chapter 23

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Hey guys, I decided to post two chapters. We aren't doing much tonight, just relaxing. We did all the fireworks last night. Happy Fourth of July everyone. Please be safe. Do not drink and drive. Edited. Sparrow’s P.O.V Sadie and I sat there listening to our daughter, but the last thing she revealed was a complete shock to us and it seemed like it was a shock to the lycan king too. I never knew anything about her parents or that she remembered anything until now and I was shocked when she said that a human hunter had hunted her and her biological family, but it still didn’t explain what kind of supernatural creature she is and why did they target her family? We needed to find out everything we could for her, even if it was just to give her closure, she needed to know. “I want to know how I got in that shack, did someone put me there or did I do it myself? Why don’t you have any more children? Werewolves normally have quite a few and yet you only have me, was I that much of a burden? Why did you take me home with you? Why didn’t you just give me to some other people?” Brie asked and the first question was the one I dreaded the most because in all honesty I didn’t know how she got there. “We took you in because we wanted a child. You see, Brie, I am unable to have pups. There was a war and we both fought in it, but I was injured badly in my abdomen, side and half way across my back. The rogues we were fighting against had used silver in their weapons and this had weakened not only my wolf, but also my ability to heal. When I came too I was told that I had a lot of scar tissue to my stomach, womb and the area surrounding them, that I would never be able to have pups. No matter how strong my wolf, Roxy, was, she could never heal that part of me and she still blames herself for it. I have never blamed her for it and I never will because it wasn’t her fault, it was the rogues. I thought that your father was going to leave me because I couldn’t give him pups, but he stayed by my side throughout all of it and then Alpha Joe and he found you. Year after year we still tried to have pups, but nothing ever came of it and then there was another attack, but when I tried to shift nothing happened. After the attack I went back to the doctors and he told me the full extent of the damage that had been caused, that I was unable to shift because of how severe it was. I still have my wolf, Roxy, with me and I have her strength and senses, so I can still fight and I let her come forward, but I just can’t shift.” I said and Brie gasped, stopping me from talking. I took a deep breath and Sparrow held my hand, squeezing it to comfort me. “When your father and Alpha Joe found you his heart not only melted at the sight of you, it also hurt for you and that’s why you didn’t go to another family. They brought you back here and I was shocked when Sparrow told me about you and that he wanted to adopt you, but the second I laid eyes on you I loved you like you were my own child. We were so worried about you shifting, especially with anyone else because they would end up hurting you and there was no way we were going to let that happen, so we adopted you as our own.” I said, trying to hold back my tears. Even though I had accepted that I would never have pups many years ago, it still hurt to talk about it. “I am so sorry, mama. I wish I could heal you myself so that you could have a child, but I wouldn’t even know how to do that. I’m still learning about myself, but I’m glad that we came here today.” Brie said, making me smile. “Thank you, but I already have a child, a wonderful child and I have never been prouder.” I replied, looking up at her. She has turned into an incredible woman, so forgiving and I was so proud to call her my daughter. We talked for a while longer and Brie asked more questions, some we could answer and others that we didn’t have the answers to, but we told her the truth throughout and she seemed more at ease with us now. “I’m glad I got to see you and to learn a little about why these things happened. I should have just confronted you when I heard you talking, but I was so pissed off that I had to get away. I had to leave, but I won’t run anymore and you also need to come to our kingdom soon. We will have a room for you to stay in for as long as you want to stay, but we need to get going now, it’s getting late. I love you, mom and dad.” Brie said, hugging us both goodbye. We watched as they got in their car, followed by the guards and warriors in the car behind and waved to them as they drove off. “It was wonderful to see her, she seems so happy now that she has her mate. She looked so beautiful, but did you see her eyes? They kept changing to different colours, it was strange. Maybe one day she will figure it out, but until then she has a lot of research to do.” I said, looking at Sparrow and he nodded. “I’m just glad that we could talk through this with her and help her, but I’m even more glad that she doesn’t hate us for what we did. Come on, let’s get inside. I’m suddenly feeling very tired.” Sparrow replied and I nodded as we walked back into the house. Depp’s P.O.V We hit the road