Chapter 14.

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Edited. Depp’s P.O.V I was trying to take a fast shower, but other things came into my mind, like how Brie looked with wet hair and her lying next to me in bed, so I had to do what I had to do. After I was finished I showered again, then dried off and wrapped a towel around my waist before going back into the bedroom. I saw Brie sitting on the chair by the window and watched as she turned to face me when I stepped into the room. I knew I liked to shower with very hot water, so I knew that there was steam coming off me, but her eyes looked a little different and it made me wonder if she had taken one of those horrible pills today or just left them on the floor in that bedroom. I watched her staring at me and it was like she was f*****g me with her eyes. She blushed and looked away as soon as she saw that I had caught her staring at me and I couldn’t help but chuckle. I went to my walk-in closet and got dressed in black jeans and a pull over dark blue shirt, then I put my shoes on and walked out of the closet, but Brie was still sitting there and she looked like she had something on her mind, but she didn’t say anything. “Are you okay? Are you ready to head down to the office? The doctor should be there by now.” I said and she nodded, but I could tell there was something wrong. I don’t know if it was nerves or something else, but there was definitely something wrong. We walked out of the bedroom and headed towards the elevator, getting in and going to the bottom floor. The whole way down she was silent and when the doors opened we stepped out and walked to my office. I still haven’t shown her everything in this castle, but tomorrow will be a big day, so I will be showing her around as we sort things out. I opened the door to my office and the doctor was pacing back and forth. I knew that it was because he had many things to do, but this right here was more important than whatever he was waiting for him. As soon as he saw us he stopped pacing and bowed his head, then looked right at me, getting right down to business. “My king, what do you need to do today? I have others to see and things to attend to, so let’s get this going. Who is this, is this one of your….” Doctor Glaser said, but before he could get another word out I grabbed him by his throat and had him dangling off the floor. “If I was you, Glaser, I would not finish what you were about to say. This is my mate and your queen, Brie.” I said, growling and his eyes went wide. “I am so very sorry, my king, please forgive me.” Doctor Glaser quickly said and I nodded as I let go of his throat, letting him land on the ground. “What needs to be done, my king?” Doctor Glaser asked, bowing his head again. As soon as he asked about Brie my attitude changed straight away, becoming calmer. “My mate, well, this is a long story, but I’ll shorten it for you. Can you draw blood from her so that you can look into what she is? She doesn’t know and neither do I. She has been taking these pills that had wolfsbane in them to keep her beast at bay and weak.” I said and Doctor Glaser gave me a confused look. Doctor Glaser’s P.O.V Wolfsbane pills. I knew about them and what they were used for, but this must be a mistake. They are only given to the ones that have shifted too early and gone crazy because of it, but should I tell my king this? If I don’t then he could easily find out just by reading my thoughts. “Sir, I know about these pills and they are only given to the ones that shift too early and go crazy. These pills are to keep them and their beasts weak and at bay.” I said and then looked at the queen. “Is that what happened, honey?” I asked, hoping I was wrong, but all she did was shrug and that confused me. How could she not know? “I don’t know what really happened. I remember being with my parents, then hearing gunshots and the next thing I know I ended up in a run down abandoned shack, that’s where my adoptive father, Sparrow and Alpha Joe, found me. They took me to their pack and that's where I stayed until I turned eighteen and I left for reasons that I would rather not say.” The queen replied and I nodded. “Okay, let’s take a few vials of blood and then I can get them tested.” I said and took a few vials, a needle and a tourniquet out of my medical bag. I wrapped the tourniquet around her upper arm, then found a vein and stuck a needle into it, then attached a vial to the end of it. I drew four vials of blood from her, removed the needle and tourniquet, then placed a small cotton ball on her arm to stop the bleeding. She wasn’t healing as fast as what we do and that concerned me, but maybe it was just because her beast was too weak due to the pills. “I’m going to need to take some x-rays as well, but don’t worry, I bought my portable x-ray machine with me to save time. All I need you to do is remove anything metal that could distort the images and then stand still so I can take the pictures. Give me a few minutes while I set this up.” I said and she nodded. Brie’s P.O.V It took thirty minutes for him to set up the weird looking machine, then he took some kind of wand thingy and started taking x-rays from head to toe of me. Every now and then I would hear clicking noises coming from the machine, which I assumed meant it was taking the pictures it needed. Twenty minutes later