Chapter 15.

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Edited. Warning, this chapter contains a type of drug addiction towards the end, so if this will trigger anything for you, then please move onto the next chapter. Depp’s P.O.V I knew that it was wrong to read her thoughts again, but deep down I knew that it was the only way I could find out what she really wanted. Right now she was thinking about how many dresses she could pick out and then I heard her thinking about finding a few dresses that she could wear on normal days, but I honestly didn’t care if she bought the whole shop, as long as she was happy. I watched as she walked over to the far wall and looked at many dresses and shoes before finally picking out a few. “I like these, but I also like what the sales ladies picked out as well. Can I try them on before I decide?” Brie asked and I quickly nodded. I was glad that she was finally coming around to my way of thinking, even if she didn’t realise that she was, but I also knew that I was going to have a fight on my hands when it came to paying the bill. Brie’s P.O.V I tried on the dresses that I picked out and I loved them. One of them was a light green dress, another was a sky blue dress that was sleeveless and another was a white dress that had small little rubies going across the neck line and it was also sleeveless, with a little slit on the side. I absolutely loved these dresses and decided that I would take all three of them. I walked out of the dressing room and picked the shoes to match the dresses, then I took the other dresses that the sales lady had picked out for me as well. I got a few sundresses and some winter dresses, then the sales lady took them from me and carried them to the counter. She rang them up and I took out my card to pay, but Depp shook his head and rolled his eyes at me. “Brie, honey, I told you that this was on me. You are my queen, my mate.” Depp said and it was my turn to roll my eyes at him, but he stood firm. “Fine, have it your way, but I’m paying for dinner after this.” I replied and he chuckled. “Fine, you can pay for dinner.” Depp said, not putting up much of a fight. We left that shop and went into the next one, but this time I got pants, shorts and shirts, with shoes and again Depp paid, much to my annoyance. We left that shop and walked to the next one, but as soon as I saw that it was a jewellery shop I stopped him. “No Depp, this is a little too much. The clothes are fine, but jewellery as well, come on now.” I said, but he shook his head. “Listen, it's either we do this now or when we get home I’ll get on my computer and do it. You need beautiful things because you are beautiful, Brie and I want to spoil you, so just let me do this, okay.” Depp replied and I sighed, knowing that he had heard me. We walked into the jewellery store and he bought me necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings to match everything. Each time we left a shop the guards would take the bags to the Hummer and then hurry back to our sides. Each time I refused Depp the guards would snigger a little and I knew that they were getting a kick out of how stubborn I was being to their king. No other woman would ever dream of saying no to a shopping trip with the king, but I kept saying no to so many things that Depp was getting annoyed. Any other woman would take advantage of Depp and his money, but I had even said no to a new phone, laptop and tablet, not that it mattered because he still got them anyway and told me to hush when I protested. When we were done and had gotten everything that I apparently ‘needed’ we were all exhausted and hungry, so we got back into the Hummers and took off, deciding to go to Zaxby’s for dinner. “I love coming here, the grilled chicken and mushrooms are awesome.” Depp said and I nodded as we went through the drive through. I ordered what he had just mentioned and got the guards food as well, then paid for all of it, like I had told him I would. We drove to the next window and waited for our food, then once we had it we drove round, parked up and I handed everyone their food. We ate up and talked, then headed back home. The guards took the bags from the car when we got home and some of the females came out to help us as well. “My queen, I hope you enjoyed your day of shopping. Are you tired?” A young woman asked, coming to stand next to me. I looked over at the young lady, who had short sandy blonde hair, hazel eyes and she looked to be about 5.8. She looked fit, like she trained a lot and it made me wonder if this whole kingdom was full of lycans or were there other supernatural creatures here? “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but who are you?” I asked, curious and she smiled. “My name is Sandy, my queen and I will be helping you get ready tomorrow for the ceremony, as well as a few others. I just wanted to introduce myself to you before everyone else sees you. I am honoured to help you, my queen.” Sandy replied and I nodded. My head was starting to hurt and at first I thought it was just from a long day of shopping, but then I looked at my hands and saw that they were shaking. “It's nice to meet you Sandy and yes, I am very tired, so I will see you tomorrow.” I said, not wanting to be outside anymore. Sandy nodded and