chapter 27

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Edited. Olive’s P.O.V I had been here a few days now and after Racer made amends and apologised everything was going great. The queen was a wonderful woman and I couldn’t help watching her, but today she was looking a little pale and I could feel this weird heat coming from her. She couldn’t be going through her heat because she has already mated, marked and been marked by the king, so what could be going on with her? Oh s**t, I did this when I had my first shift. I was burning up so bad that I had to take a cold bath to ease the fire that I was feeling and now she was going through the same, but from the looks of it she didn’t know what was going on, so I decided to help her. She looked like she was about to faint, so I hurried over to her and wrapped my arm around her waist, supporting her. “My queen, I know that you’re burning up, I can feel the heat coming off you. I know what is happening, but if you don’t cool down you will feel as though you’re on fire and it will only get worse. Come on, we need to get you upstairs to your chambers and into an ice bath.” I said and she nodded. I helped her into the pack house and took the elevator to the top floor, where their chamber is. I hurried to get her into the room and then ran into the bathroom, filling the bathtub with cold water, while she took her clothes off. I helped her into the tub and as soon as the cold water touched her body it seemed to release all the heat from her and the room became really steamy. I sat there for a few hours, making sure that she was okay and just as I was about to stand to get her some clothes she laid her head back, but then something weird happened and I don’t mean s****l either. Her head rose and her eyes turned a dark brownish green colour, then she looked right at me. “Olive is it?” She asked and I nodded. Why was she asking when she already knew my name, especially as we had only met a few days ago and talked a fair few times, but her voice was different, like it wasn’t hers. “My name is Samantha and I am Brie’s bear. She is asleep right now, but I wanted to come forward and thank you for this. I know that it’s going to be hard for her to shift into us, but she’s very strong and powerful. She won’t shift today, we just wanted her to know that we are here with her.” She said and I was so confused. “We? Who’s we? Is it right that there is more than one inside of her?” I asked and she nodded. “Oh yes, indeed my friend. We are many and we are very powerful. Just stand by her side when she needs you. I have to go now, I can feel her waking up, but if she asks then be honest with her, tell her we talked. Do not ever be disloyal to the queen.” She replied and with that she laid her head back down. I sat there in shock, just staring at her and a few minutes later she fluttered her eyes open, waking up. Brie’s P.O.V The past couple of days I had felt like I was suddenly overheating and then I felt myself cooling down, but right now felt different because I wasn’t cooling down, I was just getting hotter and hotter. I didn’t know if others could feel the heat that was coming off me and I didn’t know what was going on, whether I was having a very bad hot flash or something else was going on. I knew that Depp would move away just a little because I was getting too hot, but then I cooled down and he would move back. I had no idea what was going on, not until Olive told me that I needed to take an ice bath to cool down, but instead of saying bedroom, she called it chambers and it made me wonder if that’s what they called the rooms in her old pack or if it was just what she called them. We went into the pack house and I was so embarrassed that she had to help me because I felt faint from being so hot. She ran an ice cold bath and when I got in I felt better, so I laid back to relax and ended up falling asleep, but the whole time I felt weird, like I was in some sort of daze. I felt like I was looking out of someone else’s eyes as she talked to Olive, but I just put it down to my temperature and thought it was a dream. When I woke up Olive handed me a towel, but the whole time she had a strange look on her face, almost one of shock and confusion. She walked back into the bedroom while I dried off and got dressed, then I walked into the bedroom and sat down on the bed. “Olive, were you talking to someone while I was asleep in the tub? I felt like I was looking out of someone else’s eyes as she spoke to you, it was really weird.” I asked, curious if my dream was real or not and then she nodded. “Yeah, I was talking to one of your….well, your bear. Her name is Samantha and she said that you will be shifting soon, but not today. It's the reason why you were really hot and everyone could feel the heat coming off you, it's because they wanted you to know that they are here with you. They know you are very strong and powerful, but don’t be scared. We are all here with you and I know the king will be by your side when you shift.” Olive replied, but just as she mentioned him the door to the bedroom burst open and Depp came rushing into the room. Depp’s P.O.V I had just walked into my office and sat down to do some work. I turned my computer on and it buzzed to life, but just as the screen lit up Holler started howling in my head. “MATE!! MATES IN TROUBLE!!! GET MATE NOW!!!” Holler roared in my head and I hurried out of my office. I didn’t bother taking the elevator because my lycan came forward as we climbed the stairs and I began swinging from one bannister to the next, getting there faster. I rushed into the bedroom to kill whoever it was that was hurting Brie, but when I got there Brie didn’t look like she was in trouble. “Holler, are you going crazy? She is just sitting here talking to Olive. She’s not in any trouble and there are no threats around.” I said, but Holler was pacing back and forth in my head. Did he know something that I didn’t or had he seen something that I hadn’t? I thought and looked Brie up and down to make sure that she was alright, that she wasn’t hurt or injured in any way, but then I smelled something strange. It was Brie’s scent, but there was something different about it, something…..fuck. My eyes went wider the closer I got and then I felt the same heat that had been coming off her for the past couple of days, but this time it was more intense. “My king, we need to get her outside right now and I mean like yesterday. She is about to shift, but I don’t understand why this is happening when Samantha said she wouldn’t shift today, maybe she was wrong. We have to go now or this room is going to be destroyed.” Olive said, standing up. “Samantha? Who the hell is Samantha?” I asked, confused. “The queen fell asleep in the bathtub while we were trying to cool her down and her bear came forward, she told me her name is Samantha. She said that the queen wouldn’t be shifting today, but she was wrong and will be shifting right here and now if we don’t get her outside.” Olive replied and I rushed over to the window, opening it wide. I turned and picked Brie up, cradling her to me and then I ran at the window and jumped out of it. Olive followed us and landed on her feet seconds after I had. Everyone around us had seen what was happening and came running over to us. Racer’s P.O.V I felt my mate become worried and then I saw as the king jumped out of his bedroom window with the queen in his arms, followed closely by my mate. I thought that my heart was going to burst out of my chest when I saw my mate falling and then she landed on her feet. Everyone saw what had happened and rushed over to them, while I rushed to my mate to find out what was going on and to make sure that she was alright. “What’s wrong? What’s going on? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Don’t ever jump like that again, you almost gave me a heart attack.” I asked, checking her for injuries. I was unable to slow my heart rate down, until she grabbed my arm, calming me down, but then she pulled me back a few inches as the king placed the queen on the ground feet first. “Racer, she is about to shift. Do you feel the heat coming off of her, remember your first shift? That is what she is feeling right now, she felt it earlier, but I put her in a cold bath before she could burn up and now it’s happening again.” Olive replied and I looked back at the queen. I couldn’t believe that she was about to shift and I wanted to be right there to watch it and support her. I knew that this was going to be hard for her and I just hoped that she would be able to survive it, especially as she is shifting later than we normally do.
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