Chapter 8

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Edited. Brie’s P.O.V When I got back home I was still nervous and didn’t know if he had waited a while before following me or not. If he did follow me then it means he knows where I live now, but I hope he didn’t because I only have a small house. I love my house, but he might not like it….what the f**k am I thinking, if he doesn’t like it then he can just go right back home. It was still light out, so I sat down on my swing for a bit, watching the sun go down. It was a beautiful sight to see, especially how the blue turned into a faint orange, then a bright orange with tints of pink, yellow and red. It started getting dark and the stars started to show in the night sky, making me smile at how beautiful they were. I always loved watching them and when it was fully dark I went inside. I was so tired, so instead of taking a long hot bath, I took a quick shower and got dressed in my night clothes. I set my alarm and settled back in my bed, already knowing what I was going to do. I wasn’t going to stay long, but I wanted and needed to know if he saw me. I also wanted to know if he was okay or not because when I saw him earlier he looked like he was on a mission when he got out of the car. I closed my eyes, doing what I had come to learn was called astral projection and I was starting to get really good at doing. It took me a few minutes to clear everything out of my mind and then I was ready. Before I knew it I was there, standing in the corner of his office and he was sitting behind his desk. He was always so busy when I came to him here, looking at the computer, making phone calls and then he was done. “I learned on this computer today how it is that you are able to come to me, it's called astral projection.” He said, looking up and smiling at me. I nodded and smiled at him, happy that he seemed to be alright. “I had to find out how you were doing it when I found your note, telling me that you weren’t a ghost and it made me so happy that my mate wasn’t a ghost, that she wasn’t dead. Do you realise that I have searched for you for years and I honestly didn’t think that I had a mate until you came into my life, until you showed up here, scaring the hell out of me the first time you did this. I was going to surprise you tomorrow, but I will not lie to you, I’ll never lie to you, especially as you left your home because of that. You will have a surprise at your job tomorrow, just be prepared. I promise that I will not scare you, my little mate, so do not worry.” He said and all I could do was look at him. He chuckled softly at me because my mouth had dropped open in shock, but I quickly recovered and nodded, letting him know that I will be prepared tomorrow. He actually knew that it was me, but why didn’t he come after me? I will have to write another note and ask him tomorrow when I come back here in my sleep, but I am in no hurry to find out. I'm just glad that he hasn’t lied to me, that he hasn’t done what my parents did. I was looking forward to whatever surprise he planned to leave for me at work tomorrow, but I was also really curious as to what it could be. I came away from him with a jolt, waking back up in my bedroom and smiled as I snuggled down into my bed and closed my eyes again, but there was a part of me that wanted to be there with him. Why does it have to be so hard? It has truly been a long day and I needed to sleep so I won’t be dragging my ass tomorrow. It wouldn’t look right if I did that on my second day working there, besides after tomorrow I had four days off and was back in on Wednesday. I didn’t mind the way my shifts were one bit, in fact I preferred it that way because it gave me some me time. I sighed as I fell asleep, but instead of having a dreamless sleep, I started to have weird dreams. I dreamt of three animals or maybe there were five, I wasn’t too sure and then I dreamt about when I was a little girl. I dreamt of my mother and father, for some reason I remember them in this dream and how they would have so many people over to party and have fun with. They would often send me to bed and do whatever they wanted to do, but one day everything changed, everything was different. I was in my room when I heard a gunshot, which woke me up, then I heard more and more until everything was silent. It was strange how that was all I remembered and that it was the only thing I could remember about my family, but was it really that bad? I sighed when my alarm went off and got out of bed, going to the bathroom to shower and then going back into the bedroom. I let my hair lay over my shoulders because I didn’t feel like putting it up today, but knowing me I would have it up in a ponytail half way through my shift if it got too hot, so I put a hair tie in my pocket, just in case. I got dressed in a pair of ripped jeans that didn’t show that much skin, just a little where it was ripped, not the whole leg part and my black button up shirt. I did some make-up, but not too much and then I put on my sneakers, wanting to be comfortable while I worked. I was finally done getting ready for work, but when I looked at the clock I saw that it wasn’t time to leave just yet. I did like getting there early though, mainly because I wanted to impress June in the hopes that she liked how I worked. I decided to still leave and got into my car, heading to work. When I got there I went to the back of the coffee shop like she showed me and went inside, where June was cleaning and mopping the floors. “Hi June, do you need any help before we open?” I asked and I swear she jumped a mile in the air when she heard my voice. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” I said, unable to hold back my laugh. “It's alright. What did you ask again?” June asked, holding her hand over her chest. “I was wondering if you needed any help. We’re supposed to open in an hour, so if there is anything left to do before then let me know.” I said and June nodded. “Sure, go ahead and fill up the coffee machines, then start making the coffee for the regulars. They just like plain black coffee, so we put out three coffee pots for them.” June said and I nodded. I started to do what she had asked, making three pots of coffee and taking them out front to the hot plates, so that when we open they will still be hot and ready for them. I put out creamer, sugar and cups for them as well as straws, which was weird, but they used them and then everything was set. I went back behind the counter and made sure that the hot water was poured into another machine, then everything was ready to go, so I moved onto the food. I made sure the muffins and rolls were ready to be put out and by the time we opened, everything was ready. June unlocked and opened the door, letting the customers that had been queuing into the shop. Some of the customers took their coffee black, while others wanted something different, like caramel lattes, cappuccinos and others liked the red bourbon tea. There were others that liked their extra large frappe with an extra shot of espresso in it, I guess they liked being jittery. If I drank that it would make me run around like a headless chicken because I would be so hyper that people would think I was crazy. I did however like a caramel frappe with an extra shot of whipped cream on top. All day I served customers and by the end of my shift I was tired, but the whole time I was working no surprise ever came for me. I didn’t mind because I didn’t want him to think that I needed or wanted anything from him. I didn’t want him to think that all I wanted him for was his surprises because I wanted him for him, nothing more and nothing less. I was just clocking out for the day and taking off my apron when the door to the shop opened, shocking me as I turned around.
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