chapter 25

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Hey guys, I have had plenty of rest so the posting will start up again. Hope you like the chapters. Let me know okay and don't forget to post in the group, Tisha Bliss Books, Edited. Brie’s P.O.V Her eyes. She had no eyes. Her sockets were empty and all that was left were deep black holes that seemed to go on forever. There was obviously no way for her to see with her eyes, so she must be able to see with her mind and that scared me. What did she see happen that night? Was I about to find out? “Now Brie, I want you to keep holding my hands and no matter what do not let them go. I’m going to take you back to that night and you and I are both going to watch what happened, then you will start to remember everything. Close your eyes.” The seer said and I held her hands tightly, not wanting to know what was going to happen if I let go of them. Would I be stuck in the past if I let go or would something even worse happen? I closed my eyes and after what felt like a few minutes I started to hear loud music. “Open your eyes, Brie.” The seer said and I did, but I was so shocked to see that I was back there. I was in my old living room and my biological parents were both alive and well. My mother suddenly turned around and was looking right at me, which made me take a few steps back. “Don’t worry, they can’t see or hear us, just the child version of you at this time. We are just here to watch, nothing else.” The seer said and I nodded, relaxing a little bit. I was watching them start to put things together for the party, like drinks, cups, food and music, then the guests started to arrive. I knew of them, they were my parents friends, but it was weird seeing them now and knowing who they were. Everyone started dancing, talking and drinking, then a few more people came into the house, but I didn’t know who they were. They had jackets on even though it wasn’t cold outside, but it was like they were hiding something that they didn’t want the others to see. I didn’t like them at all, they made me feel really uncomfortable and on edge. “Go to your room now, it's getting too crowded here for you.” I heard my mother say to the child version of me. I watched as the little me walked up the stairs and went to her or rather our room, closing the door behind her, but I knew what she was doing because I remembered it. She or rather I, had my ear pressed to the door, listening and singing along to the music. My eyes turned back to the new people that had come inside the house and I looked at each of them very carefully. One was a male with short brown hair and brown eyes, but he seemed shifty and his eyes kept darting around the room, like he was worried about danger. There was a female that had her hair tied back into a ponytail and she too was looking around just like the male, but then they found the ones that had come in before them and joined them, talking and drinking. They drank a few drinks and then they started dancing, but not like everyone else was. What the hell is going on? Why are they here? I thought to myself and then I knew. I knew who they were and quickly turned around looking at my old bedroom door. The little version of me opened the door to see what was going on and what I was missing. “CLOSE THE DOOR NOW!!!” I heard my mother yell and little me slammed the door shut. I remember falling asleep after that or at least that's what I thought I remembered but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I looked back around the living room and the next thing I knew was the people I didn’t like had pulled out shotguns from under their jackets. They started shooting everyone and I screamed out when they shot my mother and father, blowing their heads clean off. The seer held my hand tightly as we followed them and everything that was happening. The female kicked my bedroom door open, but what came out wasn’t me. It was something else, something I had never seen before. It grabbed the female's head and tore it to pieces, causing the man to scream out and start shooting at whatever it was. It jumped out of the window and we watched as the man sat beside the dead woman. “I SWEAR THAT WITH MY DYING BREATH I WILL KILL EVERY LAST f*****g ONE OF THEM!!!” The man screamed out, cradling her lifeless body to his chest. Suddenly it was as if everything started to spin around me and the next thing I knew we were following my little self into the woods. Just as everything stopped spinning a rogue came out of nowhere and stopped little me from running. He was pulling her hair and knocking her down. “I could use a little girl like you for spying on packs.” The rogue spat out, then he slapped the little me. He smacked the little me around for a bit, then pushed her down on the ground and that’s when she changed into something else. The little me bit his leg and arm off, making him scream out in pain as the blood poured out of his stumps. He bled out as he laid on the forest ground and then died after a few seconds. I was so shocked to see this, what she or rather I had turned into. It was unbelievable, this was just so….so…unreal. It had to be. There was no way this could be real, could it? The next thing I know the little me changed back and ran into the shack, quickly followed by the rogue that Depp’s guard killed and then Alpha Joe and my father, Sparrow. The seer and I stayed outside the shack and watched as the rogue got away, then Alpha Joe and my father hurried out of the shack, with me in his arms, back to the pack house. Everything started to spin again and then I fell to the floor as everything around me came rushing back and I returned to myself, ending the memory. I started crying at what I had seen and what I had remembered, but then the seer bent down and wrapped her arms around me, cuddling me. “Are you ready to become what you truly are? Do you want to know how many you have inside you? They have been trying to talk to you, but at first you were unable to hear them due to the wolfsbane, then when you stopped taking them you hadn’t been listening to them. Are you ready, Brie?” The seer asked and I honestly didn’t know. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to be here right now, especially as I had just watched my parents get their heads blown off, for crying out loud. I knew that I needed to know, that I needed to find out what I truly am. “What am I? How come I haven’t heard any of them speaking to me, if that is even possible?” I asked, but just took a deep breath and smiled. “Brie, honey, you are a seer and a more powerful one than I. You are a healer and have many more powers. The more they come out the more powerful you will be. No one has ever shifted into as many of them as you will. No one has ever shifted into a vampire that can also shift into a bat, but not only a small bat, you will be the biggest bat that anyone has ever seen. You will be the queen and you will be able to control their minds, which is called compelling. The next one you have is a lycan and your lycan is already a queen, she is very powerful and when she howls everyone will bow down to her, even if they don’t want to, they will have no choice. The third is a werecat, she is a queen too and when you shift into her all other werecats will bow down to her because her whole presence will command it. The next is a werebear and she is also a queen of her kind, she is very powerful and has the power to look into others souls and destroy her enemies with just a simple thought. Brie, you are the queen of queens and no one will be able to defeat you.” The seer said, shocking me completely. “But…but how? There are already queens and kings of those creatures, so how…how can I be the queen of them as well? How is any of this even possible?” I asked, feeling confused, anxious, worried and most of all scared. “Yes I know, there is a king and queen of the vampires, there is a queen of the wolves and a queen of the werecats, leaving you to be the queen of the lycans, but you are also the queen of queens, honey. You are over all of them, over all of the species, you are the queen of queens. When the time is right you will shift into all of them, but only when they know that you are strong enough. You will start hearing them soon, day by day they will come forward and speak to you, but I don’t know which one you will shift into first. I know that you will shift into them all on the same day, so you need to train, to get strong and make sure that the king, your mate, is with you. He will be able to help you through it all. It’s going to be tough for you and you might even think that you are going crazy at times, but things will be fine, I promise.” The seer replied, shocking me even more, which I didn’t think was possible. I had heard that shifting for the first time was painful, but I was going to shift into four different creatures on the same day. Was this going to kill me or would I be able to survive it? How is Depp going to feel about all of this new information? Will he still want me as his mate or will he reject me because he thinks I’m a freak of nature? Hey guys, I got this idea from a friend of mine at work. Her name is Noel and we were talking about Brie. She gave me some ideas and we came up with the idea that she could become a vampire that could turn into a giant bat, which is going to be pretty cool to write how she is going to shift into that. Back to the story….
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