Chapter 13.

1797 Words
Edited. Brie’s P.O.V It was morning and the birds were chirping, which made me smile because I loved hearing the birds and their babies chirping. I was so happy listening to them that I almost forgot where I was, until I tried to move and felt something heavy over me. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed a huge tattooed arm, resting across my waist. I tried to slowly lift his arm and move it over, so that I could go to the bathroom, but then I heard him chuckle. “Little mate, where are you going?” He asked, making me roll my eyes. All my life I have never had to tell anyone where I was going, except my parents and now I have to tell this man that was sleeping beside me that I had to go to the bathroom. Seriously? I didn’t answer and instead tried to move his arm again, but he just tightened his grip even more. “If you don’t let me go then you’re going to have a huge mess on this bed because I have to go to the bathroom.” I replied and he started laughing. He removed his arm, letting me finally get up. I rushed to the bathroom and made it just in time to do my business, then I washed my hands and decided to take a shower before going back into the bedroom. I already had a robe and towel in here, so I didn’t need to go back to get anything. I hopped in the shower, washing my whole body and hair, then got out, dried off and wrapped the towel around my hair, so that it would dry and the robe around my body. I walked out of the bathroom to see Depp sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for me to come out. As soon as he saw me he got up from the bed and walked toward me, taking the towel from my head and letting my hair fall down over my back and shoulders. I felt the wetness of my hair as he took the towel and started to dry it for me, when he was done he sat down on the bed and pulled me onto his lap. “So, what does my queen want to do today? I was planning on taking you shopping today because tomorrow will be the ceremony. I’m going to tell everyone that I have found my mate.” Depp said and I smiled. “That would be nice and I can spend some of my money on a few things. I know I need to get some new shoes and some new shirts and undergarments.” I replied, but he shook his head. “Brie, you won’t be spending your money on anything, this is on me and I will be with you while you are shopping, as well as a few guards for your protection. We will need to get you some gowns and I’m afraid that these are gowns that you won’t be able to afford, my love.” Depp said and I could only shake my head at him as I got up from his lap. His warm breath on my neck was driving me crazy and all I wanted to do was inhale his scent and kiss him, but I had to stop myself because I still don’t know what I truly am. “King Depp, I’ve been thinking about the pills I’ve been taking. If these pills are to stop whatever is inside me from coming forward, then I think that I need to stop taking them, but slowly. I’ve been taking these pills since they found me when I was about five years old, so it will be hard to stop all together and just go cold turkey. I can take a day or two, then slowly wean myself off them.” I said and he listened to me. “First off, it’s Depp to you, not King. Secondly, do you have these pills with you because I would like to see what it says on the package?” Depp replied and I nodded. I walked over to the dresser and grabbed them out of my bag, then handed them to him. He took the bottle from me and began reading the instructions and ingredients on the label, but then he looked confused. “Honey, you’re supposed to stop taking these a few years ago.” Depp said, looking up at me and this confused me. I took the bottle from him, read the label and it was all true. I was supposed to have stopped taking these a few years ago, but my parents kept giving me and telling me to take these things. I threw the bottle across the room, making it hit against the wall and the lid came off. The pills spilled out on the floor, scattering everywhere. I was so used to taking them, like it was an everyday thing and now I find out that I wasn’t even meant to be taking them after all this time. This was going to be so hard for me now and I’m scared about what was going to happen to me without them. Were my parents right? Would I shift and go on a rampage and kill everyone? I looked over at Depp, worried and he immediately got up and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly and closely to his chest, but I knew that he could feel me shaking in fear. “What is going to happen to me now? How am I going to get through this? I’ve been taking these for so long that if I don’t take them my body will start to feel it. How am I even going to handle this?” I said and he held me tighter. I felt so comfortable and safe in his arms, like everything that was happening just seemed to drift away. “We will get through this together, love. Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay, but we need to hurry because the doctor is going to be here soon to check you over. We need to get dressed, so I will be right back. I need to shower and get dressed myself. Plus you need to think about moving into my room because I don’t think I can stay away from you for too long.” Depp replied and I smiled. I looked around the room and saw that none of my things had been unpacked, not even my bags, so I grabbed my bags and began handing them to him until he was fully loaded up. “Alright then, let's go to your room.” I said and he gave me the widest and biggest smile I had ever seen. I grabbed the rest of my bags and opened the door, walking out and then following him to his room. I couldn’t help noticing the females that were out in the hallway and they all turned to look at me, wondering who I was and what I was doing with their king, but I guess that Depp told them through the mind-link because most of them quickly bowed their heads to me. A few of them didn’t and just glared at me, rolling their eyes as I walked past them. “It’s not going to last long. I will challenge her and beat her ass, then I will become queen.” I heard one of them say and I turned around before Depp could close the door. “Sweetie, you're not me and if he wanted you then he would have chosen you, but he didn’t. Now if you want to challenge me, then challenge accepted.” I said and she looked at me, then at Depp, then back to me again. “Whatever.” She replied, shaking her head and walking away from me. I just stood there staring at her retreating figure as she went to her room and slammed the door shut behind her. Depp took my arm and led me back to his room, but he was smirking from ear to ear the whole time. “I don’t think she realised that you would accept the challenge.” He said, making me huff. “Well, I’ve been bullied when I was a kid and I’m not about to let some wannabe bimbo think that she is going to bully me just because she doesn’t like me. She will get over it in time.” I replied and he nodded. “Alright, well you get changed and I’ll shower then get dressed.” He said and I nodded. He went to the bathroom and I hurried to find my clothes and get dressed in jeans and a light blue button up shirt. I brushed out my long red hair, then put it up in a ponytail. Depp was still in the bathroom, so I took the time to take a look around his room. I had been here before as a ‘ghost’ as he called it, but I hadn’t really looked at things properly then. He had light blue curtains hanging over the windows, but the room felt a bit stuffy, so I opened the window just a little to let the fresh air in. I noticed that he had a king size bed with black sheets and blankets, but that was going to change real fast. This was the room of a single man, but he wasn’t single anymore and he needed to have lighter things in here instead of dark things. He had two dressers and a huge flat screen mounted on the wall, as well as the door to the bathroom and a walk-in closet. I looked back over at the bed and I don’t know what happened, but I suddenly saw flashes of everything that he had done with other women in that bed before we were mates. I watched the many females and what they would do for him, as well as what he did to them, then everything suddenly disappeared and I was just looking at the empty bed again. What the f**k was that? I thought, sitting on the chair in front of the window. I really didn’t want to sit on that bed or go anywhere near it, knowing how many women he had shared it with. I waited for him to come out of the bathroom and when he opened the bathroom door the steam on his body was making it way too hard for me to even be mad about what I had just seen. Damn this man, I thought and shook my head at the thoughts of him.
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