smiled as I walked away, heading into the castle and straight to the elevator. I got in and went to the top floor, going to Depp’s bedroom. This was hard, really hard, but this shouldn’t be a problem for me, yet it was. I’d had enough of this, of feeling like this, but I knew what I could do to stop it. There was one bag that I knew had a spot where I could hide things that no one else would be able to find, so I went to the bag and opened it up. I found the pills and took them out of my bag, but then I just stopped and looked at the bottle in my hands. I stared at it for the longest time, thinking that I could just take one and I would be fine, especially as I used to take three or four a day. I had only taken one today and this would be the second, but it would only be to stop me from shaking, wouldn’t it? I thought to myself, but a part of me knew that if I kept taking these pills that I would end up being sick, so sick that I could never come back from it. I heard as the door to the bedroom opened, then closed and I knew that it was Depp. Depp’s P.O.V Brie sighed as she looked down at the pill bottle in her hand once more and when I came closer to her, I didn’t get mad. I was calm because I knew that she had to do this for herself and that she was the only one that could help herself. I couldn’t force her to stop taking them, she had to be the one to decide and I knew that this was going to be a long road ahead, especially because of how long she had been taking them. Seh held back a sob and tried her hardest to stop the tears from falling, but it was no use and then she sighed deeply and handed me the pill bottle. “Please don’t be angry with me, I’ve been taking them for years and I know that this is going to be hard, but this is the first step and tomorrow is going to be even harder.” Brie said and I nodded. I opened the bottle of pills, went to the bathroom and flushed them all down the toilet. I came back out and she had her head in her hands, still trying to hold her tears at bay, so I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. “Brie, I wish that I could tell you that I know what you’re going through, but I honestly don’t. All I can do is be here for you and help you through this. Come on, all your things have been put away already and your vanity is all set up with all your make-up and jewellery. We have a big day ahead of us and we need to rest.” I said and she nodded as she took off her clothes and got changed into ehr night clothes. Brie’s P.O.V I didn’t care that I was naked in front of him because we were mates after all, but when it came time for us to get into bed I shook my head. “What’s wrong?” Depp asked, confused. “There is no way that I am going to sleep in that bed with you. I saw how many women you had in there and what you did to each other.” I said and he sighed. “I have already ordered a new bed and it will be here tomorrow, but if you prefer we can stay in the other room until it gets here.” Depp said and I nodded. We left his bedroom and went back to the bedroom we were in last night and laid down on the bed next to each other. “The new bed will be arriving before the ceremony tomorrow and we will not be mating tonight.” Depp said and I nodded. “Of course we won’t, that will not happen. I will not become another notch on your bedpost, like all the rest. We will mate when the new bed gets here and the bedding will also be fresh.” I replied as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I had something else in mind for our mating and it was the old gown that the Luna’s would wear when they first mated with their mate. I’d had it washed and made sure there were no stains, rips or marks anywhere on it and it was now hanging up where he was unable to see it. I knew that he had now clue that I knew about this, but I had learned about it from my mother. I snuggled into his chest and it didn’t take long for me to fall asleep. Flower’s P.O.V I knew that I was meant to go down and greet the new queen, then help her get ready with Sandy and the others, but I really didn’t want to help her. Why couldn’t I be the queen? There was a rule in this kingdom that when the queen came we had twenty four hours to challenge her for her crown and I don’t think she knew about this rule. I also think that the king had forgotten about it as well, especially as the last queen here was King Depp’s mother and that was many many years ago. I knew that there would be a few to challenge her and I would be one of them, but unlike the others I had a plan. I know that the Omega’s had cleaned her old room up and threw away all those pills, but I took them out of the trash and knew straight away that they were wolfsbane. I could smell it immediately and it made me smirk as I put them in my pocket. I will crush them up into a powder and mix it into her wine, then give it to her while she is in the bath tomorrow, preparing for the ceremony. This will do her some good and make her lycan or whatever beast she has inside her weak. This is going to be so much fun, watching her become sick at the ceremony and no one will know what happened to her, until it's too late. Surely she won’t be able to move after this and when I get done with her she won’t know what hit her.
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