once more, only stopping to fill the car up with gas and then speeding off again. I wanted to get my queen home, especially after the long day she’d had, finding out that she had actually killed someone and then talking to her parents. She still didn’t know what she was and I wish I knew myself, especially as I saw her eyes changing different colours when she was talking to her parents. I knew that if Doctor Glaser didn’t know what she was, then the seer would be the only other one that would know and I needed to speak with her after Doctor Glaser. First I would need to see if she would see us because we couldn’t just go walking into her home, demanding to know what was in our future, she would kick our asses right out of there and I wouldn’t blame her, even as the king I couldn’t do it. After almost ten hours on the road we finally made it home, but it was really late, around two in the morning and Brie was sound asleep. We parked the cars and I carefully picked Brie up, so as to not wake her up, then carried her into the house and up to our room, but the second I tried to lay her on the bed she woke up. “I can’t sleep with my jeans or shirt on, give me a minute.” Brie mumbled, getting up from the bed and going to the dresser. She changed into a large shirt and then laid back down on the bed, yawning. I went to the bathroom to do my business, wash my hands and then went back into the bedroom. I knew that she was exhausted and it proved it when I saw her laying on the bed, sound asleep. I could only smile as I watched her for a few minutes, then got into bed next to her and pulled her close before falling asleep. Human Hunter’s P.O.V I had killed so many of her kind for many years and she was the only one that was left, but no matter how long and hard I searched I couldn’t find her, not even after all these years. When I find her I’m going to shoot her head right off its shoulders, as it's the only way to kill them. I have trained for years on how to track them, but it seems that this girl has fallen off the face of the earth. I even have my own trackers looking for her and I hope they will find her soon. I turned when I heard a noise behind me and I smirked when I saw who it was. Dear Ole Unit. he had been following me and learning the ways, always asking questions. He wasn’t a human like me, he was a wolf and he was extremely lucky that he was just a wolf or I would have killed him like the other rogues and power seekers. So many creatures, so little time. She is the last of her kind and when I kill her I’m going to start on the lycans. I heard that they are hard to kill, but with the right weapon it would be so easy. “Go home, Unit. I’m about to head home myself, I have to wait for my trackers to contact me.” I said and he nodded. Unit’s P.O.V I knew all too well what Flint would do and that was to kill anyone that got in his way. I even had to tell my own mate to leave so that she would be safe, but we would still link and tell each other how much we missed each other. It has been nine whole years since we have been apart and Emma has stayed loyal to me and I had stayed nothing but faithful to her, but now Flint is after a bigger target. Brie. I knew where Brie was and I wasn’t going to tell this hunter where she was. I nodded to Flint and left, heading back to my pack. The Gray Wolf Moon pack. I went into the pack house and straight to the Alpha’s office, knocking on the door and then walking in. I sat down in the chair opposite his desk and waited for him to finish his phone call. “Has he found Brie?” Alpha Gene asked as soon as he finished talking on the phone. “No, he has no idea where she is, but he has trackers looking for her as well now.” I replied, shaking my head. “Did you lead the hunter in another direction? You know that if he finds her it will be the end of our kind. Does he suspect anything at all? Unit, she is the one that can save all of us, you and I know this. You need to keep her hidden.” Alpha Gene asked and I again shook my head. I looked at him like he was out of his mind. Was he actually going crazy? I had to tell him, not much, but I had to tell him. “Alpha Gene, it isn’t her that saves all of us, it's the Moon Goddess that does, you know this. She is the one that can save the lycans, you know my mate is just like her, it's the reason why I sent her away until this bastard is gone. She has to kill him, we can’t. She is a seer as well as a healer, but it is her that has to find out what she truly is. I have read books about this and she has several inside her. It's going to take time for her to understand and come to terms with the fact that she is not just a normal person.” I replied and Alpha Gene nodded, finally understanding the extent of this. “We have to protect her as well as your mate. Keep her away. I know that you miss her, Unit, but you have to keep her safe. I know it's hard and if you can’t bear it any longer, then go to her. Go to her and be with her, I know I would.” Alpha Gene said and I nodded. We sat in his office talking for hours and at the end of the conversation I knew that I had to stay to keep that hunter going in the other direction.
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