Chapter 12

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Edited. Camella’s P.O.V All the girls were in uproar when we found out that the lycan king Depp had found his mate and that we now had a queen. Son of a f*****g b***h. I was supposed to be his queen, not her and if he didn’t find his mate at the end of the three years then he would have taken me as his chosen mate and queen. Damn it all to hell and back. I’m going to get rid of her one way or another and then he will pick me once again, I thought to myself, looking in the mirror. I had dark green eyes and shoulder length wavy dark hair. I was 6 foot tall and captain of the warriors, I knew how to fight and kill, hell I had trained every single one of the warriors here and they had never lost a war, yet he chose her. A nobody who doesn’t even know what the f**k she is. I stood there seething in anger in the middle of the warriors changing room and looked at the mirror once again, but all I could see was her and him together, which only made me angrier. “IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!!!” I angrily shouted, punching the mirror in front of me and breaking it. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down and counted until my anger had passed. I’m going to have to figure out what to do and in order to do that I’m going to have to shut my mind off to Depp. The lycan king could read anyones mind and you would never know that he was doing it until it was too late. I needed to get my plan started because the faster I knew what to do the better it would be, but first I need a good night's rest and then I will come up with my plan. I left the changing room and went back into the castle, going straight to my room. I went to the bathroom, did my business, showered and dried off, before grabbing a long shirt and putting it on ready for bed. I had never liked wearing night clothes to sleep in because they were too restrictive, so I always wore long shirts. I went back into my bedroom and immediately knew that there was someone in here with me. “It's about time you showed up. I thought you got yourself killed.” I said, smirking. Julia’s P.O.V The night went on and word spread throughout the kingdom that the king had finally found his mate, but there was just one thing that was bugging me. I was supposed to be his mate. I wasn’t always a rogue, in fact long ago I was living in that castle with everyone else and I helped out with everything I could. I cleaned and when we were at war I helped the wounded, taking on the role of nurse for the doctors. The king and I were very close and we would often take walks together, had dinner and even had a few dates, but then he made me the happiest woman alive when he told me once that I might be his chosen mate if he didn’t find his love. I never got my hopes up, even though we had slept together many times, that was until one night when this b***h Camella decided that she wanted him all to herself and she set me up. Flashback…. I was in the kitchen, cooking for the whole castle and I was nearly finished when Camella walked into the kitchen. I watched as she pulled on an oven mitt, grabbed a hot pan off the stove and dropped it everywhere. “AHHH!!! AHHHH!!!!” Camella screamed out, holding her hand and then she grabbed another pot, but this time it was filled with boiling water for the eggs. I couldn’t believe my eyes when she splashed it on her legs and then dropped to the floor, screaming out in pain. I stood there looking at her like she was crazy, which she was after doing that to herself, but then the king ran into the kitchen and saw her on the floor. The king looked between Camella and I, then he looked at her legs and saw the blisters that had already started to form. “WHAT DID YOU DO, YOU STUPID WOMAN?!!!!” The king asked, shouting at me and my mouth dropped open in shock. I couldn’t say or do anything except look down at her. I could have sworn that she was smirking at me, but then she stopped and started crying like a baby as the king looked at her. “GET OUT OF MY CASTLE AND MY KINGDOM!! I HEREBY BANISH YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, IF YOU EVER SET FOOT HERE AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU!!!” The king shouted, grabbing my arms and making me look at him. I felt my heart constrict as the pain of being banished, of losing my home and the bond I had with the pack broke. Flashback Ends…. Now I’m out here and I have actually done pretty good for myself. I have a home, a small pack and a job. I would like to keep it like this, but I want to get Camella back. I want to let the people know who she really is and what she is truly capable of, but in order to do that I have to get near the king and queen first. If I can get to the queen and befriend her, then I can go inside the castle and get that b***h, but then again I could do what Camella did and befriend the queen, then set her up and have her banished as I was. I honestly don’t know which one I want to go after first, but I do know that if I do get the king then he won’t be alive for long. He will go down and another will rise in his place. Me. I will be the queen and everyone will do what I say or they will be banished. Sadie’s P.O.V It had been a long few weeks and we knew that Brie was here, but now we had found out where she was living. We went up to her home, hoping to talk to her, but when we got there the house was empty, like no one had ever lived there. Sparrow and I both wondered what had happened to her, hoping that she had decided to go back to the pack, so we called our Alpha. “Hello Alpha, is she there? Has Brie shown up there?” Sparrow asked, putting the phone on loud speaker so that I could hear what was being said. “No, she hasn’t shown up here. I haven’t seen her since the day before she left here.” Alpha Joe replied, causing me to be worried. “Something must have happened to her.” I said and Sparrow nodded. “You need to find her. Now.” Alpha Joe said and hung up the phone. Sparrow and I both felt like something bad had happened and she must be in danger for her to just leave the house like this. She is all on her own and needs our help, so we left the house and went to the last place anyone had seen her. We made our way to the coffee shop that she had been working in, but when we got to the shop there was a lady behind the counter and I knew right away that she was a powerful lycan. I didn’t know who she was, but I could feel the power coming off her in waves and it was almost choking me. “Hi ma’am, I was wondering if Brie was working today? We are her parents and we are very worried about her. We went to her home, but her house was empty. I hope nothing has happened to her.” I said and the woman chuckled, which surprised me. I’m worried about my daughter and this woman is laughing at me, is she crazy? “What is your name, wolf?” The woman asked, making me sigh. “Sadie and this is my husband and mate, Sparrow.” I replied, hoping to find out what was going on. “Your daughter is fine, she is with my brother, the Lycan King. She lives with him now due to her being the queen. Are you the ones that have lied to her for so many years? That wasn’t very nice at all, that’s the reason that she ran from that pack. Now she is trying to figure out who she really is and if she can handle the problem. If you’re so worried about her, then let her live her life. If she wants to see you then she will ask to see you, do not pressure her. She has already been put through enough because of you and your lies. Now, if you don’t want a muffin or coffee, then please leave. I’m about to close up.” The woman said and we both looked at her before nodding. “Thank you for your time, will you please tell her that we were here looking for her and that we love her?” I said, knowing better than to argue or fight with someone who had as much power as what she did. “I will tell her, but like I said, give her time to figure herself out. If you try and drag her back because I promise you, that if you try then you will have to deal with me. Now get out and don’t come back unless the queen invites you here.” The woman said, letting her powerful aura flow out and we both hurried to leave the coffee shop. We went back to the hotel we were staying in, feeling defeated and successful at the same time. We had found her and she was safe with the lycan king, but at the same time we hadn’t seen her and been able to bring her back home. “Maybe we should just head back to our pack and wait for her to contact us, like the woman told us to.” Sparrow said, but I shook my head. “No, I need to see her. I don;t care where she is, she is still our daughter and nothing or no one is going to stop me from seeing her.” I replied and Sparrow nodded. “Yes, you’re right, but how are we going to get to her when she now lives in the kingdom with the lycan king?” Sparrow asked and I honestly had no idea how we were going to do it or if we would make it out alive, but we had to try, right? Wait, does that mean she is the queen now? Was that woman telling the truth, was she really in the kingdom? We didn't want any problems, especially as this was the king's territory and I for one did not want to die tonight.
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