and I blushed a deep red. “Yes, I want this to be special. I know that I had boyfriends before, but the only thing that went on was kissing and the odd feel here and there, nothing more. I was always waiting for that special one to come along, but I never thought I would’ve had a mate.” I replied and they both smiled at me as we walked out of the bedroom. “Don’t worry, my queen, everything will be alright. My advice to you is take a deep breath and when he is about to, well you know, it will hurt at first, but not for too long and then you will love it.” Sandy said, making me blush again. We got into the elevator and went down to the first floor, but the whole way down I felt nervous, anxious and excited. Depp’s P.O.V I was waiting in the hallway in front of the elevator, tapping my foot as I waited for them to come down, when suddenly the elevator doors opened and Sandy and DeDe stepped out first, then Brie. The girls had done an amazing job, even though Brie really didn’t need any make-up or anything else to look beautiful, but they had used that to their advantage and I couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked, so mesmerising and breathtaking. “The kingdom is awaiting their queen, my lady.” I said, holding out my arm for her to take. She blushed as she reached out and I placed her hand in the crook of my arm. “The girls told me about the challenge and they said that there might be some, there might be many, but I’m not worried. I’m going to go in there with my head held high.” Brie whispered and I nodded, so proud of her. I know that I should have told her about the challenges, but I knew that I couldn’t because it was my father’s rule. I knew I could change it and maybe I should. My warriors were strong, very strong and they all knew how to kill, plus we had never lost a war, but I wished that I’d had the time to train Brie. The ceremony had to be done straight away, to show that I was now taken and that I had found the queen of the kingdom, so there was no time. I remember my mother telling me about how she and my father first met, how she was challenged straight away and how she almost lost to the last challenger, but then her lycan came forward and destroyed her. Thankfully the young woman had years to recover from her injuries and she respected my mother even more because of it. Tonight my parents would be meeting Brie for the first time and I was nervous because they had been gone for a while, but now they were back and were going to meet their queen. I know that my mother will love her, but my father always wanted the best for me and Brie is the best. I can’t help feeling real love for her and it's not the mate bond making me feel this way, it's love, real pure love. I never thought that I would ever feel this way towards anyone, but this is real for me and I hope my father can see that. We walked into the hall and everyone turned around to face us, while my mother and father were already on stage. We walked up the steps of the stage and stood in front of them, but I could feel Brie getting more nervous now that she had noticed them. Brie’s P.O.V I didn’t know who these people were, but the woman was very beautiful. She had short blonde hair, blue green eyes and was about 6 foot, wearing a crown on her head. She had to be Depp’s mother, the current queen. The woman smiled at me and then I saw the man standing next to her, who also smiled at me, but not as widely as the woman. The man was around 6.2, with shoulder length dark hair that laid flat and greenish brown eyes. He was also wearing a crown and Depp looked just like him, so I knew right away that this was his father. Oh my, I’m about to meet his parents for the first time, I thought and started to get even more nervous, but Depp wrapped his arm around my waist to comfort me. “It’s okay, love. They are approving of you with their smiles and they just told me that you looked beautiful tonight.” Depp whispered and I nodded, feeling slightly relieved. I was so glad that they liked me because it was one less thing to worry about, but I just hope the rest of tonight goes as smoothly as this did. I hope that no one challenges me because if they do then they are going to have their hands full. I trained with my father's pack ever since I was little and I knew how to fight. I knew how to block and defend myself, but I also knew how to attack. I was very strong, stronger than I looked, even though everyone thinks I’m a weakling. I’ll soon prove them wrong and I’ll kick all these bitches ass if they try to take my man from me.
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