it was all done. “Alright my king and queen, give me a few days and I will have everything done and ready for you to see.” Doctor Glaser said and we both nodded. He packed up all the things into his medical bag and then left the office, leaving me alone with my mate. “Alright, are you ready to head out? We have a lot to do today to get ready for tomorrow.” Depp asked, but I was facing away from him. I was still a little nervous. I had snuck one of the wolfsbane pills into my pocket, even though I knew that I didn’t need to take them anymore, but a part of me couldn’t help thinking one more wouldn’t hurt. I quickly took the pill and then turned to face him. I still had a lot more I wanted to talk to him about, especially about getting a new bed because there was no way I was going to sleep in the same bed that he had shared with all those women. “I’m ready, but where are we going? I don’t know any shops around here.” I asked and he took me by the hand without saying anything. He led me out of the office, down the hallway and out of the pack house to his Hummer. He opened the car door for me and I got in, then he closed the door and got in the driver’s side before starting the engine and driving away. “Depp, are you going to tell me where we are going or do I have to guess?” I asked, but then I felt something grumbling around inside of me. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken that pill. Tomorrow I won’t take any, that was the last one I will ever take, no more, I thought to myself. “I am taking you to the best dress shops and please, don’t try to hide your thoughts away from me again. I know what you have done and we will work together through this. I have already linked a few of my Omega’s to take all of the pill bottles out of your bags and from the floor in the other bedroom. We will get through this, Brie. I know that you have been taking these pills for most of your life, so we are going to start slow, okay. Right now, let’s just take your mind off them.” Depp said, shocking me. Did he really just read my mind? How long has he been able to do that? Oh f**k, did he read my other thoughts as well? Depp’s P.O.V I was annoyed that she had taken that pill behind my back, but I understood why she had done it and I understood why she didn’t tell me. After all, she didn’t really know me and I didn’t really know her properly just yet, so why should she trust me with this? I had finally revealed that I could hear her thoughts and she had this shocked look on her face, but I couldn’t say anything because of how Holler was stirring and pacing inside my head. “What the hell is going on with you?” I asked, trying to calm him down. “Depp, they are trying to rise, if she keeps taking those pills, then they will surely die and so will she. She is powerful and she has powers, but we need to keep those pills away from her.” Holler said, making me worry. “Point taken, I will do anything possible to help my mate, just keep whatever they are cool and calm. Tell them that things will be alright….wait, what, they? You said they, not just her. There are several inside her?” I asked, confused. “Yes, they. There are a few things inside her, but I’m not sure what they are just yet. She was born this way and her parents were killed by humans, that’s all I can get out of them. They are resting now because the last pill she took made them tired and weak, so keep those pills away from her or our mate will die.” Holler replied and then he shut off the link, just as we came upon a few stores. I pulled up outside the shops and parked the car, then we got out of my Hummer and so did the guards that were in the car behind us. They were dressed as normal people, but they would be walking behind us and beside us, so nothing could attack us from any side. I opened the door to the first shop and let Brie go in first, then followed her inside, while the three of the guards waited outside. Brie’s P.O.V “Are we early or did they just open up?” I asked, noticing that there was no one else in the store except the ladies that worked here. “We are closed for you, my queen. We didn’t want anyone trying to crowd you while you were looking at the dresses.” One of the sales ladies said, smiling as she walked up to us. Another came up and took me by the hands, guiding me to the dresses and two of Depp’s guards quickly followed us. “My queen, we have picked out dresses for you in the size that the king had told us. We also have the shoes and bags to match each dress.” The sales lady said and I couldn’t help smiling as I looked at her. She had short grey hair, blue eyes and looked to be around 5.7. She seemed really nice. I looked at the many dresses that they had picked out for me and each dress was just as lovely as the next, but it made me wonder if I could pick out a dress of my own choosing as well, especially as I had seen a few I liked already. I just hoped that I would find the one for the ceremony, but I also wondered who would be there and if I would know anyone there. “You know that you can pick your own, they only picked these out for you so that it wouldn’t take long for you to pick. Come on, I know that you want to pick your own out.” Depp said, reading my thoughts again. Would I ever get used to that or would I end up blocking him out of my mind?
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