chapter 24

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Edited. Depp’s P.O.V All we wanted to do was sleep when we got back home because it had been a long and emotional day. Brie slept through the night and all the next morning, but I was awake early and was now in my office, catching up on paperwork. We both had questions and the biggest one we wanted to know was why Doctor Glaser didn’t tell us about what the x-rays showed, what is he hiding? I knew the second that Brie was awake because Holler felt her first and was restless, so I hurried to finish my paperwork while she got ready and then I hurried out of my office to meet her off the elevator. Brie’s P.O.V When I woke up this morning I felt a lot better, but I was also nervous about what we were going to find out today when we spoke to the doctor. I needed to know why he never mentioned the x-rays and it also made me wonder what else he wasn’t telling me. Did he know what I am? I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom, jumped in the shower, quickly washed and dried off, then went back into the bedroom to get dressed. My shower had refreshed me, but it was so hot today and I really didn’t feel like sweating a lot, so I put on a sundress and my sandals. I knew that Depp would be in his office, doing paperwork and making phone calls, so I got into the lift to head down there. Depp’s P.O.V When she stepped out she looked well rested, but also a little nervous as well and I knew that it was because of the results. I wrapped my arm over her shoulder and kissed her forehead as we walked out of the house and got in the car to make the drive to the doctors home. He was off today and I knew exactly where he was going to be, at home catching up on his patient notes. When we got there I knocked on his door and waited for him to open it, but the second he did his smile faded as soon as he saw us. It was obvious that he knew why we were here, so he moved out of the way and let us inside. We walked into the living room and once we were sitting down on the couch he then took his seat in the arm chair in front of us. I stayed silent at first, wanting to make him sweat a little as he waited for us to ask the questions that he knew were going to come. “Clyde, we are here today for a few things. Firstly, we don’t believe that you told us the whole truth. Secondly, you never even mentioned the results of the x-rays and what you saw in them. So what the hell are you hiding, Clyde?” I asked and he sat there in the chair, looking from me to Brie, then back to me before taking a deep breath and letting it out. “Depp, Brie, I’m not so sure that you can handle what I am about to tell you, but since you are both wanting to know and because I know that if I don’t tell you I’m sure that my head will be knocked off. I’m not ready to leave my mate just yet, so tell me Brie, what is the last thing you remember before you ended up where your old Alpha found you? I want you to think really hard about it because we are going to have a guest. I knew that you would be coming here today, so I invited the seer to come here and she is going to help you remember.” Clyde replied, shocking me. He had never used my first name unless it was extremely important, plus he invited the seer without telling me, but how the hell did he know that we were coming here? Did the seer tell him or was he really hiding something and knew that we would figure it out? The whole time we were here Brie hadn’t said a word and when I looked at her I saw that she was deep in thought, trying to remember. Brie had told me about the shooting, but not what had happened after it and I don’t think she remembered that. “My parents were having a party and I wasn’t sure why but they seemed really happy about it, but then there were too many people there and they started doing s****l things that my parents didn’t want me to see that. To me it looked like they were just dancing, like they really liked each other or something, but my parents sent me to my room. I was trying to listen to the music downstairs, but then I felt tired so I went to bed. I was woken up by a loud bang, then there were people screaming and then I heard gunshots, lots of gunshots. I jumped out of bed and then I heard footsteps coming closer to my bedroom door. I backed up to my window and opened it, but just as the door opened I saw a human man, a hunter and then I jumped out the window before he could get me. That's the only thing I remember, unless I’m blocking it out somehow. I don’t even remember killing someone, but the rogue that was captured by my old pack said that I did before he was killed. He said that I killed his friend, but I don’t remember doing that.” Brie replied, telling us everything she could remember. It wasn’t much, but it was a little more than last time. We all sat there in silence for a few minutes, thinking, when suddenly there was a knock on the door that made us all jump. Brie’s P.O.V A seer? What the hell is a seer? I thought to myself, but I didn’t ask because Clyde went to answer the door and he came back with a woman, but I wasn’t even sure what she looked like because she was wearing a green cloak with a hood over her head and the only things that were visible were her hands. She stood there for a while, then she held her hands out to me. I guess I was supposed to place my hands in hers, so I did. “My king, Doctor Glaser, can you step out for a few minutes. What I’m about to do is going to be very dangerous and I don’t want either of you to get hurt.” The woman said in a soft voice, but Depp shook his head. “I don’t care if I get hurt, I’m worried about Brie and what you are going to do to her.” Depp said, almost growling. “My king, if you do not leave now then I will have to use my powers to make you leave and neither of us want that, so please step out.” The woman said and Depp took a deep breath as Clyde held the door open for him. Depp’s P.O.V Holler was howling in my head, neither of us wanting to leave Brie alone with the seer, but we knew that if we didn’t then what the seer would do to us would hurt even more, so we stepped back. “And no matter what you hear, do not come inside. Doctor Clyde Glaser, I’m sorry about your house, but I will pay so that you can build a better one. Now get out.” The seer said, confusing the both of us. What was she going to do in there that would require Clyde to build a new house? Just how dangerous was this? Was this going to hurt Brie? All these questions were going around in my head, but I knew that if I asked the seer she would just force me out of the room. It had only ever happened once before and it felt like my insides were going to explode when she did it, so I didn’t want a repeat of that, but I also didn’t want to leave Brie. I looked at Brie and she smiled weakly at me, then nodded for me to leave, so I did. Brie’s P.O.V She waited for Depp and Clyde to leave, making sure that the door was closed before she turned to face me and I was now getting really scared, but I guess that she knew that because she squeezed my hands and then she spoke in her soft voice again. “My dearest Brie, I thought you were only a myth until I saw visions of you, but I didn’t realise that you were destined to become queen. Sometimes my visions are late coming to me, but I saw you on that fateful night. I saw when you were a young girl and I saw what happened, what you became. You need to make sure that you are ready, ready to become what you truly are. You need to be ready to remember what happened that night, so take a deep breath, count to ten and then let it out because what I am going to do is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you and I need you to be relaxed.” The woman said, lifting her head and looking right into my eyes. I gasped when I saw this woman's eyes and it would be something that I would never be able to forget.
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