chapter 16

1872 Words
Edited. Depp’s P.O.V I was the first to wake up early this morning and I knew that the new bed was arriving, so I wanted to get it all set up and get rid of the old one before the ceremony and everything else happened. “Honey, you need to get up so that I can get this junk out of our room.” I said, gently waking her up. She blinked a few times and then opened her beautiful eyes. Sure enough just as her eyes opened I felt a mind-link coming through. “My king, a truck has just come through the gates with the new bed you requested.” My guard, Lash, said, mind-linking me. I walked out of the bedroom to our room and opened the double windows wide open, then picked up the bed, complete with mattress, blankets, sheets and pillows, then launched them through the open window. Everyone below had to move out of the way as the bed fell to the floor and broke into pieces as soon as it hit the ground. “BURN EVERYTHING IN THAT PILE!!” I yelled down to the guards below that were looking up at where the bed had just been thrown from. They nodded and immediately took a light, setting it all on fire. I closed the windows, not wanting the smell of smoke to fill the room, just as the truck came to a stop in the driveway in front of the main entrance. I watched as the drivers took the bed out of the truck, then the guards came and took it from them. I heard the elevator coming up and opened the bedroom door for the guards, letting them into the room. They put the bed together while another two guards went back downstairs to get the new mattress and nightstands. By the time they came back upstairs the new bed was fully assembled, so they placed the mattress on the bed and the nightstands either side of it, then they left just as the Omega’s walked into the room with fresh blankets, sheets and pillows. They were a lighter colour than I normally had, but they made everything feel so much fresher and brighter, plus it would make Brie happy, so I didn’t mind one bit. The Omegas left after finishing up and Brie walked into the room wearing her robe. She took one look at the bed and fell on top of it, smiling and sighing. “This is so much better, it feels so much more comfortable and all I want to do is go back to sleep, plus I won’t have the images of other women being in here with you because it's brand new.” She said, making me laugh. I knew that the ladies would be up here soon to start getting her ready, actually they were on their way up right now, but there was also something else happening, something that I didn’t like one bit and I was going to deal with it straight away in the hallway. “I need two guards up here right now, meet me at the elevator doors.” I commanded, mind-linking them. “I will be right back, love. The ladies will be here soon to start running your bath, okay.” I said, kissing her forehead. She nodded and I left our room, closing the door behind me, so that Brie would be unable to hear what I was about to do. She was already a little jittery from not taking those pills and what Flower was about to do was unacceptable and cruel. I waited at the elevator and then the doors opened, revealing the Omegas that were going to help Brie. I let Sandy and the others step out, but just as Flower was about to walk past me I grabbed her arm and jerked her back, making her look at me. What she was about to do was treachery, it was a complete and utter betrayal to not only me, but her queen as well and I wouldn’t stand for it. She would be put in a cell and tortured until everything was done. “And just what the f**k do you think that you are going to do Flower? Give them to me.” I said and she looked at me pretending to be confused. “I know that you decided to put those wolfsbane pills in her wine while she was taking her bath, you were going to make her weak and then challenge her. Are you seriously that f*****g stupid that you think I wouldn’t know what you were planning? Now give me the pills right f*****g now.” I said, just as the elevator doors opened again, revealing the guards that I had called for. They took Flower by the arms, holding her in place and she growled at them. “You know I should have been queen. I was so f*****g close and then you bring that b***h here.” Flower said, growling. One of the guards reached into her jeans pocket and pulled out a small bag with the pills inside and she snarled at him. “Flower, I never made you any promises, especially not that. Guards, take her to the cells. You were going to poison your queen to make her weak and kill her, so it's only fitting that you receive that as your punishment. Take a few of the pills and shove them down her throat, make sure that she swallows them and then flush the rest away. Let's see how she handles them.” I said and the guards nodded. “NO, PLEASE NO!!! I’M SORRY, MY KING!! I’M SORRY!!!” Flower screamed as the guards dragged her into the elevator, but all I could do was shake my head. I walked back into the room, but could still hear her screams of mercy as the elevator went down to the dungeons where the cells were. Flower’s P.O.V. I screamed and begged for mercy, but Depp didn’t listen and just walked away from me, leaving me in the hands of the guards. They took me down to the dungeons and to the very last cell in the hallway, where there was no one around. The one guard kept a tight grip on my arm, while the other opened the cell door, then I pushed inside the cell. I stumbled forward, but remained standing and then a female warrior walked into the cell holding the bag of pills in her hand. I wasn’t scared, I wasn’t terrified, I was petrified because the female warrior in front of me was Nora. She was head of the warriors and I knew that she could kill a man with just one hit, so what chance did I stand against her. I backed up to the wall behind me as she pulled a glove onto her hand, but just as my back hit the wall, chains suddenly shot out of the wall and grabbed onto my hands, cuffing them. I tried to move forward, away from the wall, but the chains that were attached to the cuffs on my wrists began to tighten, pulling me back inch by inch until I was now flush against the wall. Nora’s P.O.V I walked over to her, tipping a few of the pills out of the bag and into my hand, but the whole time I didn’t say a word as Flower begged and pleaded with me, as she struggled against the chains. I grabbed her by the mouth with my hand that didn’t have the glove on and squeezed her jaw, making her mouth open, then I took the pills and shoved them inside her mouth and slammed her jaw shut, holding it tightly so that she couldn’t spit them out. “Swallow them, b***h. I can’t believe that you tried to kill our queen, right when the king has only just found her. You try to kill her like a dumbass and to do it in such a sly way. You could have challenged her for her crown, but no, you knew you wouldn’t and couldn’t win that way so you tried cheating. You’re pathetic and if I was the king I would have had your head on a silver platter. Oh, by the way, I laced the pills with a little silver as a treat for you.” I said, smirking when I saw her swallow hard. I knew that she had swallowed the pills, so I let go of her jaw and turned walking out of the cell. I stood just down the hallway, listening to Flower screaming in pain as the silver began eating away at her skin and insides. It was only a small dose of silver, just to teach her not to f**k with the royal family ever again. “Give her water in an hour's time, that will cool her skin down, but do not let her out of those chains, not until the king says so, is that clear?” I said, giving the guards their instructions and they both nodded. They walked into the cell after me and I looked back to see that Flower’s face and whole body was red from the silver being digested. “Serves her f*****g right for trying to kill the queen. If she doesn’t watch it, Nora will kill her without a second thought.” One of the guards said, not knowing that I was still there. I smiled to hear them because they were right, but I smirked when I saw the tears of pain streaming down Flower’s face. Flower’s P.O.V I can’t believe what just happened. I should have listened to my lycan, Carry, she told me that the king would find his mate and that I might as well give up, but I wouldn’t listen to her and now I’m here. When Nora shoved those pills down my throat they burnt the inside of my mouth, then they burnt the skin on my body and my insides as I swallowed them. Now I was going to have to heal from the inside out and I don’t even know if Carry is still there. I can’t lose her, not now, not while we still have work to do. We have to find a way to block our mind from the king so that we can get her. “Flower, are you f*****g crazy, do you realise what will happen if you get caught again? Do you want to get me killed because that is what’s going to happen next time? I pray to the Moon Goddess to put me into another human, someone worthy that will not pull the stuff you are doing because you are a crazy bitch.” Carry said in my head and I started laughing as my eyes started to turn red. Carry’s P.O.V Flower was becoming a rogue, which could be very dangerous and I knew that I had to get to someone to let them know. She had done this before and I knew just the person to get hold of, I just hoped that they could hear me.
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