chapter 26

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Edited. Racer’s P.O.V I didn’t know what was going on because I had been out of the country looking for my mate and I knew that the king had given me a year to find her, which was almost up, but I finally did it. I found her and she is now with me on our way back home. I can’t wait for the king to meet her and things have been going really great between us, but when we finally got back home a lot had changed. Everything seemed a little brighter somehow and I didn’t know why, but I wasn’t complaining, just curious as to why? “Hey, I’m glad you’re back, but you're never going to believe what happened. The king found his mate, we finally have a queen.” Devon said, coming up to me and shaking my hand. “Wait, what? We have a queen? Who is it?” I asked, curious and surprised. I can’t believe he finally found his mate, that’s incredible. “Her name is Brie, but she still has yet to shift.” Devon replied, shocking me. I nodded as Devon went on his way to do whatever he was doing, but I could feel myself getting annoyed. You have got to be kidding me, we have a queen that hasn’t even shifted yet, what good is that? The king needs a strong mate, a powerful queen and I know just who is strong enough to take on the role. Honey. She knows how to take someone down instantly and will make an extremely strong queen, but I need to see this so-called queen first and talk to her. I took my mate, Olive, by the hand and led her to the king's office, then knocked on the door, waiting for him to grant us entry. “Come in.” I heard him call through the door and I walked inside with my mate, but I was shocked to see the king there with his mate as well. I took one look at her and I knew right away that this woman wasn’t weak, she was strong, she was powerful and she was more than worthy of the title. How could I have doubted my queen so quickly? How could I have judged her before even meeting her? s**t, I needed to clear my mind before the king caught onto what I was thinking. “Racer, were you coming in here to disrespect my mate and your queen? What the hell is wrong with you? You have been gone for a year and you come back acting like the rules don’t apply to you, that is not going to happen here. I am your king and if you dare even think of disrespecting her I will rip your f*****g head off.” King Depp said, immediately reading my thoughts. s**t. I bowed my head in submission and then watched as the queen placed her hand on the king's shoulder, calming him down, but then she looked at me with a look that told me not to dare interrupt her. “Racer, I don’t know you and you don’t know me, but by now you have probably heard that I haven’t shifted yet and that is true, but let me tell you one thing, I am far from weak and I will not stand for someone thinking I am, especially when they have only just met me. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, are you going to introduce us to your mate or do you want her to do it for you?” The queen asked, just as Olive elbowed me in the side and I had completely forgotten that she was standing right beside me this whole time. s**t, I had just made a complete and utter t**t out of myself in front of my mate, the king and the queen. How am I ever going to live this down? “I am so very sorry for his rudeness, my king, my queen. My name is Olive Blacken and I come from the Silver Tree Moon pack. Yes, I am Racer’s mate, even though he was determined to out the queen.” Olive said, introducing herself and then she turned to look at me. “You forgot to turn your thoughts off to me. You will not be outing the queen, I can tell that she has already been put through enough and you don’t need to add to anything.” Olive said, making me blush in embarrassment that she outed me and what I was thinking. She was right and I knew it, they all were. I had been a complete and utter ass to them and I knew exactly what I had to do. “I’m sorry, my king, my queen. When I heard that you had finally found your mate I was happy, but then I was told that she hadn’t shifted yet. I thought that she would just be too weak for you, but the aura around her is strong and the look in her eyes, they keep changing colour. What are you?” I asked and King Depp chuckled. “That is the question that we had all been asking for the longest time. She is a quartbrid and has four beasts inside her, possibly more. No, she hasn’t shifted yet and we all hope that she will soon. She has trained every single day to get stronger and even took down the strongest warrior the other day.” King Depp replied and I nodded. I had never heard of a quartbrid before, but I knew that myself and the rest of the kingdom were going to find out sooner or later. I hoped it would be sooner though. “So when are you supposed to shift then? I mean it could be close for you to do so.” I asked, even more curious about the queen. Mona’s P.O.V I had made sure to keep an eye on Brie and watched her from afar. She had gotten a lot stronger and a lot better at training, she had even beaten one of the strongest warriors, Nora and now they were the best of friends. They always train together in the morning and for a few hours at night. Maybe, just maybe if I can get her alone I can hurt enough to drag her into the woods and leave her there. All I want is the crown, the crown and the king. I was determined now more than ever to make it known that I wanted him and that I wanted the crown, but he was right with what he said the last time I went to him, that all the times we spent together he didn’t once say that he wanted me as his queen. Yeah, we had a lot of fun in bed and I thought that submitting to him would prove it, but nope, that wasn’t the case. Each time we had our fun he would tell me where the door was, making me leave. This happened for several months and as soon as he got out of bed he would tell me to leave, then he went to go shower. The last time I went to his room I didn’t give him a chance to stop me as I sucked him off, then he f****d me fast and hard, just how I liked it, but he did the same thing again and sent me packing. I tried to slap him, but he grabbed my hand and stopped me, then kicked me out. I was so pissed off, but I wasn’t going to give up, not a chance. I will never give up on him, so the next day I went to his office. Flashback…. I was determined to tell him how I really felt and to tell him exactly what I wanted, but when I walked into his office I could see how busy he was and he acted like he didn’t want anyone there, so I hurried to help him with some of the paperwork. After the work was done I moved my hands towards his back, rubbing his shoulders and he let me for a couple of minutes, but then he shrugged me off and that pissed me off. I was annoyed that he was treating me like this, so I grabbed his chair and turned him around to face me. “What is wrong with you? Can’t you see that I am trying here? I care about you, Depp, so why won’t you mark me? Why won’t you let me be your queen?” I said and he gave me a shocked and annoyed look. He stood up and placed his hands on my shoulders before walking me to the door. “Mona, I told you last night when you came to my room that you're good in bed and when I’m stressed you help me, but that is all. You have f****d several men here and you seriously think that I’m going to make you my queen? Why would I buy the cow when everyone here can get the milk for free? I am looking for my mate, no one but her is going to be my queen and you're not her.” Depp said and I slapped him as hard as I could across the face. Oh s**t, I just slapped the king. I actually slapped the f*****g king. He grabbed my hand and twisted it hard, until I felt it break. I knew that it would heal fast, but it sure hurt like a son of a b***h. “If you ever lay a hand on me again, your hand won’t be the only thing that I will break. Is that clear?” Depp said and all I could do was nod, trying to fight back the tears from the throbbing pain shooting up my hand. Flashback Ends…. After that night we never had s*x again, we came close, but only because he was really drunk and he thought I was someone else. Wait, that's it right there. That is my plan. I need to get a few other ladies involved to help me if I want this b***h gone, but it's a start. I’ll also need to talk to Nikki and Victoria to see if they will help me, but I’m sure they will because they have slept with the king as well, but then again Nikki had already challenged the queen and then backed out after she saw the queen beat Flower to a pulp. Maybe I could ask Camella. She was a ruthless b***h and would be easy to kill after I succeeded in my plan. A smirk came across my face as I started to make my plan.
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